Gal Mendelson


June 2023: Honored to have served in the judging committee of the Informs Applied Probability Best Student Paper award!

January 2023: I joined the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences in the Technion, Israel!

June 2022: Participated in the full time  Stanford Graduate School of Business Ignite entrepreneurship program!

June 2022: Honored to have served in the judging committee of the Informs Applied Probability Best Student Paper award!

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences in the Technion, Israel.

I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology on March 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Rami Atar and Prof. Isaac Keslassy.  I am currently a Postdoc researcher in Stanford Graduate School of Business working with Prof. Kuang Xu

My research interests include: 

Reaction to and Detection of Abrupt Changes 

Probabilistic Methods in Data Science and Machine Learning 

Resource Utilization in Communication Networks and service systems

Queueing Theory and Stochastic Processes 

Contact: galmen [at] technion [dot] ac [dot] il


CARE: Resource Allocation Using Sparse Communication (arXiv), preprint, 2022

Gal Mendelson, Xu Kuang 

Principles for statistical analysis in dynamic service systems  (link), preprint, 2022

Gal Mendelson, Xu Kuang 

EDEN: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning via Robust Distributed Mean Estimation (arXiv), Accepted to ICML, 2022

Shay Vargaftik, Ran Ben Basat, Amit Portnoy, Gal Mendelson, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, Michael Mitzenmacher 

Load Balancing with JET: Just Enough Tracking for Connection Consistency, Accepted to CoNEXT, 2021

Gal Mendelson,  Shay Vargaftik, Katherine Barabash, Dean Lorentz, Isaac Keslassy and Ariel Orda

DRIVE: One-bit Distributed Mean Estimation, Accepted to NeurIPS, 2021

Shay Vargaftik, Ran Ben Basat, Amit Portnoy, Gal Mendelson, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, Michael Mitzenmacher 

On the Persistent-Idle Load Distribution Policy Under Batch Arrivals and Random Service Capacity (link), Preprint

Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy, Gal Mendelson, Ariel Orda and Shay Vargaftik

A Lower Bound on the Stability Region of Redundancy-d with FIFO Service Discipline (link), Operations Research Letters, 2021

Gal Mendelson

AnchorHash: A Scalable Consistent Hash (link), IEEE Transactions on Networking, 2020

Gal Mendelson,  Shay Vargaftik, Katherine Barabash, Dean Lorentz, Isaac Keslassy and Ariel Orda

Persistent-Idle Load-Distribution, Stochastic Systems, 2020

Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy, Gal Mendelson, Ariel Orda and Shay Vargaftik

Sub-Diffusive Load-Balancing in Time-Varying Queueing Systems (link), Operations Research, 2019

Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy and Gal Mendelson

Replicate to the Shortest Queue (link), Queueing Systems, 2019

Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy and Gal Mendelson

drmt: Disaggregated Programable Switching (link), SIGCOMM, 2017

Sharad Chole, Andy Fingerhut, Sha Ma, Anirudh Sivaraman, Shay Vargaftik, Alon Berger, Gal Mendelson, Mohammad Alizadeh, Shang-Tse Chuang, Isaac Keslassy, Ariel Orda and Tom Edsall 

On the Non-Markovian Multiclass Queue with Risk Sensitive Cost (link), Queueing Systems, 2016

Rami Atar, Gal Mendelson


2020: Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholarship

2020: Honorable mention: The George B. Dantzig Dissertation award, INFORMS

2019: Applied Probability Society best student paper award for "Sub-Diffusive Load-Balancing in Time-Varying Queueing Systems", INFORMS

2019: The Joseph Perl prize for excellent research in communication systems

2017-2020Hasso Plattner Institute Ph.D. Scholarship 

2008-9, 2015, 2020:  Excellent Teaching Award 


2021: Routing for the Fixed Matchings Switch. Filed.

2020: Fast, low memory, consistent hash using an initial distribution (link)

U.S. Patent No. 10,540,207.

Academic Service

On the judging committee of the Informs Applied Probability Best Student Paper Award (2022,2023)

Mathematics of Operations Research: Reviewer (3)

Operations Research: Reviewer (3)

Management Science: Reviewer (1)

Queueing Systems: Reviewer (2)

European Journal of Operations Research: Reviewer (1)

ACM Transactions on Internet of Things: Reviewer (1)



Winter 2023-2024: Discrete Mathematics, Data and Decision Sciences, Technion


Spring 2022-2023: Service Engineering, Data and Decision Sciences, Technion


Graduate level courses:

2017, 2018: Stochastic processes and  applications, Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion 

2016, 2017: Foundations of stochastic processes, Electrical Engineering, Technion

Undergraduate level courses:

2016-2019: Random signals,  Electrical Engineering, Technion 

2016-2019: Introductory project in EE, Electrical Engineering, Technion 

2008-9, 2015: Probability, Algebra 1, Calculus 1 and 2, Ordinary diff. eq., Partial diff. eq., Mathematics, Technion 

Industry Experience

2020: Nvidia (Mellanox), Israel, researcher.  Scheduling in optical circuit switching networks and routing in expander based topologies

2018: IBM research, Israel, internship. Using alarm data to predict network failures

2017: IBM research, Israel, internship. Hash based data center load balancing.