The most basic use of coins is to shoot them with hitscan attacks. Upon being hit, the coin will ricochet the attack into a nearby target; if the target has a vulnerable weak spot, the ricocheted shot will automatically aim for it. Additionally, if multiple coins are airborne at once, shots will ricochet consecutively off of each coin before seeking out a target.

In addition to homing in on their target's weak spots, coins will also apply a damage multiplier to the ricocheted attack, making it even deadlier. Multiple airborne coins will ricochet a shot between each other, with each consecutive coin adding its damage multiplier to the attack. This is best used in conjunction with the Electric Railcannon or the Alternate Marksman to achieve the highest damage. While the Malicious Railcannon can be multiplied, only its direct impact damage is affected by multiplication, with its explosion damage being unaffected.

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If a shot ricochets between multiple coins capable of splitshotting, each coin will create its own splitshot, allowing one shot to multiply into many; four coins that can splitshot will create 5 ricoshots that each target a different enemy or object. The easiest way to do this is to gain height and fire multiple coins straight up into the air, allowing them to fall far enough for each to reach the splitshot state. Slam storage is a good way to achieve sufficient height to pull this off.

The Alternate Revolver cannot perform split-shots but has a different split-timing interaction; each split coin adds an additional hit to the ricoshot. In addition, if used with Alternate Piercer's Charge Shot, it will enable the ricoshot to hit all of its 6 hits instead of passing through the enemy after the fourth. In effect, multiple split coins with Alternate Revolver, particularly Charge Shot, can provide exponential, devastating single-target damage.

Deadcoining is a technique that combines the coin chaining mechanic with the 'deadcoin' period; a short period (0.1s) when coins are thrown where they can't be ricoshot. When a coin chains to another coin, its current damage value is transferred and 1 is added to the value.

These have a 48 minute cooldown timer which starts running when you deliver the target to the yellow area in the mission. A dead target halves your xp and cash. For multiple target legendary bounties, I'm not sure - but you may get the full reward as long as one of the targets are alive and 50% if all of the targets are dead.

There are often several visible in-game timers, but none of them are related to the actual mission timer that decides your reward. The actual timer is hidden to the player, which means you have to track the mission time yourself. For normal missions, the clock starts ticking approximately when you get the "Capture X dead or alive" title on your screen after accepting at the bounty board. For legendary bounties, the timer starts approximately when you gain control of your character after the initial cutscene. The timer ends when you deliver the bounty target to the prison wagon or sheriff by entering the yellow area or dropping the target there.

If you want the most gold, it doesn't matter what bounty mission you do. It doesn't matter if the target is alive or dead. 12 minute missions are the best. A full 30 minute mission nets you 0.48 gold while two 12 minute missions will give you 0.64 gold (0.32*2) in 6 minutes less

$$-bounties and $$$-bounties give you 25% and 50% more cash and xp than $-bounties. Multiple targets increase your cash payout and four or six man bounties slightly increases your xp. Handing in a dead target halves your cash and xp payout.

Your last two targets will attempt to trick you, the first will move from the right very slowly to trick you into shooting it, do not shoot until the actual final target moves pops up and moves rapidly from the left to align with the slower target, hitting both of these will start Bonus Time so begin your reload immediately.

Afterwards you can either aim for a new chest that appears from the right with a skull and attempt to hit it and the one behind it but this may be tricky to line up the two skulls, we preferred to hit the flying target that appears first and is slowly moving from right to left then target the moving skull chest as it reaches the left side if you aim it right you can also hit the chest in the far back.

Course 2-C will test your ability to swap between the TMP for individual or rapidly appearing targets and the Riot Gun for groups of targets. The trickiest part of this course reside in steadying the TMP to hit the various skull targets and finishing the course fast enough to trigger Bonus Time.

A phishing attack is an email crafted to resemble correspondence from a trustworthy source like a retailer or bank to trick individuals into clicking on a link or downloading a file that launches malware. Some phishing attacks can execute their hidden payloads if the target simply opens the email message.

Immediately Gotoh contacts Tsubone about the situation at hand while making some requests. As soon as Gotoh, Canary, and Amane try to chase after Killua, they encounter Hisoka who confronts them. When asked who he is, Hisoka answers he's a magician who wishes to remain anonymous. Hisoka then attacks the group with his card, but Gotoh shoots down all of the cards with his coins. He then orders Canary and Amane to go on ahead and that he'll deal with the magician. The two of them skirmish both utilizing their Nen capabilities to the fullest extent, but in the end, Hisoka gains the upper hand and kills Gotoh, by tricking him in a decoy attack.[12] While piloting an airship from the Parasta Airport, Canary tries to get in contact with Gotoh, but to no avail. Morel also mentions not being able to get in contact with Gotoh, when he contacts Killua. Killua promises Morel he'll get in touch with Gotoh,[13] but afterward he contacts Canary and to inform her that he too can't get in touch with Gotoh.[14]

