Deadline of the week!

April 28, 2021- The 24th week:

Final deadline for El Fénix No.5! 📬

¡Llamada final de El Fénix No. 5! 📬

The final deadline for El Fénix No. 5 is coming up in 1 week!

  • This is the last chance to submit your articles/photographs/interviews/poems!

  • El Fénix No. 5 will be the final issue of this school year, so don’t miss the chance!

  • Thursday May 6 at 3:00pm is the final deadline.

No idea what to write about? Choose an assignment from the list! ✔️

You can write about anything! No ideas popping up? Look at the list from the editor in the Google Slide below, and choose one.

💡 Read more in the Google Slide below. 💡
Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Thursday May 6 at 3:00pm! Send your text via email or share a Google Doc with:
La fecha límite es el jueves el 6 de mayo a las 12:00pm. Envia tu texto con correco electrónico o en un Google Doc a:

24: El Fénix 2020/21 - Semana 24 - April 28, 2021

Find the notes from the 24th meeting here! (April 28, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

April 21, 2021- The 23rd week:

Choose from the editor's wishlist! 🌠

¡Elige entre la lista de ideas del editor! 🌠

The deadline for El Fénix No. 5 is coming up in 2 weeks! The editor-in-chief (that’s me, Joni!) has made a list with some article ideas that I would like to see in the next paper.

Choose an assignment from the list! ✔️

Take a look at the list in the Google Slide below, and email your choice to asap. (You can also email another idea you would like to do, if you'd rather do something different)

💡 Read all about the assignment in the Google Slide below. 💡
Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday April 28 at 12:00pm! Send your text via email or share a Google Doc with: Everyone is asked to send something - it doesn’t matter if it’s only a headline or one sentence.
La fecha límite es el miércoles el 28 de abril a las 12:00pm. Envia tu fotografía con correco electrónico o en un Google Doc a:

23: El Fénix 2020/21 - Semana 23 - April 21, 2021

Find the notes from the 23rd meeting here! (April 21, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

April 7, 2021- The 22nd week:

Two options - your choice! 🖊️🖊️ - WEEK 2

¡Dos opciones - tu elección! 🖊️🖊️ - SEMANA 2

This week we are continuing with last week's assignment!

Option 1: Add a text to your photograph! 📷
Opción 1: ¡Añade un texto a tu fotografía!
You already have a photograph (or several)! Could it be developed into an article or some other kind of text? (More info in the slide below)

Option 2: Do one of your ideas from the brainstorming assignment! 🧠
Opción 2: ¡Haz una de tus ideas de la tarea de lluvia de ideas!
We had a brainstorming assignment in January and February, and you all came up with some good ideas. We are also challenging you to do the brainstorming assignment AGAIN, to get some new ideas. Choose one idea, and start writing! (More info in the slide below)

💡 Read all about the assignment in the Google Slide below. 💡
Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday April 21 at 12:00pm! Send your text via email or share a Google Doc with:
Everyone is asked to send something - it doesn’t matter if it’s only a headline or one sentence. The most important thing is to get started!
La fecha límite es el miércoles el 21 de abril a las 12:00pm. Envia tu fotografía con correco electrónico o en un Google Doc a:

22: El Fénix 2020/21 - Semana 22 - April 7, 2021

Find the notes from the 22nd meeting here! (April 7, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

March 31, 2021- The 21st week:

Two options - your choice! 🖊️🖊️

¡Dos opciones - tu elección! 🖊️🖊️

Option 1: Add a text to your photograph! 📷 Opción 1: ¡Añade un texto a tu fotografía!
You already have a photograph (or several)! Could it be developed into an article or some other kind of text? (More info in the slide below)

Option 2: Do one of your ideas from the brainstorming assignment! 🧠 Opción 2: ¡Haz una de tus ideas de la tarea de lluvia de ideas!
We had a brainstorming assignment in January and February, and you all came up with some good ideas. Let’s not let them go to waste: choose ONE and start writing! (More info in the slide below)

💡 Read all about the assignment in the Google Slide below. 💡
Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday April 7at 12:00pm! Send your text via email or share a Google Doc with:
Everyone is asked to send something - it doesn’t matter if it’s only a headline or one sentence. The most important thing is to get started!
La fecha límite es el miércoles el 7 de abril, a las 12:00pm. Envia tu texto con correco electrónico o en un Google Doc a:

21: El Fénix 2020/21 - Semana 21 - March 31, 2021

Find the notes from the 21st meeting here! (March 31, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

March 24, 2021- The 20th week:

Photography Assignment! 📷

¡Una asignación de fotografía! 📷

Without photographs - a newspaper or magazine isn’t much to look at…

This week the assignment is photography! You can choose either to take a portrait photo or a close-up photo! (Or do both!)

