2021/Nov/16, Dec/2

銀河星形成研究会 2021 / Galactic Star Formation 2021


~ bridging the fields between the galaxy evolution and the ISM evolution/star formation toward the next decade ~

開催場所: オンライン / Online

研究会キーワード / Keywords

銀河ガス動力学、銀河星形成効率、近傍銀河サーベイ、大質量星・銀河フィードバック、星間媒質進化(HI ガス、分子雲)と分子雲コア形成、銀河環境(銀河内環境・金属量など)

galactic gas dynamics, galactic star formation efficiency, nearby galaxy surveys, feedback from massive stars and galaxies, ISM evolution (HI, molecular gas), molecular cloud core formation, galactic environments (variation within individual galaxies, metallicities, etc.)

開催趣旨 / Outline






Galactic star formation is a hierarchical problem involving a wide range of scales, from galactic-scale kinematic and thermal evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) on kpc scales to the formation of individual molecular cloud cores on sub-pc scales. This conference aims to provide an opportunity for mutual understanding between the galaxy research fields and the star formation fields to elucidate the hierarchical process of galactic star formation.

In theoretical research, modeling the ISM evolution, star formation efficiency, and the initial stellar mass function have been essential issues on each spatial scale. Implementations of more relevant physical processes, such as magnetic field, radiation, turbulence, and cosmic rays, will be necessary for future large-scale and high-resolution calculations. Therefore, studies of star formation in which an appropriate large-scale galactic environment is considered as the initial condition and subgrid modeling of the galactic-scale star formation regulated by the small-scale stellar feedback process will become increasingly important.

Meanwhile, the ALMA and other large telescopes have been performing comprehensive surveys toward a large number of nearby galaxies, which have provided the information of molecular gas’s thermal and dynamical states at galactic-disk scale heights in more than a hundred galaxies. Comparison between these galaxy-scale observations with the spatially resolved star-forming regions in the Local Group of galaxies (e.g., the Milky Way, Magellanic Clouds, M33, M31, etc.) has shown the importance of understanding the star formation process in each galactic environment.

In addition, next-generation telescopes such as JWST will enable us to study high-z galaxies with a higher spatial resolution. In order to understand the ISM and star formation activity in such high-z galaxies, it is important to collaborate between the fields of large-scale galaxy formation and small-scale star formation.

This conference will provide an opportunity to bridge the gap between the broad research fields of galaxy-scale star formation/gas dynamics, ISM evolution, and filament/molecular cloud core formation. Through this conference, we will aim to foster new collaborations among these fields toward the next decade.

主なプログラムと招待講演 / Program and Invited Speakers

Nov. 16: 観測(星形成領域 - 近傍銀河) / observations (from individual star forming regions to nearby galaxies)

  • 江草芙実 (東京大学) / Fumi EGUSA (University of Tokyo)

  • 島尻芳人(国立天文台) / Yoshito SHIMAJIRI (NAOJ)

Dec. 2: 観測(遠方銀河), 理論(分子雲/分子雲コア - 銀河) / observations (intermediate-redshift galaxies), theories (from clouds/cloud cores to galaxies)

  • 矢島秀伸 (筑波大学) / Hidenobu YAJIMA (Tsukuba University)

  • 井上剛志 (甲南大学) / Tsuyoshi INOUE (Konan University)

  • 廿日出文洋 (東京大学) / Bunyo HATSUKADE (University of Tokyo)

詳細プログラムはこちら / detailed program

講演申し込み / Abstract Submission

  • 締め切り / Deadline : 10月15日(金) 18:00 / October 15th (Fri) 18:00


講演なしの場合は11月15日(月)18:00まで登録を受け付けしております。/ You are welcome to register until Nov 15, 18:00 if you want to attend without any presentation.

  • 講演申し込み時の注意事項





世話人 (五十音順) / Organizers (alphabetical order)

  • 小林将人 (国立天文台) / Masato KOBAYASHI (NAOJ)

  • ⻫藤俊貴 (日本大学/国立天文台) / Toshiki SAITO (Nihon University / NAOJ)

  • 徳田一起 (大阪府立大学/国立天文台) / Kazuki TOKUDA (Osaka Prefecture University / NAOJ)

  • 平居悠 (東北大学/理化学研究所) / Yutaka HIRAI (Tohoku University / RIKEN)

  • 藤本裕輔 (カーネギー研究所) / Yusuke FUJIMOTO (Carnegie Institution for Science)

  • 前田郁弥 (東京大学) / Fumiya MAEDA (University of Tokyo)

問い合わせ / Inquiry
