In the five years I worked on The Galathea, I had a lot of people giving help and suggestions, so here they are (plus some more who asked not to be mentioned, still thanks).
Simone Micucci, who believed in her from the start and was MC for most of the playtests; also, he asked Michele of Narrattiva if he was interested in publishing her in the Italian edition – so you have to thank him, if I’m releasing her.
Paolo Cecchetto, who was the first to read the first draft, and the last to read the final version. He also wrote the amazing introductory text – twice. And he pointed me to Sabrina Scolari, the model for the photo.
Giulia Cursi, who was the first ever to play The Galathea, when she was still The Notabariko, and was always there to give suggestions.
These three people, in no particular order, are The Galathea family, and she wouldn’t be here without them. So, thanks.
Then I have to thank Avery Alder, who agreed to publish her in the Italian edition and was there to give suggestions in the final rush. And Michele Gelli of Narrattiva for having her in the rules, it means a lot.
Anna Koprantzelas did the editing on the photo.
Alberto Muti was among the first persons ever to listen to my babbling about this Skin, and despite his input being lost in the Skin evolution, the help is still there.
Stefano Burchi, Mario Bolzoni and Daniele Di Rubbo were always there, and I owe to Stefano the seed that became Theagenes. The name “Theagenes”, by the way, is from Elena Melega, and the name “I’m a Rock, I’m an Island” is from Mario (as is the name “Galathea”), so those are yours. Daniele also helped me doing this site and suggested to do the page.
Jason Morningstar and Paul Czege gave me spot on suggestions; the missing name list it’s Jason’s fault (and credit).
Alex G. made me notice a big typo in the final Italian draft, so big it’d have diminished The Galathea, so thanks.
Playtest credits:
Anna Koprantzelas
Giulia Cursi
Ivan Lanìa
Mario Bolzoni
Mauro Paielli
Simone Micucci
Steve DeCarli
(And more)
More people I have to thank: Luca Bonisoli, Mattia Bulgarelli, Manuela Soriani.
So here she is, The Galathea. I hope you can enjoy playing her and that she can add something to your games, as she did during the playtests.