No personally identifying information, including anything hosted on platforms making that information public. Posts encouraging the harassment of any individual, group, community, or subreddit will be removed and may result in a ban. If necessary, a report will be made to the site administration. In accordance with Reddit's policies, there is zero tolerance for this.

No cross-posts or link shares from other subreddits or user profiles. You can only post videos you have uploaded to Reddit - except for links from the following domains only:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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I see such accounts all the time on IG. They post random funny videos taken from elsewhere. They don't have the copyright nor are they involved in creation of these videos in anyway. These are just clippings from movies or just random videos shot by people. Such accounts often have massive following. Upwards of 50k or even 100k. Do they make money out of it? Given the random nature of videos, i don't think any brand would approach them for promotion of their products. Also, affiliate marketing would also be tough I suppose. Do they do it only for fun? Just to get a dopamine hit by watching the number likes and comments grow? There has to be some monetary benefit to it.

Almost every single video isn't even remotely funny and the 3 videos that compete at the end for the 10k prize are always some baby doing something all babies do. Oh, the baby smashed food all over their face? Yeah, so do all the other ones!

You here a lot of talk on here about promoting your content but not a lot of talk showing HOW and WHERE to do it. Reddit is typically regarded as a difficult platform to promote yourself on, as reddit does have it's own rules on self promotion. A general rule of thumb is that promotional content on reddit needs to be less than 10% of your total posts. Luckily, if you're active nearly anywhere on reddit and participate in any sort of discussion, you're probably going to be okay.

The first step is to search your video's keywords in the subreddit search bar. Let's say I'm making a video about my opinions on the Nintendo Switch. I would want to look up subreddits that refer to the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Game Systems, Tech, even subreddits that target specific games on the switch itself. Think of keywords as tags you would put on your video when you're searching for subreddits. In addition to this, I would also look up subreddits specifically for video promotion. These subreddits usually yield less results than subreddits geared more towards something specific, but an extra view or two won't hurt you.

Once you've chosen a couple reddit pages, be sure to CAREFULLY read over their rules. I cannot stress this enough. For example, the Nintendo Switch subreddit does not allow Youtube links! People who frequent that sub will be very annoyed with someone who just hops in and throws up a link without learning how that subreddit works. Don't be that guy!

Once you've found a place where you can post your content, post it as a link post and have an attractive title and thumbnail. Don't post it as a link within a text post! Reply to comments on both the video and on the reddit post itself to engage with your audience.

Aggressive promotion has been proven to be an effective strategy and it should be your goal to get your video in as many places as possible. Just keep these things in mind:

-Does this Subreddit allow it?

-Is my rate of promotion to other content less than 10%?

-Is this Subreddit a good place to post my content?

Once you've mastered the techniques, you may find reddit promotion to be highly effective. Just remember that reddit is a community full of people to network with. Be a reddit user with a Youtube account, not a Youtuber with a reddit account.

Though I prefer the one with clever dialogues, I was curious to see if there are any other games that are funny by design (ie, no buggy games or ironically funny games like WWE or GTA Definitive Edition) that I was missing out on.

Again, pretty self-explanatory. There are other subreddits for that stuff. Mild nudity may be permitted providing the post or comment is appropriately marked with a NSFW tag. Any violation of this rule may result in content removal and/or user bans. Decisions on whether or not a certain piece of content abides by this rule are to be made by the moderators.

This does not exclude the reference to or use of politics or political figures altogether but does exclude content posted with politically-charged motivation or bias. Whilst obviously important, people often come to these types of subreddits to have some fun away from the influence of political discourse. Any violation of this rule may result in content removal and/or user bans. Decisions on whether or not a certain piece of content abides by this rule are to be made by the moderators.

There are enough ads on Reddit these days as it is. Promotional content and spam don't have any place in this subreddit, please take it elsewhere. This includes self-promotion and does not have to be blatant to warrant removal.

If you have trouble getting your personality across in text, videos can help you fill out the whole picture. You seem like more of a real, 3D person. It also helps if you feel awkward in photos, or worry about being photogenic - you'll probably look more like you moving in a video than any one still image. Instead of having to tell people you're fun, funny, goofy, a good dancer, etc, you can show them. I personally take a second look at men's profiles when they include video of them dancing.

Helium needs to move aside because sulfur hexafluoride is here to snatch the crown for the best gas-induced funny voice. This old blooper shows a man inhaling this gas which makes his voice incredibly deep. This rule apparently applies to burps as well considering this man lets out an inhuman belch that will shake you to your core.

Your value can be anything, but you can either teach people something worthwhile, challenge their assumptions about something, move them emotionally, or make them laugh a lot. I started in gaming by teaching people, because I'm not funny and couldn't carry commentary. I built an audience by coaching people for free one by one, made tutorials and built a community that way. Go out of your way to help people and then they will help you back.

I want to think she is funny, but I just can't. Is there any video where she's really hilarious? I don't doubt that she can be funny, just that she's not to me. I don't find courtney that funny either, but she can be funny sometimes. In try not to laugh, Olivia is just super cringe. I feel like they will just laugh to make her feel better. Same thing with courtney in try not to laugh.

I've noticed an up-tick in short "crowd work" stand-up comedy videos showing up on reddit lately. "Crowd work" is where a stand-up comedian goes around the audience asking personal questions so they can come up with jokes/material in response to audience answers. This is as opposed to doing "bits" which are pre-written, rehearsed joke routines (typically observational material).

I remember some videos by 'Sack of Buckets (Productions)' documenting some funny moments of the Alex Jones Show. They weren't political in any way, and usually just showed him going on a tangent about something. One episode was uploaded to Vimeo but the rest remains to be found somewhere. They were absolutely hilarious and have searched far and wide to find it. Doubt anyone has downloaded the video but would love to see those videos again. They were all posted on YouTube and one day suddenly removed without a trace. Probably due to the controversy surrounding him. Not saying I agree with what he says, but I just love his outbursts and the way he talks. I can link the Vimeo video to those interested but I doubt I can put the link in this post right now. Anyway, please let me know if anyone has a way to recover these videos. I believe there were four parts.

I am not a huge youtuber, but I am a full time youtuber, I pay my bills through my videos, I've done paid sponsorships and I have a consistent work and upload schedule, and after reading some god awful advice on this subreddit, I need to weigh in.

Hello, i currently have a youtube channel with 280k subs and a lot of engagement. I post funny video compilations so all of my content is technically considered "Reused Content". I want to be able to monetize my channel, obviously i cant right now because its all reused content, what I'm wondering is if i start posting original content from now on for the next several months and reapply for monetization, will i still get denied because of my old videos even though my last 3 months would consist of original videos? I just don't want to have to delete all of my videos in order to get monetized, that would destroy my channel. Thank you guys.

I just think they would get so many more views, or shared so much often if they just shut the F up and just played the game with some slight commentary. It all just feels so rehearsed/over the top like they are intentionally trying to make it seem more amazing/scary than it is, or just trying to be funny just for YouTube (when in reality it isn't to me 99% of the time).

I mean if you aren't funny, don't try to be funny, just be yourself and I would enjoy your videos so much more. Talk occasionally in a normal voice if you want to commentate or think out loud. Don't scream or yell, or jump at every little thing that comes at you..

I look at the screenshots to see what the title is all about, look at the price. And funny enough, i noticed i scroll down but don't actually look at anything, i just wanna see how full the page is. The more info, like "steam achievments" "events and news" and "about this game" with gifs and whatnot. Basically if the devs filled everything field they could. e24fc04721

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