List of Free Workshops


Professional Development can prepare teachers and staff for the coming transformation of education that Scott Looney describes in his YouTube video “Imagine a Transcript.

Courses for a Shared Mindset

Your teachers can become prepared for developing procedures that support the “focus on skills.” Here are some topics that you can consider for your future training opportunities for your teachers.

Course 1. Portfolios are coming.

NAME OF THE WORKSHOP: "How to use Portfolios to encourage deeper work on projects"

Course 2. A focus on skills is coming. This workshop prepares you as a teacher to a) understand how to "give feedback" without grading the work.

b) select a list of skills

c) create procedures for "pass or fail" or "shows ability to use the skill vs. improve and resubmit"

School is like Boy Scouts: earn badges for tasks.

Course 3. There are alternatives to grading and alternatives to standardized testing.

NAME OF THE WORKSHOP: "How to use Micro Badges to Get past Grade Inflation"

Course 4. Big projects earn academic credit in four subjects are coming (and are being used at Big Picture Learning and in Finland)

TOPIC: "How to build a big project with several teachers to inspire students to invest in their work."

Course 5. Lectures are passive. The person who lectures is the most active person in the room. The brains of the audience are often more active in sleep than in a lecture hall. Look at the method (Eric Mazur at Harvard) to give you an idea about how the procedure works.

NAME OF THE WORKSHOP : Peer Instruction -- Innovation from Harvard University with "Turn to your neighbor and persuade your neighbor about your answer." BLOG POST

Course 6: The five steps for Parents who want "BETTER" for their children. Five steps that parents can take to help their children compete with students in California....even if the schools of their children do not follow the recommendations mentioned by and the "flip the classroom" movement.

Get more information about these free courses at this page. This is another List of workshops (described at the Center for Projects, Presentations, Portfolios and Personalization. LINK

NAME OF THE WORKSHOP: "How to help Parents give their children tools to compete with students in California."