Gaia Satellite Sprint Oxford, 2019

26th to 28th March

The Gaia sky in colour. Credit: ESA

A smaller forum for Gaia exploration

This satellite sprint will run alongside the mother-sprint in Santa-Barbara and we share their open collaboration policy and scientific objectives:

"The idea behind the Sprints is to bring together people who have an interest in timely scientific investigation and use of the Gaia Data. These are not traditional scientific meetings ... it is hoped that new partnerships will form and lead to co-authored publications."

The key difference of the Oxford sprint is the size: only twenty participants will be attending. We hope that this will lead to rapid proliferation of ideas across the entire cohort.

1. Register by January 27th

You can apply to both the main Gaia sprint and the satellite sprint. We will coordinate!

2. Selection made late January

Once we have emailed you to inform you of the decision you will have one week to respond.

3. Sprint 26th to 28th March

Arrive in Oxford to begin sprinting!

A setting among the dreaming spires

The Sprint will be hosted at the brand-new Beecroft Building in the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford. A meeting room and multiple break-out rooms will be provided. Both breakfast and lunch will be provided each day.

Rooms will be reserved at nearby colleges at a reasonable cost of between £40 and £80 per night. Further details will follow after the selection.

We are investigating further funding to cover the travel and accomodation costs of some junior researchers and to minimise the cost of registration.

Local Organising Committee

    • Payel Das (Oxford, payel.das - at -
    • Douglas Boubert (Oxford, douglas.boubert - at -


  • Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Oxford