Breakout EDU


Rudolph's Hide n' Seek

5 Little Snow People

English - Language

Sentence Structure Race

Capitalisation, spelling, & punctuation.

Midway Fun and Games

Use commas to separate words in a list.

Skate Night

Identify unknown words using roots, affixes, and synonyms.

Neighbourhood Picnic

Practice plural nouns, reflexive pronouns, and past tense verbs.

Bowling Party

Sentence work: simple & compound sentences.

Teddy Bear Mix-up (G1)

Use nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives and pronouns correctly.

English - Reading

Camp Out Fun

Reading Fluency: word-work, vowel length, & suffixes.

English - Writing

How much is that doggie?

Writing Structure


Lost in the Library

Add and subtract within 1000 using models, drawings, and strategies.

Carnival Quest

Fluently add and subtract within 100.

Wacky Trax

Rounding Numbers.

Just Plane Fun

Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms.

Ben Ten's Truck Repair

Multiply single digit numbers to multiples of 10.

Patricia's Pattern Pasta

Finding patterns in numbers and arithmetics.