Learning Journal


My name is Galuh Savitri and am a graduate student at Athabasca University pursuing a Master's degree in Open, Digital, and Distance Education (MDDE) program. 

This e-learning journal is one of the assignments in the Trends and Issues in Instructional Design (MDDE 619) course in the Fall of 2023 as part of the MDDE program. 

This site presents my 13 weeks of reflection on the readings, learning activities, discussions, and other aspects of my focus on the trends and issues in instructional design. It critically reflects on each weekly unit in the course in responding to learning and reflection activities.  

Galuh Savitri's Profile Picture

Defining the Field in Instructional Design

Accessibility and Instructional Design

Considering the Issues of Instructional Design and Accessibility

Where Do You Stand on ID Models?

Deciding on My Instructional Design Philosophy

What About UDL?

Instructional Design for Emerging Technology

New Roles of Professional Instructional Designers

My ID Philosophy Statement