
Fusion on the mountain

About Us

FuSik (Fusion in Sikkim) is a science educational group dedicated to improving the plasma confinement problems faced in laboratory fusion devices like tokomaks as well as stellarators through the use of computational techniques. The group is based in Sikkim, a northeastern state in India.

The members of FuSik are passionate about fusion research and are focused on developing innovative solutions for the challenges faced in this field. FuSik believes that a strong community of enthusiasts can make significant contributions to the advancement of fusion research, and are committed to building such a community around the globe.

FuSik aims to create a platform for enthusiasts to collaborate and share their knowledge, ideas, and research findings. The group is open to all individuals interested in fusion research and welcomes contributions from diverse fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. 

To achieve its goals, FuSik is engaged in organizing workshops, conferences, and training programs to educate and train individuals in the latest computational techniques used in plasma confinement research. The group aspires in conducting research projects in collaboration with other organizations and institutions.

FuSik is a group of highly motivated individuals with a strong commitment to excellence and innovation. Their dedication to fusion research and their efforts to build a strong community around it make them a valuable asset to the scientific community.

When we think of matter, solids, liquids, and gases usually come to mind. However, there's a remarkable and often overlooked fourth state of matter called "plasma." Plasma is an electrifying substance, quite literally. It is a state in which matter exists as a collection of charged and neutral particles exhibiting fascinating collective behavior. Let's delve into what makes plasma so intriguing and why studying it is of paramount importance.

Plasma emerges when a gas undergoes extreme conditions such as high temperatures or intense electromagnetic fields. In this environment, atoms and molecules within the gas lose or gain electrons, resulting in a dynamic mixture of charged ions and free electrons. This intricate interplay of particles sets plasma apart from other states of matter.....read more

The Significance of Plasmas

Understanding plasmas is essential for a multitude of reasons:

The Plasma Universe

From microscopic laboratory experiments to the vast reaches of space, plasma physics is a multidisciplinary field. Researchers investigate a range of phenomena, including plasma waves, instabilities, and turbulence. Their goal is not only to harness the potential of plasmas for technology and energy but also to unravel the mysteries of the universe.