💡 Read all about the assignment in the Google Slide below. 💡

Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday March 31at 12:00pm! Send your photograph via email or share a Google Doc with:

La fecha límite es el martes el 31 de marzo, a las 12:00pm. Envia tu fotografía con correco electrónico o en un Google Doc a:

If you haven’t yet filled out the Questions for Reporters Form - don’t miss the chance to make your voice heard!
Link here!

  • Also: El Fénix No. 4 was published on March 17! 📬 Read it under "Read El Fénix" on this website.

20: El Fénix 2020/21 - Semana 20 - March 24, 2021

Find the notes from the 20th meeting here! (March 24, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

March 17, 2021- The 19th week:

Magnetic Poetry! 🌸

¡Poesía magnética! 🌸

  • El Fénix No. 4 was published on March 17! 📬 Read it under "Read El Fénix" on this website.

This week the assignment is to write a poem via the fun website Magnetic Poetry! (click here to go there)

Send the poem to me by: 1. Clicking on "Save & Share", 2. Write poem title, 3. Write your name, 4. Write my email address:

If you don't feel like writing poetry, that's alright! Take this week to rest and enjoy reading the paper.

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Tuesday March 23 at 2:00pm! Send your text to:

La fecha límite es el martes el 23 de marzo, a las 2:00pm. Envia tu texto a:

March 3 & 10, 2021- The 17-18th week:

Last call for submissions! 📞

Última llamada para entregas 📞

We will publish El Fénix no. 4 during the week of March 15! 📬 Deadline for final submissions is Thursday, 3/11, at noon!
¡Pronto publicaremos El Fénix número 4! Esta es la llamada final a entregas! La fecha límite es el jueves 11 de marzo a las 12:00pm.

The next El Fénix will be published soon! Have you not written anything yet? Or do you want to write more?
Don't worry, it's not too late to be part of the next El Fénix!

Just send your text, or photographs, or drawing to Joni via email or Google Docs before Thursday March 11 at 12:00pm!

You can choose to write in English or Spanish!
Puedes elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?
¿Cómo envío mi texto?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

Envía un correo electrónico o comparte tu Documento de Google con:

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Thursday March 11 at 12:00pm! Send your text to:

La fecha límite es el jueves el 11 de marzo, a las 12:00pm. Envia tu texto a:

Feb 24, 2021- The 16th week:

Research, research, research! 🔎

Investigación, investigación, investigación 🔎

The start of writing an article can be a bit tricky - how do I get going? The answer is: research.
This week, you will choose any of the ideas you came up with during the Brainstorming assignment and/or Black History Month assignment. This is your research subject - that will lead to you writing an article about it!

El comienzo de escribir un artículo puede ser un poco difícil - ¿cómo puedo ir? La respuesta es: investigación. Esta semana, todos elegirán cualquiera de las ideas que surgieron durante la asignación de lluvia de ideas y/o Mes de la Historia Negra. Este es tu tema de investigación - y el objetivo es escribir un artículo basado en él.

💡 Read all about the assignment in the Google Slide below. 💡

Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?
¿Cómo envío mi texto?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

Envíe un correo electrónico o comparta su Documento de Google con:

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday March 3rd at 12:00pm! Send it to: Send however much you have written at that point, if the article is only half-completed that is okay.

La fecha límite es el miercoles el 3 de marzo, a las 12:00pm. Enviarlo a:
¡Envía lo que hayas escrito en ese momento, si el artículo está amedio terminado, está bien!

