Chapter Spotlights

Chapter Spotlights are a great way to show off all of your chapter's hardwork and dedication!

Click the link above and fill out the form for a chance to be featured on the region nine social media! The Region Nine officer team will reach out to you when we have successfully posted your chapter spotlight on our website and social media.

Charlton FCCLA Collects Items for Homeless Shelter

"In November 2020, Charlton FCCLA members wanted to help fulfill a need for a local homeless shelter and outreach facility. Chapter members worked together with the school staff, fellow students, and the community to collect 146 towels & washcloths in a little less than two weeks. Charlton's adviser, Jamie Haynes, personally delivered the items the following week to be donated to the Trinity Rescue Mission in Jacksonville, FL."

-Jamie Haynes from Charlton County High School

FCCLA On the Move Fundraising

"FCCLA Officers sold Belk's tickets to help with chapter dues. Even during a pandemic, faithful members came out to support the cause."

-Marissa Johnson from John W. Hubert Middle School

Toombs FCCLA Holds Fundraiser for Valentine's Day

"In February 2021, Toombs FCCLA members took the opportunity to raise money while spreading kindness to people in their school. The week of Valentines Day, Toombs County FCCLA sold "Candy Grams" to students in their school. Students payed a $1.00 to buy a candy gram and have it delivered to the receiver's third period class. Toombs County FCCLA members sold 54 "Candy Grams" to students in their school."

-Mariana Dykes from Toombs County