Gotoh's Nen type is Enhancement. He primarily uses his aura to turn coins into weapons, flipping and rapidly firing barrages from both of his hands at the same time and with more power than real guns. When needed, Gotoh can also add a rifling effect to each of the coins to cause more damage to his opponent at the expense of losing some of the coins' traveling speed. The rifling is to such a degree that the coins would continue to spin and penetrate the target even if they're momentarily stopped by potent elastic and adhesive materials such as Hisoka's Bungee Gum.[12]

Detail from the stone cross (below) The great enemies of the gods were the giants, and there were often conflicts between the two races. Among the gods, only Thor was a match for the giants in strength, so the gods usually had to rely on cunning to outwit the giants. Odin himself was capable of clever tricks, but whenever the gods needed a really cunning plan, they turned to the fire-god Loki. Like fire, which can bring necessary warmth or cause great destruction, Loki did many things that benefited the gods, but he also caused them great harm, and often the problems he solved had been caused by his mischief in the first place.

Not every bid will be successful but make sure not to get drawn into a bidding war, and stick to a target price. Bidding on mass is a great way to get players and items below their market value, especially during off-peak times. These players and items can then be sold straight away for their market value, but make sure they are sold for 5% more than they were purchased for. This is best for low-budget players that want to make coins instantly.

To support these wrapped coins, bridge services hold large reserves of various coins. "You need to trust the bridge really has the assets that are backing those tokens," said Robinson. "They have huge amounts of assets that back those wrapped tokens."

The pulling down of the curtains serves to conceal the entrance of thecaliph in the box. When the odalisk is to vanish and the caliph to appear heslips in from the board on the outside, while the odalisk takes her place on theboard behind the screen. The odalisk who appears at the door of the auditoriumand walks down through the audience is an exact double of the realodalisk who is standing invisible behind the screen on the board of the cageat the left. Owing to the peculiar costume of the odalisk this disguise isrendered very easy. While the real odalisk is standing behind the screen onthe board of the cage at the left, the caliph installs himself in the cage. Thefalse odalisk is then raised in the air in the second cage, through which theaudience has been able to see up to this time. A shot is now fired and justat that time the odalisk moves very quickly on a board behind the screen andthe cage is let down and stands firmly on the floor, at the same moment theodalisk in the other cage changing places with the caliph. The swinging cageappears to be empty and apparently the odalisk has passed through the air tothe other cage. The success of the trick depends upon making the spectatorsbelieve that everything is done in cages through which they can see.

Another trick of the fire eaters is when they pretend to drink burning oil.A little kerosene oil is poured into an iron ladle. The oil is now lighted, andwhile the ladle is held in the left hand, an iron spoon is dipped into the oil asthough to take a spoonful; but in reality the spoon is only wet, and when it isbrought blazing to the mouth the operator throws back his head as though toswallow it, and at the same time a slight puff is given by the breath, whichblows it out. This trick is very effective if well done, but the reader isespecially cautioned against trying any experiments in tricks of this kind, asthe results are apt to be dangerous except in the hands of experts. This willbe seen by what is called the sponge trick. Two or three small sponges are[152]placed in an iron ladle, gasolene is poured over them, only a sufficient quantitybeing used to wet them; they must in no case drip. The sponges are nowset on fire, and the experimenter takes up one of them with his tongs, and,throwing his head back, drops the blazing sponge into his mouth. He expelshis breath quickly all the time. Suddenly he closes his mouth; this cuts offthe oxygen necessary for combustion, and the flame immediately goes out. Performerswho present fire tricks for the amusement of a company frequentlytry experiments which give a ghastly appearance to the audience. This is doneby pouring a few ounces of alcohol into a basin containing a handful of salt.When this is lighted the complexion of everyone is hideous. A slightly differenteffect is used by infusing saffron in alcohol for a number of hours, and thenadding salt as before; it is usually poured upon tow which is lighted. Thereare some liquids that have the property of taking fire and burning withoutinjuring the object upon which they are poured and without producing anypainful sensation upon the skin. As a usual thing such liquids are very volatileand consist of essential oils, ether, etc. The reason that some substancescan be burned without injuring them, or upon the skin without burning, areexplained as follows: These substances are very volatile, and their tension isconsiderable, and, in reality, when they are burning, it is merely their vaporwhich is on fire. This vapor then tends to borrow heat from the liquid,whence the latter may remain at a relatively low temperature while the surfaceis on fire. This is a reasonable explanation of the curious phenomenon of theburning liquid. be457b7860

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