
Please download the application form (, and submit your application with supporting documents via e-mail only:

  1. Type in the application form. Please provide your answers in the the specified column (Answer) only. Do not edit other parts of the file. No need to print or sign it. Name your application file using your name, e.g., Ernest_Rutherford.xlsx (do not convert to PDF)
  2. Support documents consisting of:
    • ID: Scan of either the citizen identification card, passport, or student card
    • Academic record: Most up-to-date academic transcript (if you are a student) or a relevant professional report or publication (if you are a researcher)
    • If possible, combine the supporting documents into one PDF file. Please make sure the size is compressed so it is not too large (under 1 MB). Name this file using your name, e.g.,Ernest_Rutherford_support.pdf.
  • E-mail the above files (items 1 and 2) to (Jiraporn Promping)

Application period: 7 Oct - 30 Nov 2019 (midnight Thailand time)

Decision: mid-Dec 2019 [ please confirm your participation ASAP. Invitation letters will be issued for those who confirm.]

Criteria: Limited amount of additional financial support (for travel cost) is available. Students who have external funding, study in the ASEAN region, and are first-time participants receive priority.