Rubrics, Rules & Prizes
All FWES students are invited to enter their project into the Science Fair Competition. All projects should be brought into school the morning of the fair for viewing the entire day by all grades. The projects then go home after prizes have been awarded the evening of the fair. The 4th & 5th graders will have different criteria than K through 3rd grade.
In an effort to be environmentally friendly, only on-line versions will be available. Please click below for the grade appropriate information:
Rubric for Grades K-3: Click Here
Rubric for Grades 4-5: Click Here
Rules for Science Fair Displays:
Students should design and make their own grade level appropriate exhibits.
All entries should include the STUDENT'S NAME AND CLASS ON THE BACK OF THE BOARD! Please add a Project Title so that judges can award fun prizes!
Exhibits should be on a tri-fold display board designed to rest on a table and should take up no more than 48 inches by 15 inches (48" total length & 15" depth). Please, no floor projects or wall posters (we need projects to be self standing). Trifold boards may be purchased from outside retailers, like those shown here at Target. They are also available at dollar stores. Please see last year's photos for example.
Exhibits must follow these safety regulations:
No OPEN containers of liquids are allowed.
No working volcanoes will be permitted.
Protect all moving parts of exhibits; make sure that your exhibit is safe.
If your exhibit uses electricity, keep in mind that:
Only ordinary household current (120 volt A.C.) will be provided. You must bring an extension cord.
Your exhibit must have a convenient on/off switch.
All electrical circuits and equipment must be properly insulated.
Anything that could be dangerous to the public is prohibited.
No living organisms, except plants.
No mold, fungus or microbial cultures.
No flame producing equipment, dangerous chemicals, acids, or caustic materials.
Idea for Above: If you would like to make a working volcano or study microbial cultures, you could exhibit your project in the form of photographs on a display board. If your parents approve of conducting the project at home, you have the option of creating a safe public display in this way.
If you do not want your project to be touched, please have a sign that says “DO NOT TOUCH”
All exhibits at the Science Fair are entered at the risk of the exhibitor. Remember that the Science Fair is a hands-on experience. Do NOT display anything valuable. If a parent would like to volunteer to monitor the display the day of the fair, please contact one of the chair people at
If you have any questions, concerns or need special help with your display, please contact the Science Fair Co-Chairs at
FWES Science Fair 2020: Scoring and Prizes
Overall Prizes
Grades K-3
Future Scientist Award: Showing Potential in the Scientific Field
Most Creative Project Award: Thinking outside the Typical Project & Showing Scientific Insight
Grades: 4-5:
Best Overall: One winning entry in the Research and Experimental Categories
Honorable Mention in the Research and Experimental Categories
FWES Favorite (NEW THIS YEAR) - all FWES students gets a ticket to put in their favorite Gr 4-5 project when they view the Science Fair with their classes the day of the fair
Rubric Prizes: All entries will get feedback from the judges based on the rubric (See Rubrics Section above for Grade Appropriate Scoring)
Blue Ribbon Project: total score of 24-28
Red Ribbon Project: total score of 19-23
White Ribbon Project: total score of 14-18
Green Ribbon Project: total score of 7-13