
On this page you will find basic descriptions of each of our teams. All cadets are encouraged to join at least one to two teams. To access team practice schedules, please check the calendar page out!

Unarmed Basic Drill 

Unarmed basic drill involves basic marching sequences and stationary drill. Our unarmed drill team competes in state wide competitions, performing specific drill cards (sequences) which are judged by military or ex-military personnel. 

Armed Basic Drill

Armed basic drill involves basic rifle drill and stationary rifle movement sequences. Similar to the unarmed basic drill team, the armed basic drill team performs at many competitions throughout the year. 

Unarmed Exhibition 

Unarmed exhibition drill is a variant of drill that involves complex marching sequenceswhich usually deviate from drill movements. These drill movements have added "flare" such as kneeling, complex hand movements, clapping, etc. All movements are created by the team commander and his or her current team.

Armed Exhibition

Armed exhibition drill is a variant of drill that involves complex marching and rifle spinning skill sequences, which usually deviate from drill. These drill movements have added "flare" such as rifle spinning, tossing, trading, etc. All movements are created by the team commander and his or her current team.

Color Guard

Color Guard is a detachment of cadets assigned to the protection and military presentation of the United States Flag and organizational flags that perform at drill meets, football games, and other ceremonies.

Air Rifle

The air rifle team is designed for cadets interested in using their marksmanship skills to accurately hit targets using compressed air pellet guns. Our company has a state of the art firing range directly next to the NJROTC classroom, equipped with the newest rifles the navy has to offer. Cadets who join the team have the opportunity to shoot in prone, kneeling, and standing positions on multiple sub-teams including precision and "A" team. The air rifle team is led by multiple officers within the program.


The academic team is a way for cadets to learn and master military and NJROTC knowledge. There is over 2,500 years of naval knowledge that a cadet can be tested on during academic competitions. Cadets seeking a tough mental challenge and an edge amongst other cadets in advancement tests should join the academic team.


The orrienteering team is a newer team that competes in events around the state of Florida. It is physical team that requires you to navigate the woods with nothing but a map, compass, and your sense of direction. The team competes around the state of Florida and even in national competitions. 

Physical Training

The PT team is a group of athletic cadets that perform in various physical competitions throughout the year. The PT team competes in categories such as pushups, sit ups, and different sprinting/relay events.. Members of this team travel to drill meets, fun meets, and athletic meets to showcase their extreme endurance and strength.