Faith Communicators around the world


Ariana Cocchi


I am in charge of digital communication for the catholic social enterprise Sophia. 

Where is my heart? In the smile of a person that understands her belonging to the bigger picture and in the surprise of who discovers himself in his portrait made by another person.  

Social media is a rich space where I can achieve my mission. My hope is that more and more, this space will be shaped by the sum of the callings of us, onlife users.



Oisín Walsh 


My hope is that the Church can harness the opportunity that social media affords us, and not merely use it as a means of disseminating “news bulletins” and “resources”. If the presence of the Church on social media is at the service of an authentic culture of encounter, then our online communication will be a source of cultural enrichment and a duty that we will adopt not as a box ticking exercise, but as the first step in drawing people towards a deeper form of communion.



Paula Marija Stier


I believe that if we can lean into creativity and curiosity, in meditation and action, social media can become a true meeting place for brothers and sisters alike, a society thriving in the footsteps of the first Church. We've seen seedlings of this, and now it's time for us all to get our "hands in the earth" and make it grow!



Joy Infant     


Over the years, I have honed my skills in marketing and management, and I am passionate about using my experience to support and promote Catholic organizations and causes. With a focus on clear goals and measurable outcomes, I bring a strategic and organized approach to my work. I am passionate about conveying the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith through storytelling and using technology to engage with others.



Taniya George


The presence and accompaniment of the Church in our onlife experiences is essential. To be fully present where ever we are requires attention, effort and above all love. The art of listening and sharing, especially with people who are different from you, is not always natural for all. We need to be formed spiritually, humanly and technically to be a real Christian witness in all our environments, including the digital world. When we are able to express the truth in love/charity in the most beautiful way our witnessing become also more effective!



Leo Godfrey Jao


The era of social media is a very fast paced evolution which makes what we have studied yesterday be obsolete today. One must throw himself more in it by building relationships that lasts through eternity. These relationships aren’t built by mere likes and shares of posts but of conversations which can lead to deep communion. We communicate our faith by living the Word in the same intensity wether it is in social media or in our households, schools, workplace, etc. 



Ernesta Karnilaitė


Faith communication for me is daily practice of listening, dialogue, and discernment through which it is possible to bring faith, hope and love visibly in the world. Sometimes we are faced with the notion that communication is a very complex process that requires supernatural powers to reach people. I believe this superpower for the communicator is the Holy Spirit! Let us be brave to use this power within us.



Perry Paul Lamanilao


Pope Francis said that the digital world is “a network not of wires but of people”. This world is enriched by diverse cultures, traditions, and beliefs. As communicators, our big challenge is to nurture this world with mutual understanding and respect. I hope we can work together on this borderless space as we share with others the beauty of our faith.



Stefanie Luise Bross


The way we communicate our faith, especially our professional messaging, might have to change so that the beauty and transformative power of the Gospel reaches new generations. But I have hope, if we only continue to walk in unity, aiming to imitate the example of Jesus, being (online) missionary disciples, striving for excellence, then we’ll be able to accompany and live authentic friendship. For me it’s not an option, it’s a calling. Even more importantly today we all are called to be "fully present" both in the real world and in the digital spheres.



Orlando Sánchez


The Church is always innovating in the way it communicates the truth, and today with many information calling themselves as "truthful", we need to move our communicative  actions to help the people of God to understand how to comprehend what is moving on our ground from a different perspective and in key of faith. 

I hope we can really understand what's moving people, inside and outside social media, so that we can deliver hope in their own context, as the Good Samaritan did, with love and mercy.



Joyce  Mbong


Social  media  serves   as  vehicles for evangelization and catechesis. 

Let's be 'intentional' and 'authentic'  in our communication  online so as to help others have a 'true encounter' with Christ vai the different  paltforms.



Harriet Fink


Pope Francis inspires me to think about how good communication strategy begins in my everyday personal relationships. I am called to an “openness of the heart that makes closeness possible” and to “listen with the ear of the heart.” I hope that, together, we can be bold and envision social media as a means to communion.



Alejandra Pinto

El Salvador            

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Adrian Tambuyat


In every periphery, as long as souls are present. It is our duty to make them disciples. The Church from the very start has always exhaust all resources to follow the great commissioning of her bridegroom, Christ the perfect communicator. It is no wonder how the apostles made use of available communication tools in their time to spread the Good News from Jerusalem to the gentile nations.

As digital natives, the cyberspace is a new dimension where multitude of sheep are present. As contemporary evangelizers, our aim is to make people feel the presence of Christ in the virtual world.



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 Be part of our network of faith communicators around the world to exchange ideas, experiences, challenges, and inspiration in this digital highway that we are journeying together!