Inclusive Education

The Highlights

Policy, Not Guidelines

EECD's use of guidelines instead of a more formalized policy is unacceptable. Guidelines lack formal mechanisms for accountability, and fail to address the systemic nature of 2SLGBTQIA+ discrimination and safety. Continuing to use guidelines over policy relegates members of our community to lesser status, not worthy of the formalized protections and accountability that policy provides.

EECD must create a new policy, not new guidelines, pertaining to 2SLGBTQIA+ students, which is inclusive of the right to self-identification, the right to privacy, and the right to a safe school environment.

Respect for Students

School personnel will ensure that the school environment respects student’s right to self-identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and appropriate measures are in place to protect personal information and privacy. 

Students have a right to feel safe in their learning environment, and they get to decide what makes that environment safe for them; this includes having their identity and right to privacy respected.

It is well known that a student's academic success is negatively impacted when they do not feel safe in their learning environment; refusing to protect students' rights means we believe that they are not entitled to the same level of safety as their peers, and are comfortable with any negative impacts to their current academic achievement and future impacts on their education and employment. It is systemic discrimination.

Right to Privacy in Self-Identification

Outing is an act of violence, not a mere action, as it exposes vulnerable persons to the risk of violence that will permanently impact their life. Students who identify as members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community should not fear outing by their teachers or school staff. 

School personnel will consult with a transgender or non-binary student to determine their first name and pronoun(s). Their first name and pronoun(s) will be used consistently in ways that the student has requested. Students may request that their decision to change their first name and/or pronouns not be shared with their parent(s) or other legal guardian(s) based on their own assessment of their safety, including but not limited to, the likelihood of mistreatment in their home, because they are not ready to be out yet, etc..

Students who choose to disclose their sexual orientation are entitled to the same protections from outing by teachers and school staff, and their identity will not be discussed with anyone without written, informed consent.

Written, Informed Consent

Before contacting a parent or other legal guardian, any school personnel must have the written and informed consent from the student to discuss their gender and/or sexual identity, name, and/or pronoun use with their parent(s) or other legal guardian(s). If school personnel are unable to obtain the informed, written consent from the student to discuss their gender and/or sexual identity, name, and/or pronoun change with their parent(s) or other legal guardian(s), then school personnel may not address these topics with the parent(s) or other legal guardian(s) and must used the gender and/or sexual identity, name, and/or pronouns known by the parent(s) or other legal guardian(s) when referring to the student. 

The desire of the parent(s) or other legal guardian(s) to misgender, deadname, or convert the identity or sexuality of a student will not be tolerated if it goes against the expressed interests of the student.

Expanding Student Advocate Roles

The current staffing levels for positions supporting equity-seeking students across RCEs and CSAP are unacceptable; each RCE/CSAP have one (1) consultant role supporting all equity seeking students. This fails students on multiple levels 

A new staffing model should be implemented to support all equity-seeking students. A team of equity-support workers must be created in each family of schools, with one managerial position and individual support worker positions covering all equity groups. At the RCE/CSAP level, the current consultant position must be reclassified as a manager or director position, overseeing a similar staffing structure to that recommended at the family of schools level.

Supportive School Environment

While protections for 2SLGBTQIA+ students exist, we want to strengthen them; policy should provide a stronger codification of those protections. 

Homophobic/transphobic language, behaviour, or discrimination towards any member of the school environment, student, teacher, or staff, will not be tolerated and will be immediately reported. All allegations will be taken seriously and dealt with in a timely and effective manner. EECD must codify explicit disciplinary measures for teachers, staff, and students who out others without written, informed consent.

EECD, RCEs, and schools will strive to use inclusive and gender-neutral language when communicating with members of the school environment.

Equality in Activities

All students will be able to participate in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities that are safe, welcoming, and consistent with their gender identity. 

Universal Spaces

All students will have access to washroom facilities that align with their gender. The washroom facilities will be available to all students in a non-stigmatizing manner.

All schools will have at least one (1) universal washroom facility that is always accessible.

Highlighting Dog Whistles 

A local activist has shared with GACNS that EECD staff denied knowing what dog-whistles are, including the use of the term 'parental rights.'

The term ‘parental rights’ is a dog-whistle, coded language meant to signal individuals sympathetic to anti-2SLGBTQIA+ rights to support the movement without provoking opposition. 

Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ policies in schools to ‘protect youth’ and support ‘parental rights’ stem from a playbook of US Republican and anti-queer activists in the Unite Kingdom. ‘Parental rights’ based policies have also been used in the US (and in Canada) to censor books, educational materials, and to restrict 2SLGBTQIA+ youths human rights. 

The movement of anti-2SLGBTQIA+ policy development follows clear historical tactics utilized by right-wing groups which are demonizing domestic enemies, preposterous lies, and contempt for democratic institutions.

Staff at all levels, from teachers to RCE/CSAP directors to staff at EECD home office must complete training outlining what dog-whistling is, how to spot it, and how to respond to it appropriately.