El Fénix 2020/21 - la 16a semana - Feb 24, 2021

Find the notes from the 16th meeting here! (February 24, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Feb 10, 2021- The 15th week:

Black History Month Articles - part 2! ✊🏿

¡Artículos del mes de la historia negra - parte 2! ✊🏿

February is Black History Month (sometimes also called Black Liberation Month)!
It is celebrated to remember important people and events in the history of black people in the United States, and in the rest of the world.
For two weeks in a row, the assignment is to write an article about a black, historical person, group or event that YOU find interesting!
You have until Wednesday February 24th to finish the article! (after the break)

¡Febrero es el mes de la historia negra (a veces también llamado el mes de la liberación negra)!
Se celebra para recordar a personas y eventos importantes en la historia de los afroamericanos y personas negras en los Estados Unidos, y en el resto del mundo.
Durante dos semanas, la tarea es escribir un artículo sobre una persona histórica y negra (o un evento o grupo) que TU piensas es interesante.
¡Tienes hasta el miércoles 24 de febrero para terminar el artículo! (después del descanso)

💡 For more information, including some ideas on interesting people to write about, see the Google Slide below. 💡

Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?
¿Cómo envío mi texto?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

Envíe un correo electrónico o comparta su Documento de Google con:

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday February 24th at 12:00pm! Send it to:

La fecha límite es el miercoles el 24 de febrero, a las 12:00pm. Enviarlo a:

El Fénix 2020/21 - la 15a semana - Feb 10, 2021

Find the notes from the 15th meeting here! (February 10, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Feb 3, 2021- The 14th week:

Black History Month Articles! ✊🏿

¡Artículos del mes de la historia negra! ✊🏿

February is Black History Month (sometimes also called Black Liberation Month)!
It is celebrated to remember important people and events in the history of black people in the United States, and in the rest of the world.
This and next week’s assignment is to write an article about a black, historical person, group or event that YOU find interesting!
This week you will start writing the article, and after next week's meeting you will finish it!

¡Febrero es el mes de la historia negra (a veces también llamado el mes de la liberación negra)!
Se celebra para recordar a personas y eventos importantes en la historia de los afroamericanos y personas negras en los Estados Unidos, y en el resto del mundo.
y la próxima semana la tarea es escribir un artículo sobre una persona histórica y negra (o un evento o grupo) que TU piensas es interesante.
Esta semana comenzarás a escribir el artículo, y después de la reunión de la próxima semana lo terminarás!

💡 For more information, including some ideas on interesting people to write about, see the Google Slide below. 💡

Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?
¿Cómo envío mi texto?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

Envíe un correo electrónico o comparta su Documento de Google con:

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday February 10 at 12:00pm! You do not have to finish your article before the deadline, but please send your first draft (it could be half the article or just one sentence). Send it to:

La fecha límite es el miercoles el 10 de febrero, a las 12:00pm. Enviarlo a:

El Fénix 2020/21 - la 14a semana - Feb 3, 2021

Find the notes from the 14th meeting here! (February 3, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Jan 27, 2021- The 13th week:

Time to brainstorm! 🧠

¡Momento de aportar ideas! 🧠

It's time to get the ideas going for the next issue of El Fénix!
¡Es hora de poner las ideas en marcha para el próximo número de El Fénix!

This week's assignment step by step:

  1. Prepare a timer for 5 minutes!
    ¡Prepara un temporizador por 5 minutos!

  2. You are going to sit down for 5 minutes and write down at least 1 idea on each on these topics...
    Siéntate durante 5 minutos y anota al menos 1 idea sobre cada uno sobre estos temas...

A. An article (about a person, an animal, an event, a country, an object - anything!
Un artículo
B. A review (an article where you write what you think about a book, a song/album, a video game, etcetera)
Una reseña
C. An interview (Who do you want to interview? It could be someone close to you, or someone who you’ve never met)
Una entrevista

  1. Turn the timer on! Start writing NOW!
    ¡Encienda el temporizador! ¡Comienza escriba AHORA!

  2. Choose 1 of your 3 ideas and write an article/interview/review!
    Elija 1 de sus 3 ideas y escribir un artículo / entrevista / reseña

  3. Send it to Joni before the deadline, Wednesday February 3
    Envíalo a Joni antes de la fecha límite, miércoles 3 de febrero

💡 For more information, see the Google Slide below. 💡

Para obtener más información, hecha un vistazo al Google Slide a continuación.

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?
¿Cómo envío mi texto?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

Envíe un correo electrónico o comparta su Documento de Google con:

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

Wednesday February 3 at 12:00pm! (If you do not finish before the deadline, send what you have!) Send it to:

La fecha límite es el miercoles el 3 de febrero, a las 12:00pm. Enviarlo a:

El Fénix 2020/21 - la 13a semana - Jan 27, 2021

Find the notes from the 13th meeting here! (January 27, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Jan 20, 2021- The 12th week:

El Fénix No. 3 is out! 🗞️
No assignment this week -
enjoy the read!

