Furnace Installation

About Us

When you're ready to replace your furnace in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, our team is here to support you every step of the way. We'll help you find the perfect model and size for your home that aligns with your budget.

Contact us for a complimentary, no-commitment quote on heating system installation in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. Call us at (587) 714-2384.

Your Complete Guide to Residential Furnace Installation


Hey there! Are you thinking about getting a new furnace for your home but don’t know where to start? Installing a furnace is like embarking on a home adventure - it's important, but it can be tricky. Let's break down the process of residential furnace installation into easy, digestible steps.

Understanding Furnace Basics

Before diving into installation, it's crucial to know the nuts and bolts of what a furnace is and does. In simple terms, a furnace is like the heart of your home's heating system, circulating warmth throughout your rooms. There are different types, such as gas, electric, and oil furnaces, each with its own installation quirks.

Types of Furnaces

Choosing the Right Furnace

Picking the right furnace is akin to choosing the right pair of shoes; it needs to fit your home's needs perfectly.

Considerations for Selection

Pre-Installation Steps

Preparation is half the battle. Before the actual installation, there are a few things to consider.

Hiring a Professional

When it comes to installation, it’s wise to hire a pro. It’s like needing a pilot to fly a plane – you want someone who knows what they’re doing.

Getting Your Home Ready

Clear the area around where the furnace will be installed. It’s like setting the stage for the main act.

The Installation Process

Now, the exciting part – the installation!

Step-by-Step Guide

Post-Installation: What to Do Next

Once your new furnace is installed, it’s not quite time to kick back and relax just yet.

Testing the System

Make sure everything is working smoothly. It’s like taking a car for a test drive after a tune-up.

Understanding Maintenance

Regular maintenance will keep your furnace running efficiently for years. It’s like taking care of a pet – a little love goes a long way.

Safety Considerations

Safety is paramount when it comes to furnaces.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Install or check existing carbon monoxide detectors. It’s an essential step for your family’s safety.

Regular Inspections

Schedule annual inspections of your furnace to ensure everything is in top shape.

Navigating Warranties and Guarantees

Most furnaces come with warranties. It’s like having a safety net - make sure you understand what’s covered.


There you have it! A comprehensive guide to residential furnace installation. Remember, while the process might seem daunting at first, with the right preparation and a professional by your side, it can be a smooth and successful journey. A new furnace is not just about keeping your home warm; it’s about ensuring comfort and safety for your family. So, take your time, do your homework, and here’s to a warm and cozy home!

How to Choose the Right Furnace for Your Home: A Warm Decision


Hello there! Are you in the market for a new furnace but feel lost in the sea of options? Choosing the right furnace is like picking the perfect winter coat — it needs to fit your needs, keep you comfortable, and not break the bank. Let's walk through this together and find the furnace that’s just right for your home.

Size Matters

Choosing the right size furnace is critical. Too small, and it'll struggle to heat your home; too large, and it'll cycle on and off, wasting energy. It’s like choosing a pair of shoes — the right size ensures comfort and efficiency.

Calculating the Right Size

Professional assessment is key here. They’ll consider factors like your home’s square footage, insulation, and climate to suggest the ideal size.

Efficiency is Key

The efficiency of a furnace is measured by its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). It’s like a car’s MPG — the higher the number, the more heat you get per dollar spent.

Understanding AFUE Ratings

Consider the Cost

Budgeting for a new furnace involves more than just the purchase price. Think of it as an investment — cheaper isn’t always better in the long run.

Initial Cost vs. Long-Term Savings

A high-efficiency furnace might cost more upfront but can save you money on energy bills down the line.

Installation and Maintenance

Even the best furnace needs proper installation and regular maintenance. It’s like getting a high-performance car — you need a good driver and regular tune-ups to keep it running smoothly.

Professional Installation

A certified professional can ensure your furnace is installed correctly, which is crucial for efficiency and safety.

Maintenance Plans

Regular maintenance can extend the life of your furnace and prevent costly repairs. It’s like regular exercise for your furnace to keep it in top shape.

Consider the Noise Level

The noise level of a furnace is often overlooked. A loud furnace can be like a snoring partner — disruptive and annoying. Make sure to ask about noise levels when shopping around.

Safety Features

Safety should always be a priority. A good furnace should have features like automatic shut-off to prevent overheating.

Smart Thermostat Compatibility

In this digital age, being able to connect your furnace to a smart thermostat can be a game changer. It’s like having a remote control for your home’s comfort.

