How to Play Android Games on PC using Bluestacks?

Here, you will learn How to play Android Games on PC using Bluestacks. Playing Android games on bigger screen is more entertaining and enjoyable.

How to Play Android Games on PC using Bluestacks?

The process of How to Play Android Games on PC using Bluestacks is simple. You will have to follow some simple steps. Do not miss any single steps.

1. Downloading Bluestacks

The first thing you will have to do is to download and install Bluestacks on your PC. You can simply download Bluestacks from its official site. After the completion of the downloading process, you can simply install it.

2. Setting Up Bluestacks

Once you install Bluestacks, you will have to sign in with your Google Account. It is necessary because Bluestacks will provide you the experience of a new smartphone on a bigger screen.

3. Installing Android Games

Now, you will have to open the Play Store and search for your favorite game. You can easily install it. Once you install it, you are ready to enjoy your Android game on PC using Bluestacks.

4. Playing Game

In order to play your Android game using Bluestacks, you will have to launch it from the home of Bluestacks. Your game will start loading. Now, you can enjoy your game with the default settings. If you want to tweak these settings. Check out the next step.

5. Controlling Options

After launching the game, you will have to click on Controls Edition. You will find this option in the sidebar on the right side. After opening it, you can change the control of that specific game. You can add more keyboard shortcuts to enjoy your game according to your settings.

For example, you can place the directional pad on the screen. You will have to choose the D-pad option for it. The default settings are WSAD. You can configure according to your need. You can use the Tap Spot option for tapping on the screen.

If you do not want to play with the keyboard, then you can also connect it with your controller. It is simple to use controllers.

6. Performance & Stability Issue

If you are facing Performance issue or your game is crashing, then the main reason behind this is your Processor, RAM, and Render Engine. If your Processor is not powerful enough or your system has less RAM, then you will get performance issues and crashing in your game.

7. Incompatibility Issue

In the case your game shows that this game is not compatible with your device, then you will need to download the game through its APK file. You will have to be careful during choosing the APK file as you may get tampered APK file of your game on the internet. So, you will have to choose the downloading source carefully.

The Last Word - How to play Android Games on PC using Bluestacks

This was the complete guide on How to play Android Games on PC using Bluestacks. Now, you can easily enjoy your favorite Android games on PC using Bluestacks.