¡El Fénix No. 3 está fuera! 🗞️
No hay asignación esta semana - disfrutar de la lectura!

Jan 13, 2021- The 11th week:

Final call for submissions! 📣

¡Llamada final a entregas! 📣

The articles that you have written during the last two months will be part of the new edition of the student paper - which will be published next week! Have you not written anything yet? Or do you want to write more articles? Don't worry, it's not too late!

Just send your text or photographs or drawing to Joni before Tuesday Jan 19 at 12pm!

Los artículos que han escrito durante los últimos dos meses serán parte de la próxima edición. ¿Aún no has terminado nada? ¿O quieres escribir más artículos? ¡No te preocupes! ¡No es demasiado tarde!

Sólo envía tu texto o fotografías o dibujo a Joni antes del martes 19 de enero a las 12 pm.

💡 For more information, see the Google Slide below. 💡

Para obtener más información, consulte el Google Slide a continuación.

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?
¿Cómo envío mi texto?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

Envíe un correo electrónico o comparta su Documento de Google con:

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

The deadline is Tuesday January 19 at 12:00pm! Send it to:

La fecha límite es el martes el 19 de enero, a las 12:00pm. Enviarlo a:

Can I still do the old assignments?

¿Todavía puedo hacer las asignaciónes anteriores?

Yes, you can! For more information, look at old lessons below.

¡Sí, puedes! Para obtener más información, consulte lecciones anteriores a continuación en esta página de web.

El Fénix 2020/21 - la 11a semana - Jan 13, 2021

Find the notes from the 11th meeting here! (January 13, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Jan 6, 2021- The 10th week:

Time to give feedback! 🗣️

¡Es hora de dar su opinión! 🗣️

Journalists and reporters often work in teams! An important part of the teamwork is to give each other feedback. This week you will all give feedback to another student reporter!

Los periodistas a menudo trabajan en equipos. Una parte importante del trabajo en equipo debe dar el uno al otro la reacción. ¡Esta semana todos se darán comentarios a otro reportero!


Joni will send all reporters another reporter's text - and you will give feedback to the other reporter. Once you’re done with your feedback - email it back to Joni.

Joni will send the feedback to each reporter - and next week we will talk about it in the Zoom meeting!


Joni enviará a todos otro texto de un reportero - y tu darás comentarios al otro reportero. Una vez que haya terminado con tus comentarios - envíalo por correo electrónico a Joni.

Joni enviará los comentarios a cada reportero - y la próxima semana hablaremos en la reunión Zoom.

💡 For more information on how to give feedback, see the Google Slide below. 💡

Para obtener más información sobre cómo enviar comentarios, consulte el Google Slide a continuación.

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?
¿Cómo envío mi texto?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

Envíe un correo electrónico o comparta su Documento de Google con:

When is the deadline?
Cuando es la fecha límite

The deadline is Wednesday January 13 at 12:00pm! Send it to:

La fecha límite es el 13 de enero, a las 12:00pm. Enviarlo a:

What if I don't know where to start?

¿Y si no sé por dónde empezar?

Look at the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions.

Consulte el "slide" a continuación para obtener más instrucciones, o envía un correo electrónico si tienes alguna otra pregunta.

Can I still do the old assignment from before Winter Break?

¿Todavía puedo hacer la antigua asignación desde antes de las vacaciones de invierno?

Yes, you can! For more information, look at the slide from the last lesson. The deadline was January 6th, but we are still accepting submissions.

¡Sí, puedes! Para obtener más información, consulte la diapositiva de la última lección. La fecha límite era el 6 de enero, pero seguimos aceptando presentaciones.

El Fénix 2020/21 - la décima semana - Jan 6, 2021

Find the notes from the 10th meeting here! (January 6, 2021)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16 - The 7th, 8th and 9th week:

Real-Life Journalist Mission - choose ONE! 🖊️

Misión periodista de la vida real - ¡elige UNA! 🖊️

These weeks we are presenting an assignment that is similar to a real-life journalist mission. On a regular newspaper, tv station or magazine the editor-in-chief calls all reporters to a editorial staff meeting in the newsroom, where they present a list of subjects that the reporters can choose from.

Similarly, all El Fénix reporters will choose (at least) one article idea from the list from Joni, or come up with an idea of their own. You can work individually or as a team with another student reporter.

