Meet the Team

President: Melissa Blizzard

Vice-President: Raine Wheeler

Secretary: Lisa Wiggins

Treasurer: Nancy Davis

Meet the executive board of the Greater Augusta Area Orff Chapter.  We work behind the scenes – before and after our workshops – to make sure everything runs smoothly.  Reach out to us if you have any questions or ideas to make our chapter better!

We are four dedicated music educators with the ambition to organize great workshops for our community. Only a year old, GAAO has already had a full schedule for guest clinicians, experts in the field of music education and the Orff philosophy. While we invite all participates far and wide, our Augusta location allows for the music education community to connect closer to home while offering accessible workshops for students and professionals in Savannah GA and Columbia SC. 

Workshops will be easy on the wallet and a fun break for your teacher brain!