IIG Technology Apps

Android Apps developed by the corporation's team published in Samsung Galaxy Store or Google play.


File Manager Tree Directory 

File Manager Tree Directory for Android ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application File Manager Tree Directory is intended to serve directory of files on a device running Android. Primary distinction from other applications with the same purpose is that the directory displays and manipulate like a tree.

The app has the standard functions of file manager - copying a file or sub directory; - moving a file or sub directory; - delete a file or sub directory; - creating a directory; - creating a text file; - send a file by selecting a recipient; - installation of a file or open a selection tool for viewing; - rename a file or directory; - search in file names.

Advanced Info System app for Android 

Advanced Info System for Android ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is designed to create and maintain data about information objects, keeping track of expiration and to alert the user. The information objects can be of various kinds. For example, facts, knowledge, content, interpretations, exhibitions, awareness, family tree and many others.

The data for each information object( his description) includes: - a brief name; - date of conclusion; - final date for implementation; - extended description by a template and, if desired storage information object itself as .pdf, .doc, .jpg, .mp4 and other.

Descriptions of object's stored in a hierarchy of folders. The app provides a convenient means to build many different hierarchies of folders and info objects, each folder may contain folders and names of objects with the date of creating and expiry date. Each node has an image area when pressed like a directory of files expands and collapse. Further with each object is shown equipped with a color expiring the deadline for implementing days - neutral, yellow, orange and red. These data the user sets as an option depending on the order of the colors of occurrence. For example, a greater number of days until the deadline for yellow color, less days for orange and at least days for red. 

In the folder names and objects can be searched by text, finding matches is displayed with checks in boxing coloring.

For extended description of the object can use a template( screen shot – 24 dec ...) that was previously introduced as an option. A template is a multiline text box to edit a label at the beginning of each row. Data may be entered after the label without label destroyed when using the template

Full description for the selected object (click on its name in the tree ) is displayed in the dialogue box. From this dialogue can be entered in depth review of the object. Consideration of objects as files passing through the choice of means, such as for files with the extension: .pdf, .doc, .rtf, .jpg and others. If this is the web address (Url) and has Internet connection is included surfing.

When entering or later when updating the description of the object the way for access to the file of object runs from choice of the files directory of the device and store information for the object. Recommended files of objects can be stored in one or only a few folders on the device. At the same field way for access may be introduced Url- web address of the site from the Internet.

When deleting a object can be chosen only delete the description, and the other option is to delete the file of object and description.

The app allows to perform three types of references in objects from all folders from date to date: - on the date of conclusion of theobject; - on the date of object execution and content of the text in extended description of theobject. In all these reports has described before coloring to expire date of objects.

The app has a function for regular alarm at a specific time of day the notification - message: "There is expired date" or "No expired date" and short ringing. A version before Android 4.3 has just only ringing. 

Advanced Contracts Manager application for Android

Advanced Contracts Manager ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is designed to create and maintain information on contracts, keeping track of expiration and to alert the user. Contracts can be of various kinds. For example, contracts for insurance, for supplies, implementation, etc. The information for each contract - his description includes: - a brief name; - date of conclusion; - final date for implementation; - extended description to put a template and, if desired storage contract itself.

Descriptions of contracts stored in a hierarchy of folders. The app provides a convenient means to build many different hierarchies of folders and contracts, each folder may contain folders and names of contracts with the date of signing and expiry date. Each node has an image area when pressed like a directory of files expands and collapse. Further with each contract is shown equipped with a color expiring the deadline for implementing days - neutral, yellow, orange and red. These data the user sets as an option depending on the order of the colors of occurrence. For example, a greater number of days until the deadline for yellow color, less days for orange and at least days for red.

In the folders names and contracts can be searched by text, finding matches is displayed with checks in boxing coloring.For extended description of the contract can use a template that was previously introduced as an option. A template is a multiline text box to edit a label at the beginning of each row. Sample entries: - contract number; - Name; - Object; - Insurance company. Using a template data to be entered after the label without label destroyed.

Full description for the selected contract (click on its name in the tree )is displayed in the dialogue box. From this dialogue can be entered in depth review of the contract. Consideration of contracts as files passing through the choice of means, such as for files with the extension: .pdf, .doc, .rtf, .jpg and others.

When entering or later when updating the description of the contract the way for access to the file of contract runs from choice of the files of the device and store information for the contract. Recommended files of contracts can be stored in one or only a few folders on the device.

When deleting a contract can be chosen only delete the description, and the other option is to delete the file of contract and description.

The app allows to perform three types of references in contracts from all folders from date to date.

The app has a function for regular alarm at a specific time of day the notification - message: "There is expired date" or "No expired date" and short ringing. A version before Android 4.3 has just only ringing.

Math App

Advanced Polynomial Calculator for Android

Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is used to numerically find approximations to the roots of a polynomial. The implementation applies the Newton method and as second Durand-Kerner-Weierstrass method to determine approximations to the roots of a polynomial with real coefficients. The application stores and processes the data of many polynomials into a database. 

The app has function “Export data for print” writes data from a list of full numerical approximations and rounded approximations of the roots in a .txt file and display a dialog for choosing a storage option locally in Phonstorage on the device where the application is appended. The the app has function to show the meaning of the polynomial in points and showing graph of roots i complex plan

Base Polynomial Calculator for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The Base Polynomial Calculator application is used to numerically find approximations to the roots of a polynomial.

