
Registration is now open!


To register, please fill and submit the form here.

Registration Dates

  • Early registration fee is available until 30th of April 2022.

  • Late registration fee will start from the 1st of May 2022, at 100 euros surcharge.

Registration Types

  • There are two types of registrations:

    • Full: early registration at 520 euros (late: 620 euros) -- full registrations entitle you to lunches, social dinner, coffee breaks, social event and an (electronic) copy of the proceedings;

      • *IMPORTANT* At least one full registration is required for each accepted paper.

    • Student: early registration at 270 euros (late: 370 euros) -- student registrations provide the same benefits at a discounted prices, but the registrant must be a student (i.e., M.Sc. or Ph.D. student) and proof of enrollment at an accredited institution will be required.

Accompanying persons

Accompanying persons may attend lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner and social event, at the following rates:

  • lunches at 30 euros each (including coffee breaks of the day);

  • welcome buffet at 25 euros;

  • social dinner at 60 euros;

  • tour (trip to TBA) at 60 euros.

Please, let the organisers know as soon as possible if you will have any accompanying person. Payments can be done directly on site (cash). The beautiful surrounding of the conference site, including the nearby beaches, can make for an interesting trip.


To register, please fill and submit the form here.