
I have been a teaching assistant for various courses (both in English and French) at the University of Geneva, namely

2019 spring

Mathematical analysis for chemists (fr)

2018 autumn

Game theory (fr), Travaux pratiques (Tutoring, en)

2018 spring

Mathematical analysis for chemists (fr), Travaux pratiques (Tutoring, fr)

2017 autumn

Probability and statistics for computer scientists (en)

2017 spring

Mathematical analysis for chemists (fr), Travaux pratiques (Tutoring, fr)

2016 autumn

Probability and statistics for computer scientists (en)

2016 spring

Mathematical analysis for chemists (fr), Homework corrections - Analysis 1 (fr)

2015 autumn

Mathematics (for students of natural sciences, fr)

2014/2015 year

Homework corrections - Analysis 1 (fr)

I was also a teaching assistant for several minicourses, namely

Lectures on Conformal Field Theory in D > 2 at the Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, January 2019.

Localization in geometry and QFTs at the Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, January 2018.