Teacher's Perspective

Why were these tools selected?

What was the design pedagogy behind the lesson?

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Why use a Learning Management System?

The idea is to allow students to access their school material anytime, anywhere.

Some benefits include:

1. Organizes eLearning content in one location.

2. Provides unlimited access to eLearning materials.

3. Easily tracks learner progress and performance.

Why was there an introductory activity the night before the class?

Having introductory activities help spark the student's interest in a particular topic. There are many ways that teachers can do this, asking thought provoking questions, or allowing students to express their opinions freely are all good ways to get the digital native's curious brain going.

Why did the teacher assign a video to watch as homework?

Flipped Classroom is a teaching model which inverts the traditional learning experience. Teachers assign videos to students to watch as homework. The videos deliver the learning content to students, and classroom time can be used for completing assignments and activities. The principal goals of flipping are:To make the classroom an active learning environmentTo enable students to learn at their own pace, andTo give the teacher more time to teach each student individually, rather than the class as a whole.

What's the benefit of allowing students to watch iPad video lessons in a comfortable space around the room?

Schools and schooling systems are under pressure to ensure that children are able to acquire appropriate life-long skills. To develop these skills, there has been a trend towards providing technology-rich and flexible learning spaces, characterized by large open spaces, permeable boundaries and diverse furnishings emphasizing student comfort health and flexibility. Open design encourages flexibility in learning and teaching (Chapman et al., 2014), and allows collaborative, team teaching, with designers claiming significant educational benefits (Fisher, 2005; Nair, 2011; Tanner, 2009). Some even described the learning environment as being the ‘third teacher’, an integration of pedagogy, technology, curriculum and facility (Sullivan, 2012).

Why are there so many ungraded comprehension checks?

Many quiz generators now includes functions that allows for automated feedback. It is beneficial for increasing student's motivation to know right away if they got something right or wrong, and to understand why. Ungraded comprehension checks provide students with a safe learning environment where they feel comfortable to make mistakes and try again.