The important thing here is that all reporters has to take on at least one assignment. Those who do not choose, will be handed an assignment by Joni.

💡 For a full list of the available ideas, see the Google Slide below. You can also present your own idea. 💡

Email your choice to

This time you will get extra time to write, draw or photograph. The deadline is Wednesday after the Winter Break, January 6, 2021.

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

This time you will get some extra time to write. The deadline is Wednesday January 6 at 12:00pm! But you can submit your assignment any time before that too.
Send it to:

What if I don't know where to start?

Look on the slide below for more instructions and a list of the ideas, or email if you have any other questions.

Can I do more than one of the ideas?

Yes, you can! The minimum for all reporters is to finish one assignment.

El Fénix 2020/21 - la séptima semana - Dec 2, 2020

Find the notes from the 7th-9th meeting here! (December 2, 2020)
Did you miss the last meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la última reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Nov 18 - The 6th week / la sexta semana:

Write a review 🖋️ Escribe una crítica

This week we will write a review. A review is a text where you give your opinion about something.

You write what you like and don't like about something. And more importantly: why you like or don't like it.

Your review can be about, for example:

  • A book or a graphic novel 📗

  • A song or a music album 🎵

  • A video game 🎮

  • A movie or a tv series 🎥

  • A theatre play 🎭

  • An art exhibition 🎨

See examples of what a review can look like in the slide below!

Your review article will include / Tu crítica incluirá:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A rating (from 1 to 5, where 1 is awful and 5 is amazing) - una clasificación

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto (main text)

  • Your signature - tu firma (tu nombre)

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.

Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

The review should be between 100 and 300 words.

La crítica debe estar entre 100 y 300 palabras.

(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

How do I submit my text?

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

On Tuesday December 1st at 2:00pm!

(You can send it later, but then it will take longer before you get feedback)

Send it to:

What if I don't know where to start?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions.

Can I write something else, if I don't want to write a review?

Yes, you can always do one of the old assignments - or any idea of your own!

El Fénix 2020/21 - la sexta semana - Nov 18, 2020

Find the notes from the sixth week's meeting here! (November 18, 2020)
Did you miss the sixth 2020-21 meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la sexta reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
¡Mira el Google slide!

Nov 4 - The 5th week / la quinta semana:

Write an opinion piece! 💬 Escribe una pieza de opinión

Normally in news journalism you need to be objective, which means to leave your own opinions and feelings out of the article! But the opinion piece is the exception - it is an article where you write your opinion about something!
What do you think, and why do you think so? Don't forget to back up your opinion with persuasive arguments!

Some suggestions of topics (but you can choose whichever topic you'd like):

(See info below and in the Google slide further below)

  • I think that the right/wrong person won the presidential election 🗳️

  • There should be more P.E./math/history lessons in school

  • Pets should be allowed in the classrooms 🐕

  • School should only serve vegetarian food 🌮

  • I want school to open again or I want to stay on distance learning 🏫

  • My dream president would be... 💭

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

Your opinion piece will include / Su artículo de opinión incluirá:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A lead paragraph - una entradilla

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature/byline (your name) - tu firma (tu nombre)

The opinion piece should be between 100 and 350 words.
El artículo de opinión debe estar entre 120 y 350 palabras.
(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

How do I submit my text?

Send it via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

On Tuesday November 17th at 2:00pm!
(You can send it later, but then it will take longer before you get feedback)
Send it to:

What if I don't know where to start?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions!

El Fénix 2020/21 - la quinta semana - Nov 4, 2020

Find the notes from the fifth week's meeting here! (November 4, 2020)
Did you miss the fifth 2020-21 meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la quinta reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
Mira el Google slide!

Oct 28 - The 4th week / la cuarta semana:

Write a short article/a filler 🖊️

This is a short article/filler:

(See info below and in the Google slide further below)

  • An informative text that in a brief and concise way describes a news event or something that has happened

  • It is a very short article, often no longer than a paragraph, or 3-5 sentences

  • Sometimes called a filler, because these little articles are an important way to fill the pages in a newspaper (often on the side and the bottom of the page)

  • The short article has a headline and a main body (it does not have a lead paragraph, like longer article have)

Example of a short article:

Mysterious Fossil Found In Antarctica Is A Giant Reptile Egg

Scientists from the University of Texas at Austin have finally solved the mystery of a massive fossil that has been sitting unlabeled and unidentified at a Chilean museum for almost a decade. The relic, which resembles a deflated football, is the largest-known soft-shelled egg from a marine reptile that inhabited Earth over 66 million years ago — about the time of the mass animal extinction event. Measuring more than 11 by 7 inches it is also the second-largest egg belonging to any known animal, behind only the now-extinct elephant bird.