The implementation applies the Newton method and as second Durand-Kerner-Weierstrass method to determine approximations to the roots of a polynomial with real coefficients. The application stores and processes the data of only one polynomial into a database, as opposed to Polinomial_Calculator for Android application designed to store and process the data of many polynomials.

The app stores the data in a database of type SQLit. The application has localization in Bulgarian and English

The app has function “Export data for print” writes data from a list of full numerical approximations and rounded approximations of the roots in a polynomialEquationRoots.txt file and display a dialog for choosing a storage option locally in Phonstorage on the device where the application is appended or sent to various Internet options( Skype, Viber, e-mail).

The app has function to show the meaning of the polynomial in points and showing graph of roots i complex plan

Advanced Equation Calculator 

App Equation Calculator for Android ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The Advanced Equation Calculator application is used to numerically find approximations to the roots of a polynomial up to 5 degree. The implementation applies the Newton method and as second Durand-Kerner-Weierstrass method to determine approximations to the roots of a polynomial with real coefficients. The application stores and processes the data of many polynomials into a database.

Polynomial coefficients can be set as Java Script arithmetic expressions.

The app stores the data in a database of type SQLit. The application has localization in Bulgarian and English

The app has function “Export data for print” writes data from a list of full numerical approximations and rounded approximations of the roots in a EquationRoots.txt file and display a dialog for choosing a storage option locally in Phonstorage on the device where the application is appended.

The app has function to show the meaning of the polynomial in points and showing graph of roots i complex plan

Individual coefficients of equation can be represent as Java Script arithmetic expressions of constants. For calculating them, the "Eval JS" button is pressed repeatedly (one click for each arithmetic expression, i.e. for all 6 coefficients 6 times the button is pressed,followed by another scan of expressions ). After calculating the arithmetic expression, its value is visualized at its place as a coefficient of equation. The permissible arithmetic operators are: plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (*), dсvision (/), Math .. Here is an example of a valid arithmetic expression: (7.8934 + 0.99876) * Math.PI which has a value of 27.9354 .

App Spline for Android

Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is intended for interpolation of numerical data - real functions given by a set of points (X, Y) in the values of the argument X0, X1, X2 ... Xn, to obtain a smooth continuous spline function.

The application builds  spline  as a special function defined piecewise by polynomials

The following interpolation methods can be applied: Newton's; Aitken's; cubic Hermit's method; cardinal spline interpolation; Catmul-Rom's spline; Kochanek-Bartls's spline; linear interpolation; and interpolation to the nearest neighbor.

The functions, the results of their processing and their interpolation can be stored in a database of type Sqlit Tables with this data can be exported for printing, for example, using the Sqlit browser or by Internet.

Interpolation & Prediction

App Interpolation and Prediction for Android  ->Samsung Galaxy Store

 The application is intended to interpolate real functions from a single variable. Functions are a set of points (X, Y). The following interpolation methods can be applied: Newton's, Aitken's, cubic Hermite's method, cardinal spline interpolation, Catmul-Rom's spline, Kochanek-Bartls's spline, linear interpolation and nearest neighbor interpolation.

If the function is a time series, then methods for predicting and calculating autocorrelation may be applied to detect internal cycles.

The following methods for statistical prediction are applied - an exponentially weighted moving average; - simple moving average; - linear exponential weighing; - Holt's linear exponential smoothing; and an additional slowing trend. The mean and the standard deviation of the forecast errors are calculated.

The functions, the results of their processing and the forecasts can be stored in a database of type Sqlit or in selected folder . Tables with this data can be exported for printing, for example, using the Sqlit browser or by Internet.

Advanced Matrix Calculator application for Android 

Advanced Matrix Calculator for Android ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is designed to entering, storing and processing matrices. Direct matrices operations are: - sum; - subtract; - multiplication; - inversion (by the method of Gauss and the method of the square root); inversion of triangular matrix; .- multiplication of matrix by vector; - transposition; - multiplication of the vectors; - calculating - a determinant, trace and norm. The application allows to run a chain of successive operations on matrices and vectors. 

The application works with data stored in a database (DB) type SQLite named AdvanceMatrixCalculate.db with initial installation of the application is available for execution (or the menu of startup activity) function initialization DB. Upon initial installation of the application is available for execution (or from the menu of startup activity) function initiate data base .With the implementation of this function database are initsilized and show examples of data that can be erased and resume work.

The application has a function for export, import and send the database and file containing the data of selected matrix to a file named AdvanceMatrixFile.txt. The import and export operate in selection of the sub-director of main memory of the device. With the sending can be selected recipient, for example Skype, e-mail and others.. When sending and saving can be selected in a directory and under what name to be sent the data file as opposed to the application MatrixCalculator.

Advanced Drawing Geometry Figures for Android

Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is designed to draw in scale such figures as: triangles, quadrangles, regular or convex polygons, ellipses, volumetric shapes such as straight, intersected or inclined cones, cylinders, pyramids, spheres. The app has a feature to draw some shapes in steps. The application may be useful in designing the mentioned figures or in the training process for working with mentioned geometric shapes.

Advanced Geometry Figures Calculator

Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is a calculator for known geometric shapes: Right Circular Cylinder; Sphere; Right Circular Cone; Right circular truncated cone; Right regular pyramid(n); Right regular truncated pyramid(n); Rectangular prism; Triangle prism; Right prism(n); Circle; Ring; Trapezoid; Triangle; Parallelogram; Rectangle; Quadrilateral; Regular Convex Polygon(n); Ellipse and Torus.

