Geometry, Arithmetic and Differential Equations of Periods (GADEPs)
Fridays 10:30 (Rio de Janeiro's time)
Invited Organizer: Roberto Villaflor (07/2023-11/2023)
Past invited organizers: Tiago Fonseca (02/2021-11/2021), Roberto Villaflor (03/2022-06/2022), Jin Cao (03/2023-07/2023)
This is a mirror of the original page of the seminar at:
M. Picard a donné à ces integrales le nom de périodes; je ne saurais l'en blâmer puisque cette dénomination lui a permis d'exprimer dans un langage plus concis les intéressants résultats auxquels il est parvenu. Mais je crois qu'il serait fâcheux qu'elle s'introduisit définitivement dans la science et qu'elle serait propre à engendrer de nombreuses confusions (H. Poincaré's remarks on the name period used for integrals, Acta Mathematica, 1887 page 323).
24 November 2023: Giada Grossi (Paris 13, France) *
17 November 2023: Radu Laza (Stony Brook, USA) *
10 November 2023: Cezar Lupu(BIMSA, China) *
03 November 2023: Matthias Paulsen (Uni. Honnover, Germany) *
27 October 2023: Anneloes Viergever (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany) *
20 October 2023: Lisa Marquand (Courant Institute of Mathematical sciences at NYU, USA) *
13 October 2023: Marc N. Levine (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany), *
06 October 2023: Jethro van Ekeren (IMPA, Brasil) *
29 September 2023: Felipe Espreafico (*, *) *
22 September 2023: Haohua Deng (Duke university, USA) *
15 September 2023: Yilong Zhang (Purdue university, USA) *
08 September 2023: Holiday (*, *) *
01 September 2023: Elizabeth Gasparim (Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile) Homological Mirror Symmetry for Adjoint Orbits
21-25 August 2023: GADEPs focused conference III: Noether-Lefschetz and Hodge loci
GADEPs' Problem No. 118 August 2023: * (*, *) Quartic fourfolds II
11 August 2023: * (*, *) Quartic fourfolds I
23 June 2023: Hossein Movasati, The most longstanding contradiction of my career
16 June 2023: Jin Cao, Quasi Jacobi forms
09 June 2023: Roberto Villaflor, Periods and twisted cubics
02 June 2023: Younes Nikdelan, Differential equations and modular forms
26 May 2023: Felipe Espreafico, Motivic and Arithmetic DT invariants for the Hilbert Scheme of Points in A^3
19 May 2023: Informal discussion
07-12 May 2023: GADEPs focused conference II: Periods of Calabi-Yau varieties and Gromov-Witten invariants For the web page hosted by BIMSA see GADEPs focused conference II
05 May 2023: Informal discussion: Self-similar integrals/periods
28 April 2023: Informal discussion: Borwein integrals
21 April 2023: Break
14 April 2023: Ilia Zharkov (KSU, USA) Tropical Hodge conjecture for Abelian varieties.
07 April 2023: Andrey Soldatenkov (IMPA, Brazil) Absolute Hodge classes and the Mumford-Tate conjecture for hyperkähler manifolds
31 March 2023: Informal discussion about a Veronese algebraic cycle for cubic 6-folds.
24 March 2023: François Greer (Michigan State University, USA) Quasi-modularity of Hodge cycles
17 March 2023: Emenuel Scheidegger (BICMR, China) On attractor points on the moduli space of Calabi-Yau threefolds
24 February 2023: Carnaval
17 February 2023: Richard Thomas(Imperial College, UK) Special Talk Nodes and the Hodge conjecture
10 February 2023: Jorge Duque (Uni. Chile, Chile), Second order invariant of the IVHS associated to the Hodge locus
03 February 2023: Jin Cao (Tsinghua univerisity, China), On Richard Thomas' article.
27 January 2023: Roberto Villaflor (Uni. Católica, Chile), Main conjecture for tangent spaces.
20 January 2023: Hossein Movasati (IMPA, Brazil) On a Hodge locus II
13 January 2023: Hossein Movasati (IMPA, Brazil) On a Hodge locus I
06 January 2023: Informal meeting
18 November 2022: Felipe Espreafico (IMPA and Uni. Heidelberg) Atyiah-Bott formula and Refined Enumerative Geometry
30 September 2022: Robert Roussarie (Univ. Bourgogne, France) Conversation with Robert Roussarie This will be part of
GADEPs focused conference: Abelian and iterated integrals and Hilbert 16th problem23 September 2022: Haluk Sengun (Sheffield University, UK) Periods of Bianchi modular forms
16 September 2022: Jiangtao Li(Chines Academy of Sciences,China) Realizations of double shuffle relations
09 September 2022: Adrian Langer (MIMUV, Poland) Non-abelian Hodge theory in positive characteristic and its applications
02 September 2022: Paola Comparin(Universidad de la Frontera UFRO, Chile) CENCELED
26 August 2022: Jerson Caro (PUC, Chile) Some advances in a conjecture of Watkins
19 August 2022: Michela Artebani (Universidad de Concepción, Chile) Cox rings of K3 surfaces.
12 August 2022: Daniel Lopez (IMPA, Brazil) Monodromy problem and Tangential center-focus problem for product of generic lines in $\mathbb{P}^2$
05 August 2022: Amin Gholampour(Univ. of Maryland, US) 2-dimensional stable pairs on 4-folds
01, 08, 15, 22, 29 July 2022: Break between two semesters.