More examples can be found in the slide below!

Some good sources for your short article:

Your short article will include / Su artículo incluirá:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

The text should be between 70 and 170 words.
El texto debe estar entre 70 y 170 palabras.
(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?

Send it via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

On Tuesday November 17th at 2:00pm! (new date)
You can send it later, but then it will take longer before you get feedback). Send it to:

What if I don't know where to start?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions!

El Fénix 2020/21 - la cuarta semana - Oct 28, 2020

Find the notes from the fourth week's meeting here! (October 28, 2020)
Did you miss the fourth 2020-21 meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la cuarta reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
Mira el Google slide!

Oct 21 - The 3rd week / la tercera semana:

This week's THEME is Halloween and Día de los Muertos! 💀🎃💀
Write anything you want - the only rule is that it should be related to Halloween or Día de los Muertos!
(Deadline Wednesday Oct 28, 2020)

Some examples on what you could write about:

(See info below and in the Google slide further below)

  • An article related to Halloween or Día de los muertos (it could be about pumpkins, witches, black cats, vampires, pan de muerto, calaveras literarias, ofrendas, etc.)

  • An article about the origins of Halloween or Día de los muertos

  • Review of a Halloween or Día de los Muertos movie

  • A scary story!

  • An interview with someone who works in a costume store

  • A quiz!

  • Your best 5/10 Halloween or Día de los Muertos jokes

More examples can be found in the slide below!

Your article will include / Su artículo incluirá:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A lead - una entradilla

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature/byline (your name) - tu firma (tu nombre)

The text should be between 100 and 500 words.
El texto debe estar entre 100 y 500 palabras.
(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my text?

Send it via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

On Wednesday October 28th at 12:00pm! (If you need more time, please email Joni:

What if I don't know where to start?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions!

El Fénix 2020/21 - la tercera semana - Oct 21, 2020

Find the notes from the third week's meeting here! (October 21, 2020)
Did you miss the third 2020-21 meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la tercera reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
Mira el Google slide!

Oct 14 - The 2nd week / la segunda semana:

This week's THEME is politics! You have two options:
Write an opinion piece! Escribe una pieza de opinión


2. Interview a politician! Hacer una entrevista con un político
(Deadline Wednesday Oct 28, 2020 - extended deadline!)

Some examples on what you could write about:

(See info below and in the Google slide further below)

  • I think that the right/wrong person won the presidential election

  • There should be more P.E./math/history lessons in school

  • Pets should be allowed in the classrooms

  • School should only serve vegetarian food

  • I want school to open again or I want to stay on distance learning

  • My dream president would be...

Your opinion piece will include / Su artículo de opinión incluirá:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A lead - una entradilla

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature/byline (your name) - tu firma (tu nombre)

The opinion piece should be between 100 and 350 words.
El artículo de opinión debe estar entre 120 y 350 palabras.
(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

  1. Interview a local politician - Hacer una entrevista con un político

(See info below and in the Google slide further below)

The local election for city council is coming up! The city council is like the local goverment, which makes laws and decisions for the cities in Humboldt County. Choose a local politician to interview! What do they want to do for the kids and youth of Humboldt?

More info and email addresses to the politicians who want to be on the city council can be found in the slide below.

Your interview will include / Su entrevista incluirá:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A lead - una entradilla

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature/byline (your name) - tu firma (tu nombre)

  • A mix between quotes and your own text - una mezcla entre comillas y tu propio texto

The interview should be between 150 and 380 words.
La entrevista debe estar entre 150 y 380 palabras.
(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my opinion piece or interview?

Send it via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

On Wednesday October 28th at 12:00pm! (Extended deadline!)

What if I don't know how to write an opinion piece or how to do an interview?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions!

El Fénix 2020/21 - la segunda semana - Oct 14, 2020

Find the notes from the second week's meeting here! (October 14, 2020)
Did you miss the second 2020-21 meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la segunda reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
Mira el Google slide!

