"Slow Goes The Growth"

My Credentials: A disciple of the international Double Dragon Alliance (DDA) based in Shanghai, China. Over 25 years of Taiji study in association with local schools (Magic Tortoise, Entwined Dragons, Black Bamboo, etc); medalist and judge at CACMA and USKSF; senior student and Certified Taiji Teacher with Magic Tortoise School.

Double Dragon Alliance Lineage, Gabrael StClair, Masters Rose Oliver and Wang Ming Bo, Double Dragon Alliance, Shanghai., Master Dong Bin, Masters Yue Huan Zhi and Dong Shi Zuo, Master Dong Ying Jie, Master Yang Chen Fu.

My Interests: I'm predominantly interested in the forms that I'm bringing back directly from China. I recently (mid-May to Mid-June 2024) completed a month long Double Dragon Alliance training camp in Shanghai. 

Here’s the Dropbox link for my Shanghai Diary:


Also ...I will be judging at this Tournament.

CACMA Fall Classics Tournament

Oct. 12, 2024 in Charlotte, NC 



9 AM Tuesday - 13 Variations Wu Style Push Hands Drills 

Orchard Park, 1000 S. Duke St. Durham 

Donations to the teacher are encouraged.

6:15 PM Tuesday - Exercises For Well-Being

Energy, Flexibility, and Flow.

Warm-ups, Tuina (energy points), Animal Frolics Qigong, Tai Chi, and Sensing Hands. 

W. D. Hill Recreation Center, 1308 Fayetteville Street, Durham. 

$4 fee ($3 Seniors) to the center per class visit. 

Contact (919) 560-4292 Marcus Hughes marcus.hughes@durhamnc.gov

9 AM Wednesday - Qigong – Please bring a 4 or 5 foot long staff. 

Orchard Park, 1000 S. Duke St. Durham 

Donations to the teacher are encouraged.

9 AM Friday - Long Form Taiji (Tai Chi) 

Grandmaster Dong Bin’s Yang 81 Step Taiji – 45 minutes straight focus.

Advanced Taiji. A challenging workout, requiring strength, flexibility, and patience.

Orchard Park, 1000 S. Duke St. Durham 

Donations to the teacher are encouraged.

  Please let me know if you wish to be on my update list. gabeteachestaiji@gmail.com

Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted via cash, Zelle 919/323-2101,

 or PayPal  gabraelstclair@gmail.com


Form descriptions

Master Dong Bin's Yang Taiji— An hour long flowing Yang family form, emphasizing many expanding, circular and evading moves.  Focus is on slow, continuity in the spiraling 81 movements. I find that this form is a good challenge to my body, mind, and spirit. We have regular corrections from Master Rose Oliver. 

Taiji Zhang (Taiji Staff)--This 8 minute staff form is very close to qigong in nature. Slow and flowing stretches with the staff, crossing the mid-line quite often to have a challenge for mind as well as body. Very relaxing and centering. Good for meditation. I learned this form from Master Liu Zu Ping. https://youtu.be/7miWGGszIfw

Qigong -- Slow Stretches with mindful breathing to bring the body's energy towards harmony. 

BaDuanJin, https://youtu.be/XltDPxvKPcA

YiJinJing, https://youtu.be/o_ZwGc5H1pg

WuQinXi, https://youtu.be/cBkcSgYSU2g

Xing Yi San He Dao (3 Harmonies Saber)— We practice extending energy through the blade, in this 105 movement energetic and delightful saber form from Zhu Gui Ting, based on 12 Animal Xing Yi. Solo and duet. I learned this form from Master Yan Cheng De and Master Rose Oliver. Master Dan Pasek of the Entwined Dragons School has generously given expert Taiji weapons advice, and he reconstructed the duet from the solo San He Dao form.  

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. 

All The Best,

Gabe LaoShi (Teacher Gabe), DDA, CACMA, USKSF, Certified Taiji Teacher through Magic Tortoise School 

Business email:    gabeteachestaiji@gmail.com

Check out my Facebook page https://fb.me/GabeTeachesTaiji

DDA Videos

DDA References