After about a year of service (this has happened twice) the array will start to reset itself as in this video. There is no indication that any particular drive is at fault, just that the enclosure shuts down and all drives disconnect in the array.

I have two such enclosures, and the fault always goes with the redundant array when I move them from one to the other. The enclosures have remained constant for years, as have the interface cards, but new drives installed solved the issue for another year.

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It could be dozens of things, from noisy power supply killing drive power circuits slowly to a bad OS implementation of ZFS, but it's so hard to know where to even start. What strategy would let me find out what the problem actually is?

The problem does not correlate with a drop in voltages to the drives, as can be seen in the latest video. I think it is a key piece of information that the box itself is resetting, all lights, even its own power light is resetting.

With all drives moved to new enclosure the badblocks command was run on each drive without a single error. Then the pool was imported and a scrub run. No error was found and the scrub completed successfully. Today however, a message was listed for all 5 drives, (it was impossible to tell if they were the drives of this pool/tank/array):

After this, an attempt to list the contents of the drive, it locked up the terminal. A new terminal locked up on any zpool command. top lists txg_sync and a hoard of z_rd_int_x processes that all have some CPU usage. Two other pools are successfully serving files over SAMBA, with one continuing to resilver itself (only evidenced by the HD lights), as zpool status hangs.

The SMART statistics indicate that the hard drives have seen CRC errors on their links. (To verify that it is not an issue that was previously resolved, you should monitor the value of UDMA_CRC_Error_Count over time - it is a total of the errors over the disk's lifetime)

When you look at the revision history for your document, people who have edited it without signing in are titled anonymous; they can choose an avatar to differentiate themselves if multiple anonymous users are working on the document at the same time.

To avoid being cited for being parked overtime or to avoid being cited and towed, the vehicle must be moved to another location such as around the corner, across the street or into the next block. You should not simply drive around and return to the same parking spot.

You can also mark content in Box Drive to make it available offline. Drive downloads this content to your device's hard drive so you can work when you're not connected to the Internet. When you get back online, Drive automatically uploads the revised content, so you are always working with the most up-to-date versions of your files. More information about making content available offline.

Once you restart Box Drive, you can review any archived unsynced files (File Provider Extension mode) or unsynced files you moved elsewhere (kernel-based mode) and either upload them manually or delete them to free up hard drive space.

An alternate method to share Google Drive links without the necessity of sign-in is leveraging third-party cloud storage platforms. These platforms are designed to foster collaboration across various cloud storage systems including Google Drive.

Then, the service will simply copy files back and forth as specified by your directions. You and the other collaborators will be able to sign into this third service or to your own cloud storage and see files synced between the two.

Some of these services are designed specifically for collaboration, facilitating simultaneous access and work on shared files. On the other hand, some services are tailored towards individuals, focusing on increasing personal storage capacity. They act as an extension of your personal storage, allowing you to distribute your files across multiple platforms for added space or backup purposes. These varying functionalities underscore the importance of carefully evaluating your needs and the capabilities of these third-party services before opting for one.

You will need to authorize OnSong to access Google Drive the first time you attempt to access it. This will either open a web-based authentication screen from inside of OnSong. Once your account is linked, you can use Google Drive without signing in again unless your account becomes unlinked for some reason.

If you've signed into the wrong Google Drive account, or if you want to sign out of Google Drive for security reasons, tap on the door icon in the lower right corner. This will deauthorize OnSong from Google Drive and return you to the Add Songs screen.

MEANING: Decrease speed as you reach the intersection. Prepare to stop and yield the right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians in or heading toward the intersection. You must come to a full stop at a YIELD sign if traffic conditions require it. When you approach a YIELD sign, check carefully for traffic and be prepared to stop.

Some regulation signs have a red circle with a slash over a symbol. This indicates that an action, like a right turn, is not allowed or that some vehicles are restricted from the road. Rectangular white signs with black or red letters or symbols are indications to be alert for special rules.

MEANING: You are approaching a hazardous location or a location where there is a special rule, as shown in the sample signs. Sometimes a warning sign is joined with a yellow and black "recommended speed" sign. This indicates reduced speed is advised in that area.

MEANING: People are at work on or near the roadway and traffic can be controlled by a flag person. A work area speed limit as low as 25 MPH (40 km/h) can be posted. Even if no speed limit is provided, you must drive at a reduced speed through the work zone and you must always obey the flag persons. These illustrations show some signals a flag person will use. Know and obey them.

MEANING: Indicate interstate, U.S., state or county routes. The shape tells you the type of route you are on. The sample signs, left to right, are for state, U.S., and interstate routes. When you plan a trip, use a highway map to decide which routes to take. During the trip, watch for destination signs so you will not get lost, or have to turn or stop suddenly.

Traffic lights are normally red, yellow and green from the top to bottom or left to right. At some intersections, there are lone red, yellow or green lights. Some traffic lights are steady, others flash. Some are round, and some are arrows. State law requires that if the traffic lights or controls are out of service or does not operate correctly when you approach an intersection, you must come to a stop as you would for a stop sign. You must then continue according to the rules of right-of-way, unless you are told to continue by a traffic officer.

You cannot make a turn at a red light if there is a NO TURN ON RED sign posted or another sign, signal or pavement marking prevents the turn. You are not allowed to turn on a red light in New York City unless a sign that permits it is posted.

Lines and symbols on the roadway divide lanes and tell you when you can pass other vehicles or change lanes. They also tell you which lanes to use for turns and where you must stop for signs or traffic signals. The arrows on these illustrations show the direction of traffic.

Solid lines along the side of the road tell you where its edge is - where the travel lane ends and the shoulder begins. It is illegal to drive across the edge line, except when told to by a police officer or other authorized official or when allowed by an official sign. An edge line that angles toward the center of the road shows that the road is narrower ahead. Lines that separate lanes of traffic that moves in the same direction are white.

Solid line with broken line: If you are on the side with the solid line, you cannot pass other vehicles or go across the line except to make a left turn into a driveway. If you are on the side with the broken line, you can pass if it is safe to and you will not interfere with traffic.

Double solid lines: You cannot pass or change lanes. You cannot go across the lines except to turn left to enter or leave the highway (e.g., to or from a driveway or to do a U-turn see Chapter 5).

Stop and Crosswalk Lines: At an intersection controlled by a STOP sign, YIELD sign or traffic light, there can be a white stop line painted across the lane (called a Stop Line), and/or two parallel lines painted across the road (called a Crosswalk). When required to stop because of a sign or light, you must stop before you reach the stop line, if there is one, or the crosswalk. You need only stop at a stop line or crosswalk if required to by a light, sign or traffic officer, or to yield to a pedestrian, in-line skater or scooter at a marked or unmarked crosswalk. A single stop line may be placed at intersections to allow room for larger vehicles (such as tractor-trailers, buses and trucks) to turn without forcing other traffic to back up. It's important that you stop before you reach this stop line. (See "Pedestrians" in Chapter 11).

Diamond Symbol: This symbol indicates reserved lanes for buses, HOV (High Occupancy Vehicles) like car-pools and van-pools, bicycles or other special vehicles. You cannot enter and use these lanes unless your vehicle complies with the occupancy or other requirements indicated by signs for the times the special conditions are in effect. When used to designate reserved lanes on city streets, sections of the solid white line that separates the diamond lanes from the normal lanes can be replaced by broken white lines. In these locations, non-HOV can enter the HOV lane if they make a right turn at the next intersection. Bus lanes and HOV lanes are to promote the most efficient use of limited street and highway capacity. They assure that vehicles with the highest importance move the fastest. e24fc04721

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