About us

Research Interest

Applied Microenometrics, Health Economics, Empirical Policy Evaluation

Visit the instructor's website for additional details

What we do

The primary aim of this seminar is to facilitate students in enhancing their decision-making proficiencies. Empirical investigations endeavor to infer a causal conclusion regarding the research inquiry by utilizing data obtained through observations or experiments. 

This seminar mainly concentrates on quantitative analysis, thus enabling students to acquire a comprehensive understanding of econometrics and to adeptly utilize statistical software like Stata to deduce legitimate causal inferences. Once they have established a solid foundation in empirical research, students will be expected to present their own research proposals, which could pertain to any field, such as the healthcare system, education system, or financial laws. 

Upon successfully completing the seminar, students should be able to scrutinize the impact of policies using an evidence-based methodology, a fundamental skill that would be exceptionally advantageous for their future careers or graduate studies. 