The calculator works almost the same way. For each figure in the edit fields, is entered

 data and only the ones we want to calculate remain empty. For example, for the right truncated

 pyramid of all 7 fields, three (in any combination) can be calculated in the other are given

 data that define the figure.

There is a particular feature. For example, if for a right truncated pyramid is required to determine 

the number of sides at a given volume, then the volume will change to the 

nearest top for the number of sides found.

App Square Equation Calculator for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The SquareEquation_Calculator application is used to find the roots of a quadratic equation with real coefficients and to calculate the parabola values. Makes a parabola from three points. The app stores and processes the data of many parabolas

The app stores the data in a database of type SQLit. Polynomial coefficients can be set as Java Script arithmetic expressions.

The application is used to find the roots of a quadratic equation with real coefficients and to calculate the parabola values. Makes a parabola from three points. The app stores and processes the data of many parabolas

Math Statistics

Probability Statistical Distribution Calculator 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

Probability Statistical Distribution Calculator for Android

The application is composed as calculator for the known statistical distributions:

For each distribution in editing fields is entered data and only one, we want to calculate

 remains empty( some fields can not be calculated,

 such as the field degree of freedom). All integrals are calculated by Gauss quadrature 

formulas with seven knots. The application has location for English,

 Bulgarian, French and German, Help and About - information for application.

Time Series for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application consists components processing samples of random variables of type time series. Applied five methods for prognosis and calculate the autocorrelation for disclosure of internal cycles. This application stores the data of only one sample. Enhanced application capable of storing data samples and many more features of this app is TimeSeriesResercher.

Processing includes storage (edited, deleted, renamed) a sample of a random variable, calculates and stores the basic statistical characteristics: sample size; minimum and maximum velues; arithmetic mean of sample; mode of the sample; median of the sample; lower quartile of the sample;upper quartile of the sample; lower decil of the sample; upper decile of the sample; average absolute deviation of the sample; standard deviation of the sample - biased estimator; sample standard deviation - unbiased estimator; variance - biased estimator; sample variance - unbiased estimator; coefficient variance of the sample; range of variance of the sample; interquartile range of the sample; inter decile range of the sample; quartil deviation of the sample; decil deviation of the sample; sample skewness; sample kurtosis; check zero skewness is rejected or not rejected(small sample); check zero kurtosis is rejected or not rejected(small sample); normal distribution rejected or not rejected(small sample); check m-test:zero skewness rejected or not rejected(for large sample); check m-test:zero kurtosis rejected or not rejected(for large sample); check m-test: normal distribution rejected or not rejected(for large sample).

The application along with the calculation of the aforementioned basic statistical characteristics has a check for normal and uniform distributions according criterion of Pearson, calculation of limits, such that the percentage of the population with a given probability falls to them. This application has functions to calculate (visualization and storage) autocorrelation and five type predictions of samples of type time series. The application has a help - the formulas for calculating the above-mentioned statistical characteristics.

A sample, results from its processing and forecasts can be saved in database (Sqlit). Tables with these data can be exported for printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser. The database may be exported in /mnt/sdcard/timeseries.db (or in the Phone storage) and back import. So the database can be stored in other media.

Time series processing a sample of random variable

Advanced Time Series Researcher  

Advance Time Series Researcher for Android ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application TimeSeriesResercher consists components processing samples of random variables of type time series. Applied five methods for prognosis and calculate the autocorrelation for disclosure of internal cycles.


 The application Time Series Researcher is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) a lot of samples of random variables – time series. For samples of random variables are calculated and storage basic statistical characteristics as: - sample size; minimum and maximum velues; - arithmetic mean of sample; - mode of the sample; - median of the sample; - lower quartile of the sample; - upper quartile of the sample; - lower decil of the sample; - upper decile of the sample; - average absolute deviation of the sample; - standard deviation of the sample - biased(uncorrected) estimator; - sample standard deviation - unbiased(corrected) estimator; - sample variance - biased(uncorrected) estimator; - sample variance - unbiased(corrected) estimator; - coefficient variance of the sample; - range of variance of the sample; - interquartile range of the sample; - inter decile range of the sample; - quartil deviation of the sample; - decil deviation of the sample; - sample skewness; - sample kurtosis; - check zero skewness is rejected or not rejected(small sample); - check zero kurtosis is rejected or not rejected(small sample); - normal distribution rejected or not rejected(small sample); - check m-test:zero skewness rejected or not rejected(for large sample); - check m-test:zero kurtosis rejected or not rejected(for large sample); - check m-test: normal distribution rejected or not rejected(for large sample).

 The application along with the calculation of the aforementioned basic statistical characteristics has a check for normal and uniform distributions according criterion of Pearson, calculation of limits, such that the percentage of the population with a given probability falls to them. This application has functions to calculate autocorrelation and five type predictions of samples of type time series. The application has and help - the formulas for calculating the above-mentioned statistical characteristics.

 Samples, results of processing characteristics, autocorrelation and prediction of time series can be saved in database (Sqlit) . Tables with these data can be exported for printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser and sending by Interne. So the database can be stored in other media. Upon booting the application you execute the "init DB"(initiate DB) from menu of startup activity. With the implementation of this function is charging a suggested sample.

Base Statistics for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

Processing Samples of Random Variables

App Base Statistics for Android consists two components, one is processing samples of random variables and the second calculator for the known statistical distributions. The application BaseStatistics can store only one sample. ApplStatistics application can store multiple samples.