Additional Features

Some furnaces offer extra features like air filtration systems, which can be a boon for allergy sufferers. It's like having a built-in air purifier.

Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations

Don’t just take the salesman’s word for it. Read reviews, ask friends and family, and gather as much information as you can. It’s like scouting a restaurant before you visit.

Warranties and Service Plans

Look for a furnace with a solid warranty and consider a service plan. It’s like having health insurance for your furnace.


Choosing the right furnace for your home is a big decision but doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Remember to consider the size, efficiency, cost, and additional features that suit your needs. Think of your new furnace as a long-term relationship — it needs to be reliable, efficient, and a good fit for your home. With the right research and professional advice, you'll be well on your way to a warm and cozy home that suits your lifestyle and budget. Stay warm and happy furnace hunting!

The Importance of Furnace Size: Getting It Just Right


Hey there! Have you ever thought about how crucial the size of your furnace is for your home? It's like picking out a pair of shoes — too small, and you’re uncomfortable; too big, and it feels awkward. Let’s explore why the size of your furnace is not just important, but essential for your home’s comfort and efficiency.

Why Furnace Size Matters

Just like a heart is to your body, a furnace is to your home – it needs to be the right size to function effectively.

The Goldilocks Principle in Furnace Sizing

Too big, and it’ll heat your house quickly but in short, inefficient bursts. Too small, and it struggles to keep up, running continuously. You need a furnace that’s just right.

The Downsides of an Oversized Furnace

Imagine wearing a backpack meant for a giant. It's cumbersome, right? That's what an oversized furnace is like.

Short Cycling Issues

An oversized furnace heats your home fast, but it shuts off before it can complete a full heating cycle. This frequent on-and-off is known as short cycling, and it's a big no-no.

Increased Wear and Tear

Just like constantly starting and stopping in traffic wears out a car faster, short cycling can lead to increased wear and tear on your furnace.

The Troubles with an Undersized Furnace

On the flip side, an undersized furnace is like trying to heat a large room with a tiny candle — it just doesn’t cut it.

Struggling to Maintain Comfort

An undersized furnace runs non-stop, trying hard to keep up with your home’s heating demands. But often, it falls short, leaving you with uneven and inadequate heating.

Skyrocketing Energy Bills

Think of a small engine pulling a huge train. It has to work much harder, right? Similarly, an undersized furnace consumes more energy, leading to higher bills.

Calculating the Perfect Size

So, how do you find the furnace that fits just right? It’s not as simple as picking a small, medium, or large.

Professional Assessment is Key

A heating expert can assess your home’s size, insulation, climate, and even window types to determine the perfect furnace size. It’s like having a tailor measure you for a custom suit.

Efficiency and Furnace Size

Size affects not just comfort but also efficiency. The right-sized furnace operates in optimal conditions, ensuring you get the most heat for the least fuel.

Understanding AFUE

AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) is a measure of how efficiently a furnace converts energy into heat. Think of it as the miles-per-gallon for your furnace.

The Impact on Indoor Air Quality

The size of your furnace can also affect the air you breathe.

Proper Humidity Levels

An oversized furnace can make your home too hot too quickly, reducing indoor humidity and leading to dry, uncomfortable air.

Air Filtration

A correctly sized furnace circulates air more effectively, allowing filters to catch more pollutants and improve indoor air quality.

Long-Term Costs of Incorrect Sizing

Choosing the wrong size furnace is like buying the wrong house – it’s costly to fix.

Increased Repair Costs

Furnaces that are too big or too small are prone to more breakdowns, leading to higher repair costs over time.

Shorter Lifespan

Just like a pair of ill-fitting shoes won’t last as long, a wrongly sized furnace may need to be replaced sooner.

The Role of Insulation and Ductwork

Remember, it’s not just about the furnace. Proper insulation and well-maintained ductwork ensure that your furnace doesn’t have to work overtime.

Sealing the Envelope

A well-insulated home retains heat better, allowing even a smaller-sized furnace to be effective.

Ductwork Efficiency

Leaky or poorly designed ductwork can undermine the efficiency of even the perfectly sized furnace.


In the world of home heating, size truly does matter. An oversized or undersized furnace can lead to a host of problems, from discomfort to increased costs. Just like a captain must choose the right ship for the journey, you must choose the right furnace for your home. Remember to consult with professionals, consider your home’s unique needs, and invest in proper insulation and ductwork. With the right-sized furnace, you can enjoy a warm, cozy, and efficient home for years to come. So, when it comes to furnaces, let’s get the size just right!

24 Furnace Repair