
I am interested in low-dimensional topology and knot theory. Specifically I am focused on categorified invariants like Khovanov homology and knot Floer homology, the relationship between Khovanov homology and Floer theories, and using these invariants to study knots, links, and braids.


        • Annular Khovanov homology and meridional disks [arXiv:2103.01269] submitted

        • Knot Floer homology, link Floer homology and link detection [arXiv:2011.02005] submitted (joint with Fraser Binns)

        • Khovanov homology detects T(2,6) [arXiv:2005.02893] To appear in Mathematical Research Letters.

        • Braids, fibered knots, and concordance questions [arXiv:2004.07445] (joint with Diana Hubbard, Keiko Kawamuro, Feride Ceren Kose, Olga Plamenevskaya, Katherine Raoux, Linh Truong, Hannah Turner) To appear in Proceedings Volume of the 2019 Research Collaboration Conference for Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology.

        • Khovanov homology and causality in spacetimes [arXiv:2001.07274] (joint with Vladimir Chernov and Ina Petkova) Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol. 61, no. 2, 2020.

        • Annular Rasmussen invariants: Properties and 3-braid classification [arxiv:1909.09245] To appear in Michigan Mathematical Journal.

As an undergraduate at Marlboro College I did summer research in combinatorics and co-authored two papers