Component processing samples of random variables is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) samples of random variables, to calculate their basic statistical characteristics as the: -average value; - standard deviation; - skewness and kurtosis; - to calculate confidence intervals of the average value; - variance and standard deviation; - check whether the sample is from normal or uniformly distributed random variable using criterion of Pearson; - check whether the sample is from normal, uniformly and exponentially distributed random variable using criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov; - and zero skewness and kurtosis; - determined histogram of sample; - function testing of hypotheses related to the mean and standard deviation; and other.

The application has function for smooth distributions, this includes assets for visualization

 adjusted( smooth) distributions related to the sample, not excluded from the Pearson's

 and Kolmogorov-Smirnovr's criteria.

Samples, results of processing and histogram can be saved in database (Sqlit). Tables with these data can be exported and imported for saving and printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser..

The application has localization for: English, Bulgarian, French and German.

Applied Statistics-histograms

Applied Statistics and histograms ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The app is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) a lot samples of random variables, to calculate their basic statistical characteristics as the: -average value; - standard deviation; - skewness and kurtosis; - variance and standard deviation; - determined histogram of sample.

Samples, results of processing and histogram can be saved in database (Sqlit). Tables with these data can be exported for printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser. Perform the function "Init DB"( initiate DB) from the menu of boot activity, when booting the application for first time With the implementation of this function is loaded and a list of some samples.


App StatisticsSmoothHistograms  

Applied statistics & smoothing histograms ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is for processing samples of random variables and determined histogram of sample and smoothed histograms.

The app is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) samples of random variables, to calculate their basic statistical characteristics as the: -average value; - standard deviation; - skewness and kurtosis; - to calculate confidence intervals of the average value; - variance and standard deviation; - check whether the sample is from normal or uniformly distributed random variable using criterion of Pearson; - check whether the sample is from normal, uniformly and exponentially distributed random variable using criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov; - and zero skewness and kurtosis; - determined histogram of sample and smoothed histograms.

Samples, results of processing and histogram can be saved in database (Sqlit) and sending by Interne. Tables with these data can be exported for printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser. Perform the function "Init DB"( initiate DB) from the menu of boot activity, when booting the application for first time With the implementation of this function is loaded and a list of some samples.

Applied Statistic & Probability Distributions 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) samples of random variables, to calculate their basic statistical characteristics as the: -average value; - standard deviation; - skewness and kurtosis; - to calculate confidence intervals of the average value; - variance and standard deviation; - and zero skewness and kurtosis; - determined and smoothed histogram of sample; and others.

Samples, results of processing and histogram can be saved in database (Sqlit).

The application along with the above basic statistical characteristics has a check for normal and uniform distribution according to Pearson's criterion, check whether the sample is normal, uniform, exponentially, truncated normal, U-quadratic or reciprocal distributed random variable according Kolmogorov-Smirnov's criterion. This application also has functions to calculate of smooth distribution of these not rejected the relevant criteria. The application has and component called distributions. The component Distributions is calculator for the known statistical distributions:

The samples and results of processing can be saved in database (Sqlit). The tables with these data can be exported for printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser.

AppliedStatistics & hypotheses 

 ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is for processing samples of random variables and testing of hypotheses related to the mean and standard deviation and other..


The application is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) samples of random variables, to calculate their basic statistical characteristics as the: -average value; - standard deviation; - skewness and kurtosis; - to calculate confidence intervals of the average value; - variance and standard deviation; - check whether the sample is from normal or uniformly distributed random variable using criterion of Pearson; - check whether the sample is from normal, uniformly and exponentially distributed random variable using criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov; - and zero skewness and kurtosis; - function testing of hypotheses related to the mean and standard deviation and other.

Samples, results of processing and histogram can be saved in database (Sqlit). Tables with these data can be exported for printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser. Perform the function "Init DB"( initiate DB) from the menu of boot activity, when booting the application for first time With the implementation of this function is loaded and a list of some samples.

FactorAnalysis for Android  

Factors Analysis&Processing Samples for Random Variables  ->Samsung Galaxy Store

APP Factors Analysis for Android consists three components, one is processing samples of random variables; the secondis factorization of correlation matrix; and the third calculator for the known statistical distributions.

Component processing samples of random variables is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) samples of random variables, to calculate their basic statistical characteristics as the: -average value; - standard deviation; - skewness and kurtosis; - to calculate confidence intervals of the average value; - variance and standard deviation; - check whether the sample is from normal or uniformly distributed random variable using criterion of Pearson; - check whether the sample is from normal, uniformly and exponentially distributed random variable using criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov; - and zero skewness and kurtosis; - determined histogram of sample; - function testing of hypotheses related to the mean and standard deviation; and other.

The application has function for smooth distributions, this includes assets for visualization

 adjusted( smooth) 

distributions related to the sample, not excluded from the Pearson's and Kolmogorov-Smirnovr's criteria.

In the component Factors Analysis for correlation matrix factorization applies two

 known methods: main components (Pearson, 1901 and Hoteling, 1933);

 and - the main factors (Spearman, 1904 1926). A correlation matrix can

 be obtained by treatment of data with functions of the application, or by entering

 or importing into the application of ready-correlation matrices.

