How Do I Write a Fundraising Letter?

The best fundraising letters educate and remind donors of the benefits of their support. They stir feelings of altruism, compassion, and empathy. While you might have the best intentions, a poorly written fundraising letter will likely miss the mark and not generate any donations. Therefore, a few tips will go a long way in making your fundraising letter stand out from the rest. Following are a few tips to follow:

Avoid using lofty words or technical language. Instead, opt for simple action verbs to capture the reader's attention. Don't forget to include emotions and passion in your letter. You can begin by addressing the reader directly, and use the word "you" in the first sentence to evoke emotion and motivation. Keeping this in mind, you can create a compelling letter that inspires donors to take action.

Use the name of the recipient when possible. This way, the reader won't feel like a faceless anonymous stranger. Also, don't forget to thank previous donors! A personal touch goes a long way! Once you've written a fundraising letter, remember to include two crucial aspects: the introduction and conclusion. The introduction should include the purpose of the letter and the main reason to contribute. The body should contain the details about the cause and the benefits.

In addition to the main issue, make sure to identify the problems that your readers face. If they're concerned about the cause, outline the underlying problem and its effect on the cause. A brief description of the problem can help people connect with the organization. If the reader has no prior knowledge about it, this may seem like a waste of time. But make sure to include all the details and numbers you can find and include as much information as possible.