Professional experience

2022 Oct - present: Postdoctoral Researcher| University of Leeds (Leeds, UK) and University of Leicester (Leicester, UK)

2019 Sep - 2020 Aug: ESO Student Fellowship (Supervisors: Gaitee Hussain, Carlo Manara) | ESO (Garching, Germany)

2017 Feb - 2018 Aug: Observatory assistant, demonstrator in astronomy | Konkoly Observatory (Budapest, Hungary)


2018 - 2022 : PhD in Astronomy (summa cum laude) | Konkoly Observatory / Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)
Title: Accretion variability in low-mass young stellar objects (Supervisor: Ágnes Kóspál)

2015 - 2018: MSc in Astronomy | Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)

2012 - 2015: BSc in Physics | Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)

Grants, Scholarships, Awards

2020 Sep - 2021 Aug: Research grant of the New National Excellence Program (ÚNKP) of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology
from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (Hungary)

2021: III. ÚNKP Public Outreach Competition | Video category: III. Prize

2019 Sep - 2020 Aug: ESO Student Fellowship | ESO (Garching, Germany)

2019: National Scientific Students' Association Competition (Eger, Hungary) | Special award
  Title: Brightness variations of young Sun-like stars from ground-based and space telescope

2017: National Scientific Students' Association Competition (Debrecen, Hungary) | III. Prize
  Title: Statistical examination of temporal evolution of sunspot groups

2016 Sep - 2017 Feb: Erasmus scholarship | University of Sheffield (UK)




Memberships of Scientific Societies

Since 2023: IAU Junior Member

Since 2023: LSST:UK Junior Associate

Since 2019: European Astronomical Society