Samples, results of processing and histogram can be saved . Tables with these data can be exported, and sending for saving and printing. The application has functions for create, delete and selection of a folder for storage data results.

processing sample of random variables

App Stochastic Queue For Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application models the operation of a single-channel queuing system for mass service. Allows the waiting and service time to be stored and processed as samples of random variables. Along with this application allows you to enter and process samples of random variables. The app has a calculator component known statistical distributions.

The app allows to simulate waiting time and staying in the system. Input stream and service imitate by any of the following probability distributions: - Exponential; - Uniform; - Erlang; - Weibull; - Truncated normal or Regular flow (at regular intervals).

Component processing samples of random variables is designed to store (edited, deleted, renamed) samples of random variables, to calculate their basic statistical characteristics as the: -average value; - standard deviation; - skewness and kurtosis; - to calculate confidence intervals of the average value; - variance and standard deviation; - check whether the sample is from normal or uniformly distributed random variable using criterion of Pearson; - check whether the sample is from normal, uniformly and exponentially distributed random variable using criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov; - and zero skewness and kurtosis; - determined histogram of sample; - function testing of hypotheses related to the mean and standard deviation; and other.

The application has function for smooth distributions, this includes assets

 for visualization adjusted( smooth) distributions related to the sample,

 not excluded from the Pearson's and Kolmogorov-Smirnovr's criteria.

Samples, results of processing and histogram can be saved in database (Sqlit) or save as .txt file, exported and send to e-mail. Data base can be exported and imported for saving and printing for example, by means of Sqlit browser..

The application has localization for: English, Bulgarian, French and German.

App Stochastic Queue For Android

The application is model of working of single-channel queue system for mass service. Allows the waiting and service time to be stored and processed as samples of random variables. Along with this application allows you to enter and process samples of random variables. The app has a calculator component known statistical distributions.

Business apps

Incomes Expenses Enterprise Calculator for Android

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is used for processing documents relating to revenue and costs of subjects. subjects can be of various kinds. The subject can be for example a household, can be a car, construction or repair of house and more.

This application stores data of only one ssubject . Enhanced application capable of storing data of many subjects and many more features of this app is IncomesExpensesEnterprise_Calculator.

With subjects associated incomes and expenses, with some of them can only have incomes, other can only have costs. The application allows, for example, any expenditure which let's call invoice, to connect to the date, amount of money, category with which to associate consumption and short descriptive text (name of the invoice).

This data is stored and on their basis to draw up a reports (summary data) for a defined period by category. The categories are generalization of costs, such as object car - petrol category; - category oils; - category of tires and others.

The application facilitates the user when entering data as categories are chosen from pre-established dynamic list, the same applies when forming the name of the invoice ,date also elected by the calendar.

The revenue and expenditure considered as random variables form a stochastic process as for individual categories and for all categories. The app has features to calculate the autocorrelation for detection of internal cycles related revenues and expenses also apply forecasting methods

Advanced Assess Objects

Samsung Galaxy Store

The purpose of the app is for objective comparison of a group of objects The application Advanced Assess Objects is intended to create models for the evaluation of a group of objects. Objects can be of various kinds. With one model are estimated group of similar objects

A model consists of a hierarchy of criteria. One criterion is the short text - setting the characteristic meaning of criterion such as "Fuel consumption per 100 kilometers" in comparing cars. Another example: "Security Policy of information" - when evaluating computer systems. The criteria in the hierarchy may have under the criteria or are leaves and have no sub. The sub criteria in one node are ranked in order of importance by experts. One expert rank sub criteria in a node with numbers: 1, 2, 3. If the number of sub-criteria is three. As 1 - is set for the most important, 2 - for the next most important, etc. After entering thus the opinions of experts application has a function to calculate the weights of the criteria. For the calculation used scale Thurston's (Thurstone scale - American psychologist Thurstone, Louis Leon-1887-1955) - The Measurement of Attitude (1929). On this scale the sum of the weights directly subordinate to a node 1. Next step is to introduce quantities( amounts) of leaves pattern for each of the evaluated objectss. These quantities of an object weighted and summed for individual nodes as calculated from the lowest levels to the top in the hierarchy of the model. Before weighing quantities of one characteristic (only for features leaves in the hierarchy of criteria) for individual objects are normalized in order on whether the characterization is set normalization in maximum or minimum. Characteristics example of the type of mentioned before - "Fuel consumption per 100 kilometers" is performed normalizing by minimum.

Buy Repair Rent Refinance Calculator for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

BRRR Calculator application  is used when deciding to invest in rental real estate. The main distinction of the application from other similar is that the investment decision is taken on the basis of income, the investment will bring, not the price demanded by the seller.

To calculate investment property return provide Monthly Rent - rental income, Property Taxes per year, Property Insurance per year, Annual Repairs - a percentage of annual income (e.g. 5%), Vacancy - estimated number of weeks property is not occupied by tenants (e.g. 2 weeks). Based on these data are calculated Total Annual Income and Total Annual Expenses. Offer Price that make sense to buy this property is calculated as Net Operating Income (NOI) which is equal to Total Annual Income minus Total Annual Expenses divided by Cap Rate - a selected value around 8% or more. The offer price is reduced by the initial cost – Start Up Expenses of restoring the property rental condition. Entering a percentage what part of that price is a loan - Mortgage LTV in %, shall determine the monthly cash flow income (Cash Flow) as NOI minus Annual Mortgage Payment - annual payment for servicing the loan to purchase the property. If Cash Flow is below a amount provided by the user (e.g. $200 ) it is not worth making a deal. Another indicator is the Debt Servicing Ratio ratio of NOI to the annual payment for servicing the loan Mortgage Per Year. If this figure is less than 1.25 also is not worth doing a deal. The Return On Investment (ROI) is calculated as annual cash flow divided to the own capital invested in the property (100 - LTV %). The great ROI the better to invest in this property. If the investment is 100% financed with a loan, the ROI is infinity.

