
2023 Fall - Lecturer for [401-3915-73L]  Machine Learning in Finance and Insurance (ETH Zurich)

The course is a mixture of theory and graded coding projects in Python.

Coding projects:

2022 Spring - Lecturer for [MAT519] Introduction to Mathematical Finance

- Basics of financial markets

- Single-period market models

- Preliminaries on risk-neutral pricing and hedging

- Review of probability theory (Probability I + martingales)

- Discrete-time market models

    - Pricing of European Contingent Claims

    - Pricing of American Contingent Claims

- Fundamental theorems of asset pricing

    - Existence and uniqueness of an Equivalent Martingale Measure

- Optional: Introduction to continuous-time finance

    - Convergence to Brownian motion

    - Black-Scholes formula

2021 Fall - [MAT922] Probability II

2021 Spring - [MAT582] Credit risk models

This was a student seminar organized by me.

Description: Credit risk is the risk of financial losses arising from the failure of a counterparty to satisfy a contractual obligation. Nowadays credit risk management is of fundamental importance in almost all financial institutions, not just credit institutions. In particular, thanks to the rapid growth in credit derivative instruments (such as CDOs, CDSs, and Credit Index derivatives), credit risk has become an essential tool for risk managers and for asset managers alike. From a mathematical point of view, credit risk management relies on the correct modelling of statistical dependencies and on the efficient estimation of rare events. In this seminar we will study the models most commonly used within the financial industry for credit risk management and credit derivative pricing. 


2020 Fall - [MAT922] Probability II

Gaultier Lambert

2020 Spring - [MAT921] An introduction to high-dimensional probability and statistics

Ashkan Nibeghbali

2019 Fall - [MAT003] An introduction to Machine Learning

2018 Fall - [MAT519] Introduction to Mathematical Finance

2017 Fall - [MAT943] Markov processes and Ergodic Theory

2017 Fall - [MAT519] Introduction to Mathematical Finance

2017 Spring - [MAT901] Probability Theory I