24 June 2022: Gabriele Bogo (TU Darmstadt, Germany) *
17 June 2022: Martin Vogrin(JGU Mainz, Germany) *
10 June 2022: Ignacio Barros Reyes (Université Paris-Saclay, France) *
03 June 2022: Sebastian Eterovic (Berkeley, US) *
27 May 2022: Anita Maria Rojas Rodriguez (Universidade de Chile, Chile) Period matrices
20 May 2022: Luis Alberto Lomeli (PUCV, Chile) L-functions and representations of p-adic groups under the Kazhdan transfer between close local fields
13 May 2022: Jan-Willem van Ittersum (MPIM Bonn, Germany) Shifted symmetric functions, quasimodular forms and Hamiltonian operators
06 May 2022: Sebastián Olano (University of Michigan) Weighted Hodge ideals
29 April 2022: Robert Frederick Auffarth (Universidade de Chile, Chile) The Schottky Problem and secants of the Kummer variety
22 April 2022: * (*, *) * A very late carnival
15 April 2022: Sebastián Herrero (PUCV, Valparaíso, Chile) p-adic asymptotic distribution of CM points
Slides08 April 2022: Yves Martin (Universidade de Chile, Chile) Non-vanishing of Fourier coefficients of Siegel cusp forms
01 April 2022: Pedro Montero Silva (UTFSM, Valparaíso, Chile) Intermediate Jacobians and Automorphisms of smooth hypersurfaces of the projective space
Slides25 March 2022: Younes Nikdelan (UERJ, Brazil) About Ramanujan-Rankin-Cohen systems, sl_2(C)-Lie algebras and Hypergeometric differential equations
18 March 2022: Felipe Ramos (IMPA, Brazil) Gauss Manin Connection in Disguise: Mirror Quintic Threefolds with two rational curves
11 March 2022: Jorge Duque (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia) On fake linear cycles inside Fermat varieties.
04 March 2022: Hossein Movasati (IMPA, Brazil) Holomorphic foliations with a center singularity
December of 2021, January and February of 2022: Break between two semesters.
26 November 2021: Paloma Bengoechea (ETHZ, Switzerland) Cycle integrals of modular functions and continued fractions
19 November 2021: Cristiana Bertolin (Torino, Italy). Grothendieck period conjecture and 1-motives
12 Novembro 2021: Jorge Vitório Pereira (IMPA, Brazil). On the formal principle for curves on projective spaces
05 November 2021: Ananyo Dan (University of Sheffield, UK). Topological and geometric obstruction to deformation of divisors
29 October 2021: Mingmin Shen (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands). Some counter examples to the integral Hodge conjecture.
22 October 2021: Georg Oberdieck (Bonn University, Germany). On Chern numbers of Hilbert schemes of points on K3 surfaces and some applications
15 October 2021: Payman Eskandari (Toronto, Canada). Mixed motives with large unipotent radicals
08 October 2021: Henrik Bachmann(Nagoya, Japan). Finite multiple zeta values
01 October 2021: Johannes Walcher (Heidelberg, Germany). On the rationality of MUMs and 2-functions
24 September 2021: Carlos Simpson (Nice University, France). A twistor space for moduli of logarithmic connections of rank 2 on an open curve , Slides
17 September 2021: Pierre Vanhove (Institut de Physique Theorique, France). Feynman integrals and period integrals ,
10 September 2021: Nikolaos Diamantis (Nottingham, UK). L-series associated with harmonic Maass forms , Slides
03 September 2021: Maria Gioia Cifani (Università di Roma 3, Italy). Reconstructing curves from their Hodge classes
27 August 2021: Riccardo Pengo (ENS Lyon, France). Mahler measures, special values and exactness: a periodic journey , Slides
20 August 2021: Frank Loray (University of Rennes, France). Some transcendance problems in Painleve equations
13 August 2021: Ambrus Pal (Imperial College London, UK). Multiplicative periods of classical motives over function fields
02, 09, 16, 23, 30 July, 06 August 2021: Break between two semesters.
