
Puzzles of the Galactic Centre concept:

Every participant has a 20min slot where an important question or puzzle in the field can be introduced and a discussion be started. In this 20min slot, a maximum of 50% of the time should be devoted to introducing the topic/question and/or show some initial results. The remaining part of the time should be dedicated to open-floor discussion. Furthermore, it is possible to combine slots with other people. Check out the list of participants. If you want to introduce/discuss a question/puzzle with another participant, two or three slots can be combined into longer discussions. The share of 50% intro/results and 50% discussion should remain.


Monday 5th September:

08:30-09:30. Welcome and registration

Session 1: Dynamics

Chair: Lucia Armillotta

09:30-09:50 Walter Dehnen: The age-morphology relation of the bar peanut

09:50-10:10 Hossam Aly: How Bar Orbits Evolve as Bars Slow Down

10:10-10:30 Jason Sanders: Pinning down the epoch of bar formation

10:30-10:50 Ortwin Gerhard: What is the origin of the bar/bulge stellar population around the Galactic Centre?

10:50-11:20 Coffee break

Session 2: Stellar populations

Chair: H Perry Hatchfield

11:20-11:40 Mathias Schultheis: Abundances and dynamics of nuclear stellar disc and its relation to the Bulge

11:40-12:00 Francisco Nogueras-Lara: The young stars in the Nuclear Stellar Disc. The missing cluster problem. -- presentation slides

12:00-12:20 John Magorrian: The 6D structure of the Galactic centre -- presentation slides

12:20-12:40 Roel Lefever: The Winds of Wolf-Rayet Stars -- presentation slides

12:40-14:20 Lunch break & discussions

Session 3: Star formation and ISM (part 1/3)

Chair: Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti

14:20-14:40 Laura Colzi: Isotopic ratios towards the Galactic Center. What are the missing pieces? -- presentation slides

14:40-15:00 Jens Kauffmann: Density Structure of CMZ Clouds, Clumps, and Cores

15:00-15:40 Steve Longmore & Diederik Kruijssen: Where and why do stars form in the Galactic centre?

15:40-16:00 Anika Schmiedeke: The dust "gap" around Sgr B2

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

Session 4: Comparison with nearby galaxies

Chair: Matt Hosek

16:30-16:50 Rebecca Levy: Beyond our Galactic Center: Connecting the Milky Way to other Galaxy Centers -- presentation slides

16:50-17:10 Sophia Stuber & Cosima Eibensteiner: Central Molecular Zone from a different angle -- presentation slides

17:10-17:30 Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres: Puzzling! No bulge(s) in the centre of our Galaxy -- presentation slides

17:30-17:50 Dimitri Gadotti: How to make sense of the stellar population properties and kinematics in the Galactic Centre when compared to external galaxies? -- presentation slides

18:30 Dinner

Tuesday 6th September:

Session 5: Outflows and feedback

Chair: Adriana de Lorenzo-Càceres

09:30-09:50 Lucia Armillotta: Cool outflows in the Milky Way's Centre

09:50-10:10 Gabriele Ponti: X-ray emission from the Galactic center -- presentation slides

10:10-10:30 Konstantina Anastasopoulou: Excess FeXXV line emission in the central degrees of the Galactic Centre

10:30-10:50 Jim Hinton: Non-thermal astrophysics in the GC region

10:50-11:20 Coffee break (conference photo)

Session 6: The innermost few parsecs & SgrA*

Chair: Anika Schmiedeke

11:20-11:40 Pei-Ying Hsieh: The ALMA Multi-Bands Observations of Circumnuclear disk in the Galactic Center -- presentation slides

11:40-12:00 Rainer Schödel: What is the story of the Nuclear star cluster?

12:00-12:20 Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti: The Galactic nuclear star cluster and supermassive black hole formation and co-evolution: where do we stand? -- presentation slides

12:20-14:20 Lunch break & discussions

Session 7: Star formation and ISM (part 2/3)

Chair: Rebecca Levy

14:20-14:40 Matt Hosek: The Arches and Quintuplet Clusters: Probes of Star Formation in the Extreme Environment Near the Galactic Center -- presentation slides

14:40-15:00 Thushara G.S. Pillai: Magnetic Fields, Cosmic Ray Ionization Rate in CMZ Clouds

15:00-15:40 Maya Petkova + Robin Tress: What are the physics that shape the ISM in the CMZ? Point of view of the simulations

15:40-16:10 Coffee break

Session 8: Star formation and ISM continued (part 3/3)

Chair: Maya Petkova

16:10-16:30 H Perry Hatchfield: What's in a Clump? Interpreting the past, present, and future of compact gas structures in the CMZ

16:30-16:50 John Bally: The CMZ Asymmetries: Feeding or Feedback? -- presentation slides

16:50:17:10 Ralph Schönrich: Impact of ISM flows on the chemical composition of the nuclear disk

18:30 Dinner

Wednesday 7th September:

9:30-10:20 Summary & topical discussions based on input from the first 2 days (1/3: Dynamics & Comparison with nearby galaxies)

Chairs: Ortwin Gerhard & Walter Dehnen

10:20-11:10 Summary & topical discussions based on input from the first 2 days (2/3: Stellar populations & the innermost few pc)

Chairs: Rainer Schödel & Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti

11:10-11:40 Coffee break

11:40-12:30 Summary & topical discussions based on input from the first 2 days (3/3: ISM & Star Formation, Outflows & Feedback)

Chair: John Bally & Steve Longmore

12:40-14:20 Lunch & discussions

Afterwards: Departure