GahlyanGroup Digital Media Agency

GahlyanGroup is a Best Digital Marketing Company in Delhi NCR which is offering result oriented Digital Marketing services in Delhi NCR. We are also providing High Quality Digital Marketing services in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Mumbai, Pune, and India.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a targeted marketing technique using electronic mediums and digital Technologies to reach masses and convert leads successfully into customers.

Digital Marketing is a targeted marketing technique using electronic mediums and digital Technologies to reach masses and convert leads successfully into customers. It uses the power of the internet to reach across millions of netizens through techniques like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Email Marketing, content marketing, E-books etc. Such platforms are used to promote brands of the services and the products and reach the masses with relatively much lower cost than traditional ways of marketing. The motive of digital marketing is to identify its consumers who can be interested in the brand’s services. This is in contrary to Traditional ways of marketing which involves marketing campaigns and advertising through various channels, television mediums catering the general public. However comes with a heavy investment for a small startup. The following includes the different kind of Digital marketing techniques that people entering into online business can invariably use:

Search Engine Optimization: SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a kind of digital marketing service to enhance the visibility and improve the rank of the website in the search engine. This can be an outcome of an increased traffic in the website with the help of tools like Web analytics, using the exact keywords that can define the company’s services. Hence a genuine content is one of the most important aspects of SEO. SEO is cost effective, long lasting and invariably one of the best ways to increase the brand awareness of your company.

Social Media Optimization: SMO or Social Media Optimization is a powerful online marketing service that involves interacting with consumers through social networking for improving the brand’s credibility. Based on reports presented by expert, more than 90% of the marketers had asserted that social media marketing was valuable for their business. With regular posts on social media sites, the brand can be viewed by a huge crowd of netizens, the company can achieve a fan club, thus inviting opportunities of lead conversion.

Email Marketing: Using email marketing, one can send trading and merchandising emails to the customers. The emails may contain offers, news about company’s latest products, discounts etc. There are two types of emails comprising of transaction emails and direct emails. Transaction emails are sent by the company after the customer has contacted the company before, while direct emails are sent by the company with promotional offers or news etc. Email marketing renders the actual return on investment and are if done properly can give good sales generation.

Content Marketing: Content Marketing denotes sharing of creative media contents to draw customers and maintain them for the long run. Different kind of media contents that is used for content marketing are videos, news, white papers, e-books, info graphics, email, case studies, podcasts, how to- contents, question and answer articles, photos, blogs and many more. This is indisputably one of the best advertisement strategies that one can implement. Our advice would be to analyse your business requirements and then go for the above strategies, so that you can get a high value for your money in return.

Digital Marketing Company in Delhi That Boost Your Traffic, Ranking and ROI

GahlyanGroup is a Delhi based Digital Marketing Company and is determined to serve the clients from all over the country in order to make them the Delhi companies that are known worldwide. The Digital Marketing solutions offered by our team are not only effective in putting you on the top most page of the search engine but in improving the reputation of your website. Our team has the full stamina and skill to carry out the process of Search Engine Optimization right from the beginning for each of our clients. We understand that when you are investing in a Digital firm you are doing it to make a positive and progressive impact on your business. We work in collaboration with our clients to make sure that they achieve whatever they aim for. Our team meets the clients and talk with them about all that they want and all that is realistically possible to achieve. We explain the whole process to each of our clients and only when they trust us that we take up the project in our hand. Digital Marketing is not a project that will end after everything is done. It takes time for the search engine to first recognize your website as the one that will provide the users the relevant information that they are seeking. Only when you have the right kind of stuff and the right kind of approach, your website will be visible on the first page of the search engine. This is a time taking process and you have to be patient with us while we are putting in all our hard work and trying to do everything right for your website. You may come across digital marketing companies that promise to put your website on various search engines’ top position. But you must understand that it is not in one’s hands that they can put your website on the top most position. It is only through the continuous efforts and by doing everything right that you can enable the search engine to bring your website to the fore when someone searches for the keywords that are there in the content of your website. But, yet again it is just not the keyword and we are aware of the complexities that are associated with Digital management of a website for which we have a team that is expert and skilful. Our team of GahlyanGroup is one of the most enthusiastic teams that you will ever find. We are passionate about our work and love to accept challenges. Challenges are our motivating factors and we view all our projects as a challenge. This helps us maintain our focus consistently and this is the reason that we have been able to satisfy all our clients till date. The work culture at this company is friendly, fun and accommodation. We believe that it is only in a relaxed environment that the employees can work to their complete potential and this is why there always light moments at our work place. But, we do not take our work lightly. We put in our whole efforts at making sure that you reach your aim that you had approached us with. After our meeting with you, we first make the analysis of your website and figure out what all the reasons that are not letting your website move to the place it deserves to be at. There could be many factors and we figure them all out by gathering data about your website and your competitors too. This will help us formulate the strategy for further actions. Then we do the most crucial process and that is of researching the keywords. This is the step that is the most famous of all the processes that are required for a successful Search engine Optimization. But this is not the only step that will ensure you that top position on the search engine’s first page. Also, we use various tools to see if the keywords selected are good enough and if they are one of the highly searched words on the search engine. The next step comprises of the optimization, both the onsite and content optimization are carried out so that your website is recognised by the search engine easily and occupies a position among the top searches. Then we focus on the link building process which would mean that your website will visible on various media including social media and to the clients and through testimonials and reviews. This is important so that you become vividly visible to the search engine and thus rise to the top position. However, our work does not stop there because we again indulge in the analysis as well as evaluation of the efforts that we had put in. this would allow us to figure out if everything that we did was correct or if there is any kind of correction or alteration required to be carried out for better results. Our team is one of the most passionate teams for this job that needs a continuous effort in building the reputation for your website and the top position that you want. We do not leave you on your own in the midway and help you reach your destination. While dealing with a website we always adopt legal strategies and abstain from the black hat strategies that may harm your website and its reputation. We may not promise instant results like many other digital marketing companies but we do try our level best to get what you want. Since it may take time you have to be patient and wait for your website to become one of the top searches on the World Wide Web. We at GahlyanGroup know the value of your website and its position on the search engine. In fact our own reputation and growth is related to that of your reputation and growth which is why we leave nothing in our capability to bring you positive results.

Specialties: Digital Marketing Transformation, PR Strategy, digital marketing solutions, Digital Marketing Strategy, Growth Marketing, Revenue Growth through Digital Strategy, Social Media, Marketing Analytics, Search Engine Optimization, Web Site Accessibility / Usability, Web Design, Web Development, Website Marketing Analytics, Corporate Website Management, SMO, PPC,& more.

GahlyanGroup with its team of certified Digital Marketing Experts in Delhi to serve top-notched Digital Marketing Services include advertising, branding, lead generation, sales boosting, conversion optimisation, digital marketing, search engine marketing, internet marketing, online marketing, growth marketing, video marketing, inbound marketing, website marketing, content marketing, and website promotion services.