25 June 2021: Pieter Moree (MPIM Bonn, Germany). Euler-Kronecker constants and cusp forms
18 June 2021: Salomón Rebollo Perdomo (Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile). Abelian integrals for trivial global monodromy polynomials
11 June 2021: Bryce Kerr (MPIM, Bonn). Energies of modular roots
04 June 2021: . Between two holidays is holiday!!!!
28 May 2021: Bruno Klingler (Humboldt Universität, Germany). On the geometry of the Hodge locus
21 May 2021: Simon Pepin Lehalleur (Radboud University, Netherlands). Exponential periods and exponential Voevodsky motives Will start exceptionally at 11:30(Rio)
14 May 2021: Babak Haghighat (Tsinghua university, China). Hypergeometric functions in physics Cancelled
07 May 2021: Yohan Brunebarbe (CNRS, Bordeaux) . Increasing hyperbolicity of varieties supporting a variation of Hodge structures with level structures
30 April 2021: Clément Dupont (Université de Montpellier, France). Single-valued periods
23 April 2021: Holiday(São Jorge).
16 April 2021: Federico Zerbini (IPhT Paris-Saclay). The periods of string theory amplitudes
09 April 2021: Sergei Yakovenko (Weizmann Institute, Israel). How transcendental are Periods?
02 April 2021: Holiday (Sexta feira Santa).
26 March 2021: Andreas Braun (Durham, UK). String Vacua, Geometry, and Arithmetic
19 March 2021: Ma Luo (Oxford, UK) . Periods and completions of fundamental groups
12 March 2021: Giuseppe Ancona (Université de Strasbourg, France). The standard conjecture of Hodge type for abelian fourfolds
05 March 2021: Vacation between summer school and March-June semester.
26 February 2021: Gabriele Bogo (Darmstadt, Germany) Extended modularity and deformation of Riemann surfaces
19 February 2021 : Conversa com Alcides Lins Neto
12 February 2021(): Julien Roques (Lyon, France) Hypergeometric mirror maps
05 February 2021: Joseph Ayoub (University of Zurich, Switzerland) A new Weil cohomology in characteristic $p$ and a ring of $p$-adic periods
29 January 2021: Nils Matthes (Oxford, UK) The de Rham fundamental group of a once-punctured elliptic curve
22 January 2021: Interview with S. T. Yau See also the recent interview recent interview
15 January 2021: Tiago Fonseca (Oxford, UK) Periods and Poincaré series
08 January 2021: An informal meeting about the future of GADEPs
27 November 2020: Claus Hertling (Mannheim, Germany) Periods and a Torelli conjecture for isolated hypersurface singularities
20 November 2020: Conversation with César Camacho , see also this interview
13 November 2020: Javier Fresán (École polytechnique, France): E-functions and (hyper)geometry
06 November 2020: Masha Vlasenko, (IMPAN, Poland): Frobenius constants of differential equations
30 October 2020: Ursula Whitcher (Mathematical Reviews AMS, US) High Picard rank K3 surfaces, Hasse-Witt matrices, and hypergeometric functions
23 October 2020: Murad Alim (Hamburg, Germany): Mirror symmetry and Jacobi forms
16 October 2020: Laure Flapan(MSU, USA): Period integrals and Hodge modules
09 October 2020: Interview with Michel Waldschmidt see this lecture for a beautiful exposition by Waldschmidt.
02 October 2020: Interview with Yulij Ilyashenko See this lecture for an excellent expository/historical talk by Ilyashenko .
25 September 2020: François Charles (Université Paris-Sud ): Geometry of numbers in infinite rank and diophantine applications
18 September 2020: Jeroen Sijsling (Universität Ulm, Germany): Arithmetic Fuchsian groups and canonical models
11 September 2020: Per Berglund (University of New Hampshire, US): TBA CANCELLED
04 September 2020: Frits Beukers (Utrecht University, Netherlands): Periods and Dwork’s congruences
28 August 2020: Gal Binyamini (Weizmann Institute, Israel): Point counting for foliations over number fields and Diophantine applications
21 August 2020: Alex Degtyarev (Bilkent University, Turkey): Counting 2-planes in cubic 4-folds in P^5
14 August 2020: Andrew Harder (Lehigh University, US): Calabi-Yau threefolds fibered by K3 surfaces and their internal Picard-Fuchs equation
07 August 2020: Adrian Clingher (UMSL, US): On K3 Surfaces of High Picard Rank , Slides
31 July 2020: Jorge Duque (IMPA): Hodge cycles and Gauss hypergeometric function
24 July 2020: Saiei Matsubara (Kobe, Japan): Signature of the monodromy invariant hermitian form of GKZ system
17 July 2020: Emre Sertoz (Hannover, Germany): Separating periods of quartic surfaces
10 July 2020: Ruben Lizarbe(Renne, UERJ): Affine and projective structures on varieties
03 July 2020: Lubomir Gavrilov(Toulouse, France): The bifurcation theory of quadratic isochronous centers revisited
26 June 2020: Javier Gargiulo(IMPA): Rational pull-backs of toric foliations This talk will start at 10:00!!!
19 June 2020: Daniel Lopez(IMPA): Homology supported in Lagrangian submanifolds in mirror quintic threefolds
12 June 2020: Roberto Vilaflor(IMPA): Small codimension components of the Hodge locus and periods of the Fermat variety
05 June 2020: Younes Nikdelan(UERJ): Rankin-Cohen bracket for Calabi-Yau modular forms
29 May 2020: Hossein Movasati(IMPA): Linear differential equations with finite monodromy