On the subject of copy paste geometry, take into account that each 3D modelling package has different code under the hood to create similar looking elements. Even between Fusion 360 and Inventor (both Autodesk) two models made using the exact same procedure may end up having different masses. So that is not as easy as it sounds.

Fusion is the process by which two light nuclei combine to form a single heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy. In the 1960s, a group of pioneering scientists at LLNL hypothesized that lasers could be used to induce fusion in a laboratory setting. Led by physicist John Nuckolls, who later served as LLNL director from 1988 to 1994, this revolutionary idea became inertial confinement fusion, kicking off more than 60 years of research and development in lasers, optics, diagnostics, target fabrication, computer modeling and simulation and experimental design.

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President Biden has taken tremendous action to tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad. The United States is expanding domestic and global efforts to leverage market forces, inclusive technological innovation, and investments to accelerate the next generation of clean energy technology breakthroughs, including fusion energy. These technologies will help us meet our individual and collective carbon reduction goals, ensure energy security and resilience, and advance economic development.

International collaborations foster innovation and advance fusion science and supporting technologies. These technologies accelerate efforts toward fusion demonstration and commercialization. Accordingly, we plan to build upon our existing bilateral partnerships and multilateral projects, such as ITER, while exploring new cooperative opportunities to accelerate commercial fusion goals, protect joint innovations, and impart equitable benefits to collaborators. In addition, the United States intends to engage with global partners to help resolve remaining research challenges through collective action that includes:

For fusion to be a global commercial industry, it must be possible for companies to export fusion technologies and fuel supplies. It will be beneficial to coordinate internationally as individual nations develop their domestic fusion regulatory frameworks, consistent with the highest standards of safety, security, and nonproliferation. The United States intends to promote early international coordination on regulatory frameworks and policy implementation to pave the way for timely commercial fusion deployment through:

Building a strong and diverse fusion technical workforce is required to accelerate fusion research, development, demonstration, and commercial deployment on an aggressive timescale. The global nature of knowledge and talent in R&D for fusion requires developing and expanding pathways to strengthen the global talent pipeline and to support pathways that enable talent mobility and flow into nations aspiring to deploy fusion energy. The United States intends to work with global partners on workforce needs by:

As fusion is a new, complex technology still in the development phase, proactive public engagement will be essential to build public understanding, trust, and a social license for fusion development, demonstration, and deployment as a clean and abundant energy source. Developing, demonstrating, and deploying fusion energy must center on the core goals of protecting public health, safety, and the environment. The United States intends to work with partner countries to share public engagement activities and identify best practices for discussing both the benefits and risks of fusion energy including:

Seven decades of public funding for fusion research have led to major recent scientific advances and rapid growth in private investment. Now is the time to accelerate development of commercial fusion energy, while ensuring that the benefits of fusion are shared in an equitable and just way across our communities.

A fusion reaction in which more energy is produced than is consumed always seemed to be decades in the future. Recent advances, building on 70 years of groundbreaking fusion science and technology by DOE National Laboratories and other agencies, universities, and industry, demonstrate that we are closer than ever to a viable reaction. Just in the past year, there have been many technical achievements reported in the media. For example:

The market pull for commercial fusion is also growing rapidly. In 2021, the private sector invested over $2.5 billion in fusion technology development (with the overwhelming majority focused on U.S. fusion companies). Further, fusion companies are now building several large experimental facilities in the U.S., with the aspiration of demonstrating a proof-of-concept for several different types of fusion power plants before the end of the decade.

As a result of these developments and others, scientific advisory groups such as the DOE Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee and NASEM agree that now is the time to accelerate commercial fusion energy.

While recent breakthroughs by the fusion energy research community represent considerable progress toward achieving commercial fusion, significant science and technology challenges remain. Most importantly, we have yet to demonstrate we can exceed the break-even point, where the fusion system releases more energy than is needed to create the conditions where the fusion reactions occur. A viable fusion power plant also requires consistent, safe, and reliable operation, as well as improved stable plasma containment, fuel-cycle sufficiency including breeding tritium (an isotope of hydrogen), materials that can withstand continuous operation, integrated heat-exhaust solutions, and coupling the fusion device to advanced thermal extraction and power conversion systems.

The U.S. government has an extensive science and technology infrastructure, including the experienced researchers and world-class scientific and computational facilities that will be required to realize this vision. It is therefore uniquely positioned to help address key technical barriers to realizing commercial fusion. International competition is rapidly increasing. Countries such as China and the UK are making major investments to expand their fusion R&D efforts with the goal of demonstrating viable fusion energy production.

DOE and the private sector are pursuing a variety of approaches to fusion, which diversifies scientific and technical risk and potential market impact. Thus, the large private investments in the U.S. fusion industry provide an essential means of amplifying the public dollars to create the U.S. commercial fusion industry. Additional key benefits of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for technology research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) include:

Of the more than 30 fusion companies in the world, two-thirds are based in the U.S., and most were founded in the last decade. U.S. government action on fusion signals our ambition to work together to grow the U.S. private fusion industry. By partnering with these companies, we have an opportunity to keep these companies growing within our borders and cement U.S. technological leadership on fusion.

We stand at a juncture with an opportunity to reap the benefits of decades of investments. Fusion is a potential carbon-free, abundant source of clean energy that will bolster American leadership, strengthen energy security, and enable sustained energy independence. A vibrant U.S. fusion program will also enable the U.S. to take advantage of the participation in the ITER Project and explore new international collaborations to further accelerate the development of fusion energy.

I'm struggling getting exports from fusion into Adobe Illustrator with the proper dimensions. Some research tells me it might be an issue with the DPI that Fusion exports as vs what Illustrator imports. However, I can't figure out how to adjust for this issue.

Overall, four protons are converted into one helium nucleus. Energy is released because the helium nucleus has slightly less mass than the original four protons. The total amount of energy released for each conversion of four hydrogen nuclei into a helium nucleus is about 10 million times more than is produced by the chemical reaction when hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.

Fusion can involve many different elements in the periodic table. However, researchers working on fusion energy applications are especially interested in the deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion reaction. DT fusion produces a neutron and a helium nucleus. In the process, it also releases much more energy than most fusion reactions. In a potential future fusion power plant such as a tokamak or stellarator, neutrons from DT reactions would generate power for our use. Researchers focus on DT reactions both because they produce large amounts of energy and they occur at lower temperatures than other elements.

The merge node lets you layer, or composite images together. To do this, drag a merge node from the toolbar into the node tree. Use the yellow control to connect a background image and the green control to add a foreground. Media can be dragged in from your bins.

Fusion includes over 200 filters and effects called "tools" in the effects library. To add a tool, drag it into the node tree at the bottom of the screen. You can insert an unlimited number of tools at different points in the node tree to create the desired effect.

You can import 3D models or even entire 3D scenes from apps such as Maya and 3D Studio Max directly into your shots on the Fusion page. Using the FBX import menu, Fusion gives you the option to import FBX (Filmbox) scenes or Alembic animated geometry files, dramatically increasing your creative options for visual effects and motion graphics. For example, you can import a 3D model of a mobile phone and replace its screen, add a new car into a commercial spot, create a swarm of attacking spaceships, or add a dragon fighting live action knights in front of a castle! Then add textures, shading and lights, composite your actors into the shot and create photorealistic Hollywood style effects! ff782bc1db

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