Fullerton ASB

What is ASB?

Fullerton Union High School ASB (Associated Student Body) is comprised of students both elected and non-elected with the goal of serving the needs of the student body while raising school spirit. 

We, the FUHS ASB Family, strive to represent the student body, unify the campus, and foster a positive and welcoming environment that encourages pride, spirit, mutual respect, and learning.

Check out our socials: 

Instagram: @fullertonasb

Tik Tok: @fullerton.asb

Our team

Executive Board

Brooke Kerr Activities Director

Morgan McAndrew: President (24')

Rowan Yeo: Vice President (24')

Elizabeth Timmerman: Treasurer (24')

Freshman Class

Olivia Chung: President

Katie Bae: Vice President

Leliah Choi: Treasurer

Senior Class

Donya Moshiri: President

Grace Yo: Vice President

Noah Chung: Treasurer

Sophomore Class

 Elysee Hua: President

Audrina Gomez: Vice President

Shanelle Thompson: Treasurer

Junior Class

Abigail Kelly: President

Abigail Lucey: Vice President

Victoria Castellanos: Treasurer