Privacy Policy

About Us

Gamers Guild respects the privacy of the users (including children) of their mobile applications and policy is committed to protecting the Users’ information. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 05/10/2021 and is in effect unless another date is specified applying to part or whole of this document.

Changes and Amendments

Gamers Guild reserves the right to change this policy to conform with laws or standards, better serve user needs or adjust to lawful company requirements.

As this policy may be changed at any time without prior notice, we encourage users to frequently review this privacy policy to stay up to date with any modifications.

Children and Families Policy

Personalized advertisements are NOT used in games designed for families. We ensure that the advertisements, data collection and usage efforts we make are correctly implemented for our apps and games that are designed for families. This includes making sure the advertisements displayed in the app are approved for families and children in case of games designed for families.

We are working to improve the games to provide the best service and game experiences, we work with third party analytics service providers Firebase, App metrica and Game Analytics in our apps for children. Their Privacy Policies can be found at

Google Play approved Third-party Ads for Family we use are..


Google Admob

COPPA Certified Games for Families:

Gamers Guild is committed to ensuring the online privacy of children wherever they might be.

Gamers Guild has established COPPA compliant practices to ensure the preservation of online children’s privacy in all of it’s relevant games and apps.

No Personalized Ads in Games Designed for Families

Our apps and games that have been designed for Families and children do not serve personalized ads. We do not serve interest based advertising to games in this category.

Data Collection

Types of Data Collected

Only the minimum necessary level of data needed to provide services and sustain our services is collected. All reasonable efforts are made to not obtain personally identifiable information from the children accessing our apps or games. None of this data is collected without prior permission and express consent of the user when they agree to the game’s or app’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Some of this data may be provided by the user to the company. For instance, payment information when an In App Purchase is made or email addresses when a support ticket, feedback or query is made. This information is only obtained for the purposes of fulfilling the relevant request. It is not shared with any third party. It is only retained for the purposes of fulfilling the specific request.

The third party services and analytics that we employ include:


Google Admob

App Metrica

Understanding Usage of Data

The services we employ, such as ad networks allow us to monetize our advertising inventory by allowing advertisers to provide personalized advertisements to users by allowing google play approved ads to run in our apps/ games.

Delivering these services requires the collection, handling and use of data from our users for lawful purposes. Where a user cannot reasonably expect the collection of sensitive information, we have added in app disclosures and descriptions in the privacy policy of what data is collected and for what purposes.

Examples of the data collected under these scenarios and the mechanism for ensuring the legality of data collection and usage is briefly illustrated below.

We may collect and use data collected for such purposes as:

  • To comply with the user request and fulfill the services that the user has downloaded and installed the game or application for: This data is necessary for the service being requested by the user so is sought to complete their request in a completely lawful manner

    • For instance, recording game progress and measuring the items and levels unlocked in a game

  • We may serve personalised advertising which allows our advertising partners to provide more relevant advertising to the user. This data collection only occurs in games that have not been designed exclusively for families after the user has consented to having their data collected through an in-app dialogue asking for user acceptance or consent. This consent serves as a legal basis for the collection of information to provide more relevant advertising.

    • Where personalised ads are not being served, advertisements may still be served but will be of less relevance to the user.

  • Data may be collected and used for analytics purposes to measure app performance and see how users use different features in the app and receive updates and changes to gameplay, UI etc.. This data collection only starts after the user has provided express consent through an in-app dialogue. This consent allows us to constantly monitor performance and improve the user experience

    • For e.g. We may measure how often users press a button to see if there is something wrong with the button functionality or placement

We may cooperate with permitted third–party analytics or advertisement networks to get non-personally identifiable data for measuring app performance, advertisement statistics and various relevant analytical data.


We use Game Analytics Advertising Features to understand the use of our applications and games for users or children’s parents. These features include, Impression reporting, integration with DoubleClick and Demographic & Interest reporting, Remarketing. These use cookies and anonymous identifiers to collect information and help with targeted advertising.

These analytics providers help us understand our users. We may use their services to collect your unique device identifier, IP address, mobile phone carrier, game progress, time spent playing, and achievements. This information is for internal-use only and not sold or shared to any other group.

We do not combine this information with any personally identifiable information you may have submitted.

Our systems do not recognize browser ‘Do Not Track’ signals.

You can also configure your browser to accept or reject cookies. Different browsers have different implementations of this


Gamers Guild makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the security of the data that it has access to.

It uses generally accepted security measures and safeguards to keep the data it collects as secure as possible and ensures that the third parties it works with agree to do the same. The measures and safeguards include limiting access to the data to only those people who need it to complete their work for Gamers Guild, using a fire-wall in conditions where data is stored, and storing personal information in secure operating environments.


In some of our games, there may exist an option to create a profile or a virtual avatar that is visible to other users.

If you create an account, you may provide us with your name, a username, age and other information that helps us confirm that it is you accessing your account. We may do this through in-game dialog boxes, which you may choose to skip.

Your account may be used to publicly identify you as part of social features of the Services, which may include user-to-user interaction, chat or messaging functionality, public leaderboards, head-to-head competition, and other similar features.

The username will be public and will be shown to other users, but will only permit access to information that is considered public or that you have designated as public in your user profile settings.

Payment Information:

Some games of ours may allow you to place an order of goods or services through us. Goods may include any virtual currency or virtual goods. Our payment processing service provider will collect your details such as name, phone number, e-mail address, mailing address, billing address, and complete credit card information that is required to receive the payment and complete the transaction.

Data Retention and Deletion Policy

Personally identifiable information is retained only as long as necessary to service the relevant request. For instance, to complete a payment transaction and provide the in-app purchase requested. Data is retained until it can be reasonably expected that the data will not be required further. For instance, payment information may be retained for a set period of time which constitutes the refund window.

Once it cannot be expected that the information will be used to provide a relevant, lawful service to the user it is deleted from the memory.

If you have communicated any personal information to us that you would like to be deleted from our stores, kindly contact

How We May Share Your Information To Third Parties

We do not share your personal data with third parties without your prior consent.

To provide the necessary services, we have to share some information with approved third party services. These third parties may include analytics providers, tracking providers and advertising providers and other third parties that provide services needed to support the functioning of the app or game.

This information is sent or shared for the purposes of providing essential services, displaying advertisements, measuring advertising, carrying out game analytics, measurements of game performance and other relevant details.


Contact us on any queries at