Funded Research Projects

Funded Research Projects (4 Completed, 3 Ongoing)

1. Title: Generalized framework for restoring medical and satellite images corrupted by data correlated noise

    Amount: 17,43,070/-

    Agency: DST/SERB

    Duration: 2017-2020

Status: Completed with Excellent Rating

2.Title: Efficient Regularization methods for ill-posed Operator Equations and their Applications

    Amount: Rs. 18,46,020/-

    Agency: DST/SERB,

    Duration: 2018-21,

    Status: Completed

3. Title: A Retinex Inspired Framework for Intensity Homogenization, Contrast Upgradation, and Restoration of Satellite and Aerial Images

    Amount: 22,99,264/-

    Agency: SERB

    Duration: 2021-2024.

    Status: Completed.


4.Title: Fractional Regularization Methods for Solving Inverse-Ill-posed Problems and Their Applications

    Amount: Rs. 4,61,500/-

    Agency: Department of Atomic Energy

    Duration: 2020-2023,

    Status: Completed

5. Title: A study on non-linear ill-posed equations under weak conditions with emphasis on Parameter Identification Problem and Applications to Imaging

   Amount: Rs. 21,23,264/-

   Agency: DST/SERB.

   Duration: 2022-2025.

   Status: Ongoing.

6. Title:  TV Regularization for Image Restoration

    Amount : Rs. 6,60,000/-

    Agency: SERB/DST

    Duration: 2023-2026.

    Status: Ongoing

7. Google GCP ( Google Cloud Platform  Credits)- Funding for computational resources worth USD 5000   (Completed).