OLLI Educational Programs
Since its founding in 2002, The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UTMB Health has provided its members a stimulating environment in which to acquire knowledge, explore new ideas, exercise creativity, maintain and improve health, and share interests and expertise with others.

The Gardening program at OLLI includes a variety of educational classes and lectures, as well as an active Gardening Group - maintaining an extensive, raised bed garden at the OLLI HQ.  

Be sure to check out OLLI's upcoming...
May 20, 2025
OLLI HQ on the UTMB Campus

CLICK HERE for a Program Summary

GG - Shade Trees
Shade trees are not only an important part of the landscape, they also contribute to a healthy and sustainable environment. Following the significant impacts of Hurricane Ike on our island tree inventory, planting adapted species is even more important. Read More…

GG - Palm Trees
Palms are an important part of Galveston's landscape. With well over 20 different palms species to choose from, it can be confusing and difficult to select the most suitable specimen for landscape use. Read More...

GG - Citrus & Fruit Trees
One of the best parts of gardening here in Galveston is the ability to grow a number of tropical and semi-tropical plant materials - including citrus. Check out these valuable resources on how best to manage citrus plantings, identify common citrus pests and suggestions on the best citrus-types for our area.

GG - Tree Planting Guide
Before you begin - consider the available space and be sure to look UP to see if there are utility lines that may cause problems as the tree matures. Then follow these step by step guidelines.

GG - Landscape Shrubs
Shrubs are  small-to-medium-sized perennial woody plants. Unlike herbaceous plants, shrubs have persistent above-ground woody stems. Shrubs often form the foundation for landscape plantings. Read More...

GG - Landscape Perennials
Galveston’s semi-tropical environment means we have an even broader selection of perennials than folks across the causeway. That being said – our changing weather (i.e. occasional freezes and drought) makes selecting landscape perennials somewhat of a moving target. Read More...

GG - Earth-Kind Roses
Earth-Kind is a special designation given to select rose cultivars by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service through the Earth-Kind landscaping program. It is based on the results of extensive research and field trials and is awarded only to those roses demonstrating superior pest tolerance, combined with outstanding landscape performance. Read More...

GG - Landscape Tropicals
Many tropicals, with good hardiness properties, can withstand the average low temperatures along the Texas Upper Gulf Coast. These plants can often be seen as mature specimens in the landscape. Read More...

GG - Landscape  Annuals
Annual flowers (those that survive only 1 season) can provide landscaped areas with more seasonal variety and colorful accents than most other plants. However, nothing has a more negative impact than a poorly maintained color area.

GG - Native and Adapted Plants in the Landscape
Creating landscapes that conserve water and reduce environmental impacts are of increasing importance during this era of environmental change. Regardless of whether you’re a native plant lover or prefer a more traditional approach to landscape gardening, plant selection plays a vital role in developing a sustainable landscape – especially here on the Island. Read More...

GG - Conserve, Preserve and Protect
Check out these resources on landscaping principles and practices that can create beautiful, easy-care landscapes, while conserving and protecting natural resources and the environment. Read More..

Gardening for Health & Wellness

As a gardening enthusiast, you've probably spent many hours reading and researching about how to produce a healthier, more beautiful garden. But have you ever thought about how gardening can produce a healthier you?

GG - Vegetable Gardening Guide
This guide is designed to provide BASIC information on some of the most BASIC topics routinely encountered in the garden. These topics are, by no means, inclusive of all areas of garden science required for SUCCESS. They will, however, provide some useful and valuable information for planning and problem solving.
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GG - Pest Management Guide
We tend to have elevated lawn and garden insect/mite problems here on Galveston Island. Regardless of what path you choose for control, proper identification is the first step in the decision-making process. There are numerous insect and mite pests that attack landscape and garden plants. Find out more about the most commonly occurring pests we have to contend with.