
Choose a paragraph in the document where your cursor will be placed the next time you open the file.

Useful for those lengthy documents. Specify a paragraph in your document where you want the cursor placed the next time you open the file.

If your collaborators also use the add-on they will also be moved to the same place when they open the file.

Privacy Policy

This add-on does not collect nor share any information about the user or its document. The only stored information is the position the user has set to open the document, and this data resides within the Google Doc itself and never leaves the context of the add-on.

If the user submits an issue, feature request or feedback using the OpenHere Help form, the email address will be collected and stored for future contact in case more details are needed. At any time the user can submit a feedback requesting all his feedback data to be deleted.

The following scopes are required in this add-on:

  • - View and manage documents that this application has been installed in. This is used to have access and to style the contents of the document .
  • - Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications . This is used to display the application sidebar where the user can create and modify the styles.

Terms of Service

The use of the OpenHere add-on (Add-on) is conditioned to the acceptance and compliance to these Terms of Service (Terms). By installing and using the Add-on you (User) agree to be bound to these Terms.


The Add-on is provided 'as is' and its developer (Developer) makes no promise and is not obligated to add features, fix bugs or unintended behavior, adapt functionalities, or keep current functionalities.


The Developer can not be held liable for any issues, damages or corruption to the user's document or any consequences of those problems. The Developer is not responsible if the User uses the Add-on it to infringe laws, rules, intellectual properties, etc. The User is the solely responsible for their creations and files even if the Add-on was used at some point.

Software changes and discontinuation

The functionality of the Add-on can change without notice.

The Developer can cease support and development of the Add-on at any time without previous notice.

The User can stop using the Add-on at any time by simply uninstalling it.

Terms of Service changes

These Terms can be revised at any time without previous notice. If the User continues to use the Add-on they agree to be bound to the current version of the Terms.