Topology Reading Group Fall 2019

Time: 2PM to 3PM on Thursdays

Location: Maloney 558

Our goal for this informal seminar is to have a place to share what you're learning about with other topology graduate students. Interested in speaking? Email me!

September 12th: Gage Martin

Title: Annular Rasmussen invariants: Properties and 3-braid classification

References: Annular Khovanov-Lee homology, braids, and cobordisms, J. Elisenda Grigsby, Anthony M. Licata, Stephan M. Wehrli

Notes on the knot concordance invariant Upsilon, Charles Livingston

September 19th: Gage Martin

Title: Link Splitting and Khovanov Homology

References: A Link Splitting Spectral Sequence in Khovanov Homology, Joshua Batson, Cotton Seed

Khovanov module and the detection of unlinks, Matthew Hedden, Yi Ni

Annular Khovanov homology and knotted Schur-Weyl representations, J. Elisenda Grigsby, Anthony M. Licata, Stephan M. Wehrli

September 26th: Clayton McDonald

Title: Doubly slice odd pretzel knots

References: Doubly slice odd pretzel knots, Clayton McDonald

Smoothly embedding Seifert fibered spaces in S^4, Ahmad Issa, Duncan McCoy

October 3rd: Patrick Orson

Title: Doubly slice knots and metabelian invariants

October 17th: Adam Saltz

The topology of spaces of Morse functions


Milnor's Morse Theory

K. Igusa, "The Space of Framed Functions"

A. Kupers, "Three Applications of Delooping to h-Principles"

October 24th: Mustafa Cengiz

Title: Heegaard Genus and the Complexity of Fibered Knots


Complexity of open book decompositions via arc complex, T. Saito, R. Yamamato.

Heegaard splittings and open books, J. Johnson.

Reducing Heegaard splittings, A.J. Casson, C.McA. Gordon.

Surface bundles versus Heegaard splittings, D. Bachman, S. Schleimer.

October 31st: James Cornish

Title: Growth of Heegaard Floer Homology in Branched Covers

November 7th: Marius Huber

Title: The intersection pairing on the K3-surface

References: Gompf-Stipsicz, 4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus

November 14th: Ethan Farber

Title: So you want to do topological dynamics

November 21st: Gage Martin

Title: Khovanov homology detects the Hopf link

December 5th: Fraser Binns

Title: Embedded Contact Homology

References: Michael Hutchings, Lecture notes on embedded contact homology

Vincent Colin, Paolo Ghiggini and Ko Honda, HF=ECH via open book decompositions: A summary

December 12th: Siddhi Krishna

Title: fibered knots, trefoils, and plumbings

Abstract: I will survey my favorite construction of fibered knots (plumbing). Then, I'll tell you about some results of Baader and Dehorney, who prove some cute results about positive braids.