Oct 7 - The 1st week / la primera semana:

Write an article! ¡Escribe un artículo!
(Deadline Tuesday Oct 13 2020)

Choose between the following topics:

  1. A fascinating historical person or historical event - Una persona histórica fascinante o un acontecimiento histórico

  2. A professional athlete or an artist/musician that inspires you - Un atleta profesional o un artista/músico que te inspira

  3. A scientific discovery or a scientist - Un descubrimiento científico o un científico

Your article will include / Su artículo incluirá:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A lead - una entradilla

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature/byline (your name) - tu firma (tu nombre)

The article should be between 120 and 350 words.
El artículo debe estar entre 120 y 350 palabras.
(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.
Puede elegir escribir en español o en inglés.

How do I submit my article?

Send your article via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

On Tuesday October 13th at 12:00pm!

What if I don't know how to write an article?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions!

El Fénix 2020/21 - la primera semana - Oct 7, 2020

Find the notes from the first week's meeting here! (October 7, 2020)
Did you miss the first 2020-21 meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

¿Te perdiste la primera reunión 2020-21 del equipo editorial de El Fénix?
Mira el Google slide!

This week's Deadline/
El plazo de esta semana:

Write a review! Or write whatever you want!
(Deadline Friday 5/22/2020)

This week we will write a review. If that is not your thing, you can also choose to write whatever you want! It can be an article, an interview, a poem or a short story. Or draw a comic strip!

The sky is the limit.

Writing a review:

A review is a text where you give your opinion about something. You write what you like and don't like about something. And more importantly: why you like or don't like it.
Your review can be about, for example:

  • A book or a graphic novel

  • A song or a music album

  • A concert

  • A movie or a tv series

  • A theatre play

  • An art exhibition

Your review article will include:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A rating (from 1 to 5, where 1 is awful and 5 is amazing) - una clasificación

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature - tu firma o nombre

Your text this week can be maximum 350 words.

(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.

How do I submit my text or drawing?

Send your text or drawing via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with: (English) and/or (Spanish)

When is the deadline?

On Friday May 22nd at 2:00pm!

What if I don't know how to write a review?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email or if you have any other questions

El Fénix - la tercera semana

Find the notes from the third week's meeting here!
Did you miss the third meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

The second week / La segunda semana:

Do and write an interview!
(Deadline Tuesday 5/19/2020)

This week we will interview someone, and make an interview article!
Choose a person that you want to interview. It could be:

  1. A friend or a family member - un amigo o miembro de tu familia

  2. A teacher - un profesor/una profesora

  3. Someone else, maybe a local musician, athlete or politician - cualquier otra persona

Ask via email, phone call or in person if you can interview them. Once your person says yes, you can interview them in person, via phone or via email (just remember the COVID-19 restrictions!).

Once you have done the interview (remember to write down the quotes in a notepad, or record the person with a phone's voice recording app) it is time to start writing!

Your interview article will include:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A lead - una entradilla

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature - tu firma o nombre

  • A mix between quotes from the person and your own words (read more about it in the slide below)

The interview article should be between 150 and 350 words.

(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.

How do I submit my interview article?

Send your article via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with: (English) and/or (Spanish)

When is the deadline?

On Tuesday May 19th at 11:00am!

What if I don't know how to do an interview?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions

El Fénix - la segunda semana

Find the notes from the second week's meeting here!
Did you miss the second meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!

The first week / la primera semana:

Write your own article!
(Deadline 5/11/2020)

Choose between the following topics:

  1. A fascinating animal - un animal fascinante

  2. A celebrity or a person that inspires you - una persona famosa que te inspira
    (Sorry, it can’t be your parent!)

  3. A scientific discovery - un descubrimiento científico

Your article will include:

  • A headline - un titular

  • A lead - una entradilla

  • A main body - un cuerpo principal del texto

  • Your signature - tu firma o nombre

The article should be between 120 and 350 words.

(If you write in Google Docs, choose “Tools” and “Word Count”. Or use

You can choose to write in either Spanish or English.

How do I submit my article?

Send your article via email or share a Google Doc before the deadline.

Email to or share your Google Doc with:

When is the deadline?

On Monday May 11th at 12:00pm!

What if I don't know how to write an article?

Look on the slide below for more instructions, or email if you have any other questions

El Fenix - la primera semana

Find the notes from the first week's meeting here!
Did you miss the first meeting of the editorial staff of El Fénix?
Check out the slide!