Functional Macromolecular Chemistry

(Mitsuishi group)

Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan

Polymer material chemistry is our major research field. The field covers the studies on the preparation and analysis of organized polymer assemblies for new functional ”Nanotechnology”.

Construction of functional polymer nanosheets

Amphiphilic polymers create "polymer nanosheets" at the air-water interface with tunable thickness and molecular orientations. We deploy both fundamental and application studies related to polymer materials. For instance, we aim to develop and control functionalities through controlling layered and ordered structures in polymer nanosheets for improved adhesion/adsorption abilities, fluorescence and ferroelectricity.

Bottom-up preparation of hybrid nanomaterials

Molecular-level inorganic and organic hybrid materials have potential to improve material propertie. We develop novel hybrid materials deriving from polymer nanoparticles, oxide nanoparticles, cellulose nanomaterials, cyclosiloxane and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) polymers, for thin film optoelectronics and intelligent materials.