The app allows you to perform calculations on one of the following three parameters: monthly income; Cap Rate ; and Offer Price of the property to the depositor when set two of them and the others. For example, what monthly income if set Offer Price, Cap Rate and other parameters.

The application for one property is stored in preferences and automatically restores next time when application start. BRRR Calculator Enterprise is enhanced application capable of storing data for multiple properties and more investment features.

App Real Estate Buying for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is used in the decision to buy a property (house). The investment decision is made on the basis of the monthly income the buyer has.

The monthly tax liabilities for the property, the value of the insurance for the month, the monthly maintenance costs are reported. The maximum percentage of the monthly income is set to be used to determine the monthly deposit for repayment of the loan from the bank and own funds saved to cover the advance payment. The annual interest rate and the number of years for repayment of the loan are introduced.

All monthly expenses are calculated including a monthly deposit and a loan that can be serviced at a given monthly income.

All of these metrics determine the ceiling on the bid price for a property that the buyer can afford.

The application allows to calculate one of the following three parameters: monthly income; own cash saved; and the price of the property for the depositor given two of them and the others. For example, what kind of monthly income would you have at a set price for the property and your own savings to complete the purchase.

The application creates a document with the above contents including a loan servicing table.

The application contains advertising banners.

The investment decision is made on:

The application allows to calculate one of the following three parameters:

PropertyExpenses Invoices-Calc  

Property Expenses Invoices Calculator for ANDROID->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is used to process the data from documents(invoices) for expenses related to rental properties. Data from expense invoices - are entered and edited for the properties. The following data is entered from each invoice: short name; the date (when the invoice was issued); the value of price (money) and indicator.

The list of indicators( categories) serves to calculate (sum up) the values from the invoices in more aggregated data. The values of many invoices related to one indicator will form the sum of the cost of that indicator. The indicators can be from a given tax system, in the sample application database they are from Form 1040 - Supplemental Income and Loss - Canada. These include the following indicators: from section 5 to 19. In the sample list, other indicators may be introduced as options or replace existing ones according to the tax needs of other countries or specific user needs.

The main purpose of the application is: - maintenance of the above-mentioned invoice data; - aggregation by indicators of invoice data (result data) from date to date; - and forecasting (predicting) costs for a separate indicator or for all indicators; - maintaining the list of indicators and a list of template names for the formation of invoice names.

The results data can be used in determining the tax on rental properties. Let's be clear: the app does not determine taxes, it provides input data that can be used to determine taxes related to rental properties. Forecast data can be used for budgeting. The forecast is one step ahead (not tied to an exact date) in terms of expenses price (money).

The home screen of the application(Property Activity) serves to maintain the list of properties. From the home screen , after selecting a property and push the button Edit invoices, maintenance of the list of invoices is enabled – InvoicesListActivity. Aggregate data calculation for all properties is enabled from the home screen with a menu item - Calculate or from the toolbar button with a red dot image. Aggregate data calculation for particular property is enabled from InvoicesListActivity as the same way. Before the calculation starts, a prompt appears that two dates must be selected - start and end, invoices with a date between them will be included in the resulting data.

Data forecasting for all properties is enabled from a menu item on the home screen. Data forecasting for a particular property is enabled from a menu item on the invoice maintenance screen. The application offers: "Time series" - displays graphics and data time series( of the money of invoices), "Autocorrelation" - displays graphics and data of the autocorrelation of the same time series, "Simple exp. smoothing "- displays graphics and data of simple exponentially predicting ," Simple moving average"- displays graphics and data of simple movement of average," Linear exp. Smoothing "- displays graphics and data of linear exponential prediction, "Holt's Linear exp. smoothing "- displays graphics and data Holt's linear exponentially prediction and “Additive damped trend” - displays graphics and data of additive damped trend. Detailed information on all these statistics can be found on the Internet. We will only mention that autocorrelation shows cyclicity in the data.

Finally, note that the result data can be exported with a function Export data for print enabled from the menu item where it is displayed as a text file (with the extension .txt) in a selected file directory localy – from activity SaveDB/Save file. With the application, you can create folders where you can archive the result data.

Unfortunately, the police of Gogoole Play do not allow such data to be stored except in the so-called photos and media on your divaice. The developers have found in practice that in the folder Download you can create subdirectories and store files, in many other places it is forbidden, but not by us, this is because our application did not have such a main function.

The app stores the data for invoices of a properties in a database of type Sqlit named propertiesEnterprise.db.

Banking application

App Annuity Calculator 

Samsung Galaxy Store

The app is designed to calculate an annuity table. The application works in three modes: - defines future accumulation and present input; - determines the deposit; - determines how many times (time) it is imported / towed. 

In all modes, a two-part table is calculated, one for future accumulation and the other for current withdrawal. In the first case, a regular sum is paid and accumulated amount is determined by the deadline. In the second case, the one-time calculated amount shall be paid and shall be withdrawn regularly until it is exhausted to the deadline. Table can be saved as .txt file for printing.

