Dr. R. Ajay Rakkesh

Education & Research

Dr R. Ajay Rakkesh is a Research Assistant Professor of Nanotechnology in the Department of Physics and Nanotechnology at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. His research interests include 2D Materials, Graphene Nanoarchitectures, Metal Ion/Air batteries, Micro-Supercapacitors, Biosensors and Environmental Cleaning Applications. Based on his research work, he has published nearly 50+ highly reputed research articles, 9+ book chapters and presented several conferences. Dr. Ajay is highly engaged in education and outreach at all levels including regularly giving lectures and participating in the National/International conferences. He has received several honors including the INSc Young Scientist Award, Best PhD Thesis Award and Gold Medal for Best Researcher Award. An elected editorial board member of the American Journal of Nanotechnology and Annals of Applied Sciences. Dr. Ajay is also serves as a Lead Guest Editor for Journal of Chemistry and Wireless communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley.