Learning On-The-Go


As with many technological inventions, education that is provided in the mobility space may or may not bode well for the learning community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Figure 1 shows a brief bird’s eye view of what the pros and cons of mobile learning bring.

Figure 1

Regardless of how the comparisons are, there is no stopping the need for instructional designers to be more aware of the changes that are happening in the mobile technology space. As it is, mobile device ownership is up, as indicated by Pew Research (2021) and its graphs in Figure 2 and 3. While we may not see it now, future jobs will absolutely require progressive thinking now so that we or the generation after us will not lag behind in the knowledge and application to contribute to a productive society.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Thinking Forward


We know that there are more questions than answers, and challenges ahead as we continue to plug on as instructional technologists/designers, however, the most pivotal question that we should ask ourselves is — are we ready to look into the future and be an influential player in the fast-evolving landscape.

Let's Imagine!

After reading the text and viewing the required videos, use your mobile phone to surf to www.menti.com and key in this code 4553 4540 to gain access to 2 slides. Follow the prompts to enter your option (10 points, another to enter your opinion in 200 to 250 words (40 points). Please see rubric for details (Total – 50 points)

Module 1

Learning Everywhere

Module 2

Mobile Mode: On