The periodic interest is calculated by dividing the annual interest rate by the number of payments per year.    Future value is determined by the formula FV = R ((1 + i) ^ n-1) / i, and the Present value is determined by the formula PV = R (1- (1 + i) ^ (- n)) / i. where i is the interest for the payment period, R is the deposit and n is the number of payments.

Restaurant service

Advanced Restaurant app for Android 

Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is used for information service in restaurant operations. It covers the activity of waiters, warehouse and kitchen. All information is stored in a SQLite database named advanceRestorant.db on mobile devices. The information mainly covers the products in the warehouse, the composition and structure of the restaurant menus, the requests of the clients and the formation of their accounts. When installing the app, it asks for permission to access device files, access location, and enter a username. This name should be in Latin because it is entered as part of a file name identifier, for example when sending requests.

Restaurant menus are organized in hierarchical - tree-like structures. Each tree consists of a main folder and in it folders and menu items - the leaves in the tree. The nesting levels of folders within folders and menu items are virtually unlimited. This organization also appears as a directory explorer on computers. In front of each item there is a check box, pressing it expands or collapses the folder tree. The difference with directories on computers is that folder names and menu item names are entered in the user's preferred language.
This organization of restaurant menus is convenient for easily finding menu items when preparing customer requests.

Information for an individual product in the warehouse includes: - product name; - quantity; - measure; - unit price; - total quantity value; - expiration date; - and date and time of registration. This makes it possible to store many batches with different expiration dates for one product. Product information (included from the Product's Store menu item on the home screen) is organized on two levels. The first level is product categories, for example, meat, vegetables, seafood, etc. And the second level is the products belonging to the given category. The activity - Product's Store serves to maintain the products in the warehouse and also: the list of product categories; - the list of objects (customers places) - these are the places in the restaurant with which the requested food orders are connected; - the list of measures such as: kg – kilograms, lt – liters; and the list of methods for preparing the products, for example "Boiling", "Baking at 180 degrees", etc. 

From the menu of the activity - Product's Store, two functions are included: export and import of the supported lists. These functions are used if the staff delivering the products is working on their own mobile device and exports the information about the purchased products to a selected directory on the mobile device in a text file. After the export function is executed, a send image button appears (with an image of a paper swallow). This feature allows the processed list to be sent by email to the customer developing the restaurant menu, and he in turn imports it into the database on his mobile device. Export and import involves selecting a directory from the mobile device to export to and from where to import the data file. This activity also performs database export and import.

Products in the warehouse are tracked automatically (optionally) for the expiration date. Information on the quantities of expired products is sent to the archive once a day, and information on products with an unexpired date is also sent to the archive in parallel. This allows to include a function that shows statistics on the used quantities of products including in a graphical form, there is also a one-step forward estimated value calculated for used and unused products. Estimated values are made with a moving average of previous values with a step entered as an option. The archive can be deleted and, if necessary, start accumulating again. 

The activity Restaurant's menu serves to maintain the restaurant menus. When creating a main folder, only its name is entered. When creating a new item - folder or restaurant menu item, its place in the hierarchy is first determined, this must be in a previously created folder - old folder. By pressing a button whether it is in front of an element of the old folder or only directly subordinate. A dialog appears to choose whether to create a folder or a menu item. When creating a folder, only its name is entered.

When creating a restaurant menu item (portion of food) it is more complicated. For the portion of food, the component products are selected one by one. As for the inclusion of a given composite product, its category is selected from a drop-down list, the product itself from a drop-down list of products for the category and the method of preparation from a drop-down list. For the product, the quantity is entered by looking at the measure for the product, which appears automatically and when focus is lost from the quantity field, the value of the composite product is automatically calculated in the price field. After pressing the Save line button, a line for the new ingredient appears in the ingredient list and the ingredient price is added to the total price of the menu item. By selecting an item from the ingredient list, its data can be deleted or corrected and saved again.
Two dates are selected for the menu item, the first when it is modified and the second by when this menu item should be available to customers. A date is selected from a calendar and when you click in the corresponding field, the date from the calendar is transferred to it.

An image for example .jpg or .txt with a description of the recipe for preparing the menu item or a photo of the food portion can be attached to the menu item from the file directory. In the hierarchy tree, the image appears before the menu item name and can be displayed for viewing by the client.
After all this, the menu item can be saved and returned to for updating.

The MenuAmountActivity serves to maintain the total amount of portions of cooked food - the number of restaurant menu items that can be offered to customers. When an order is fulfilled (served to customers) portions of food, this total quantity is reduced by the corresponding units. From this activity, a function can be performed to calculate the value of the cooked food for all menu items, by pressing the Show Bill button. Functions can also be performed: export and import of the total amount of cooked food with a similar purpose as described above. After importing the number of restaurant menu items, a function can be executed to see if they are provided with products - Show Products. Two options also appear - one is the required products and the other is the missing products. The thus prepared structure of the restaurant menus and the set quantities of the prepared portions can be sent to the waiters serving the customers by exporting the entire database; Expired product information can be archived automatically (optional).

The RequestActivity is designed to maintain requests for the amount of cooked food - the number of restaurant menu items connected and delivered to objects, creation of the account and export and import of requests. Each request is associated with an object selected from a drop-down list - described above.
Tables of possible menu items are also selected from a drop-down list formed by the main menu item folders - described above. In such a table, against the name of the menu item, the number of ordered menu items can be entered.
After the delivery of the portions of a given menu item, an indication of this is checked in the check box, the request is stored. And when this table is loaded again, in the request executed in this way, the menu item is colored red and setting the number is blocked. After saving such a gap in the completed requests through the menu item Save completed Request (Save completed request) of the activity and reloading the table, the corresponding menu items are unblocked and reset, with which a new request can be requested for them. With Save completed request, the following is done: - dialog asks if it is the beginning of the account, if to delete previous accounts for the object, if not the fulfilled request accumulates to an old account; - the number of the executed menu item goes to the account table; - deletes from the table of stored requests the number of executed menu item; - reduces the number of menu items prepared in the kitchen by the number of executed menu items.
The RequestActivity has a function to show the bill, it is executed with the Show bill button, the displayed bill can be saved with the Save button in a local .txt file on the mobile device and sent by e-mail .

From the menu of the initial activity, it is possible to optionally include whether to activate the possibility to archive expired products, and the same for the cooked menu item


App Cross Words Prof - Android 

Cross Words Proffesional  ->Samsung Galaxy Store

The app is designed to create and populate crossword puzzles. Multiple crossword puzzles can be created, stored in a database (DB) and printed. The app provides full professional functionality for creating and publishing crossword puzzles.

The completion of a crossword can be done: - in automatic mode the whole crossword puzzle ;, - in automatic mode one by one words, i.e. by steps; - and in sequential word detection mode in response to questions.

The application has the ability to store one intermediate state of the placed words in the crossword field and in a delayed time to restore that state and continue the filling process.

The size of the word placement field (rows and columns) can be selected from a drop-down list, and its data is stored and maintained in optional activity.

When spelling out individual words, a random spacing and placement of matching letters is used in the crossword box. The words are arranged in a column or row from left to right and from top to bottom.

If a word has no matching letters with the words already placed, it is searched for a place in the random box place and if it does not find a suitable place it disappears.

Crossword words are sorted by word length from largest length to smallest before starting the field placement procedure. The first word is random placed, and the rest as described above. This makes it possible for the crossword puzzle to have a diverse arrangement in the field each time.

The word can be filled in crossword box with blank colored cells to fill in the words. Some of the cells are numbered with a number corresponding to the word number from the word list (or from the word description list), in the column or in the row that is the beginning of the word placement. Colors indicate whether the word or row is positioned in the row or column, and whether two words are spaced from that beginning.

The word placement field can be stored as an image file named imageCrossWords.png, as well as two word lists named CrossWords.txt and a word description named CrossWordsList.txt.

The names of these files may change. The files are stored in a selected folder on the device from where they can be sent for publication on the Internet Can create and delete folders.

App CrossWord for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The app is designed to create and populate crossword puzzles. Multiple crossword puzzles can be created and stored in a database (DB).

The completion of a crossword can be done: - in automatic mode the whole crossword puzzle ;, - in automatic mode one by one words, i.e. by steps; - and in sequential word detection mode in response to questions.

The application has the ability to store one intermediate state of the placed words in the crossword field and in a delayed time to restore that state and continue the filling process.

The size of the word placement field (rows and columns) can be selected from a drop-down list, and its data is stored and maintained in optional activity.

When spelling out individual words, a random spacing and placement of matching letters is used in the crossword box. The words are arranged in a column or row from left to right and from top to bottom.

If a word has no matching letters with the words already placed, it is searched for a place in the random box place and if it does not find a suitable place it disappears.

Crossword words are sorted by word length from largest length to smallest before starting the field placement procedure. The first word is random placed, and the rest as described above. This makes it possible for the crossword puzzle to have a diverse arrangement in the field each time.

The database is of type Sqlit with identifier crossWord.db. The data file can be exported and imported with the application's features, stored locally or sent over the Internet. With this, users can share crossword puzzles.

Adv Sudoku Pro for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store


The app is designed to create and populate Sudoku puzzles.

Multiple Sudoku puzzles can be created, stored in a database (DB) and printed. The app provides full professional functionality for creating and publishing Sudoku puzzles.

Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids that compose the grid contain all of the digits from 1 to 9.

Filling in one puzzle in the application can be done: - in automatic mode; - and in sequential fill mode, and whether it is filled correctly can be controlled.

The application has the ability to store one intermediate state of the puzzle and in a delayed time restore that state and continue the filling process.

The size of the number field (rows and columns) can be selected from a drop-down list, the classic Sudoku puzzle is in 9x9 grid.

The grid can be stored as an image file named imageSudoku.png.

The file stored in the main memory of the device from there can be sent for publishing.

App Hanoi Tower for Android 

Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is designed to move discs from the leftmost stick to the stick on the right. Only one disk can be moved at a time and it is not possible to place it on a smaller disk.

Moving is done by clicking on a stick with a disc, dragging it to another stick and releasing it.

The application also has the function of automatically transferring discs in steps by pressing the „New“ button and for each step by pressing the "By Steps" button.

The application contains advertising banners.

The game was introduced by Francois Edward Anatole Lucas in 1883.

Composit Cubs for Android 

->Samsung Galaxy Store

The application is a game for drawing a composite figure with the smallest volume of 27 cubes connected in seven figures. Also to draw a figure with the smallest surrounding surface. Can be formed a rectangular prism. The application shows the seven figures in 6 variants and has a teacher for the first two problems.

Composing is done by clicking, re-clicking, and dragging and dropping.

Composit Cubs for Android

The application is a game for drawing a composite figure with the smallest volume of 27 cubes connected in seven figures