Hello everyone and welcome to my tier list. This list I put together as a passion project for anyone looking to get a better grasp on how strong any given item is in a general sense. Please understand that depending on what situation you find yourself in on any given run these ranks may not perfectly reflect how good that item will be for that run. I.E. if you have 3 flak l and level 2 shields in sector 5 the shield upgrade becomes a better upgrade than buying another flak l at a store. So, once you have a good grasp on the items I encourage you to start thinking situationally for how you spend your scrap...especially on hard. Thank you all for your shared passion in an excellent game and I wish you all the Burst Laser ll's you can handle!

Long Range Scanners - so huge of an item to get early and I hear a lot of people say it is the best item in the game and in some ways they are right but honestly for it to be that good you have to get it almost immediately and the items above this one are there because they are necessary to win this is not but still easily an s tier and a snap purchase sector 6 or earlier

Ftl Drone Tier List

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Mind Control - This is a godsend when you are short on crew to counter boarding/mind control...as well as the ability to mind control the enemy pilot and same as hacking/cloaking it is a consistently obtainable tool for most runs...all that being said though there are times when you cannot use this offensively because of a lack of scanners which makes it a little situational otherwise it would be S tier

Small Bomb - ignoring shields and defense drone is a big deal...great with boarding and an excellent accent weapon...the only thing keeping this from S tier is 3 weapons slot ships which need more bang for their buck and the occasional missile count becoming a problem...to be fair it is high S tier when it comes to boarding ships

Hull Repair Drone - most people do not like hull repair drone but I do...it provides a lot of value throughout a run when you already have drone control and will more them likely pay for itself with the repairs you wont have to buy...being able to turn drone parts into health is strong all throughout a run...at the end of the day though it is a very rare item to see and that on top of having to have drone control and drone parts makes it very situational...but especially since drone recovery arm is a thing there are times this is downright broken and will ensure a victory

Drone Control - defense drone and hull repair are the only stars of this show, but they both do a lot on runs where you have had no luck with any weapons and are struggling to make it to the boss. It will prevent a lot of damage from missles along the way, but it is worth noting that some ships have only 1-2 extra systems slots and that makes it hard to justify when having to choose between it and hacking or cloaking but the rebels on hard get their missle launchers at Sam's and as with everything else you get a big discount when you buy a lot

Breech Bomb ll - definitely one of the best missle weapons in the game...I personally only use missles as a transitional piece until I get something better as the longer you use or have to rely on them the more likely you are to run out of missiles...the few great missle weapons like this and small bomb are not affected by defense drone and that alone puts them miles above the rest...yet they do suffer some from the fact that they do no hull damage...the reason I dont often use them more permanently is they dont compliment well with the best type of weapon in the game (lasers) and when you only have three weapons slots you have to be very picky about your final weapon system and for me that does not usually include a missle weapon...for boarding purposes though this and small bomb are S tier and for gun ships missile weapons are better suited towards early and mid game ship fights as well as transitioning

Drone Recovery Arm - on some ships this could almost be called S tier and if you have drone control hull repair and this augment it's basically a free win but that does not come together that often...I struggle to place it higher because of its rarity as well as needing multiple systems/drones to make it good

Vulcan - this weapon is a powerhouse after 36 seconds but 4 power weapons especially at a purchase price of 90 scrap makes it very situational...but for 3 weapons slot ships especially engi/mantis that start with no weapons or just drone offense the fact that this can kill the flagship and most everything before it by itself is a huge bonus for runs where you aren't offered any offense

Hull Laser ll - it's a slow burst laser ll that costs 1 extra...I could see some argument for making this b tier as technically its 6 damage for 3 energy but once again downing systems in most cases is the goal and when you hit a system it's only 1 damage per laser

Charge Laser ll - 4 shots in 20 seconds for 3 power with the versatility to be able to fire any amount of shots in 5 second increments..it is usually a transitional weapon but can be used somewhat effectively throughout a run but the problem I have with this weapon is its cost to get online...two power weapons are at a sweet spot because they are relatively cheap to get online/purchase early in a run when high speed cheap weapons are important...three power weapon are awkward and it makes this a high C tier because of it

Defense Drone ll - most will say it is strictly worse than defense l but I do think you can compare it to having 2 extra shields which is useful...my problem with this drone is figuring if and when it is worth purchasing and the answer to that is never...scrap allocation is a fickle mistress that must be mastered to start consistently winning with any ship and you can't spend 80 scrap on things that are not absolutely necessary

Charge Ion - the best ion weapon in the game by quite a margin...it succeeds where the others fail at being able to target more than just shields...it is worth noting that in certain situations ion weapons such as this and ion stunner/ionblast1 and ion blast 2 can be effectively combined with beam weapons or offensive drones to take down enemies...although I believe it to be less effective than hacking with beam weapons such as halberd or a bunch of pew pew lasers, it is still a valid strategy and forgive me for bunching all the ion weapons together but imo they are only effective with each other so they are all at relatively the same power level

Offensive drones - forgive me but I am gonna lump all these in together as they are relatively the same power level and to me they are a fun set of tools to use in challenges where you try to beat the boss with only drones...unfortunately in a general way they aren't going to be a major aspect of most of your runs as you need drone recovery to even make it any where near reliable

Distraction Buoys - although widely hated this augment is actually somewhat helpful if you get it early you'll get anywhere from 5-6 free jumps out of it and then you sell it...for free only as we are still in D tier

Shield Charge Booster - most of the time I will keep this if I got it for free until I need an extra bit of scrap to get a weapon or I run out of slots for augments but its effect can save you some damage especially in phase 2 of the boss fight from the drone burst

Zoltan Shield Bypass - t has it fringe uses but I struggle to put it above C tier as a large majority of the time it's either useless or it has use but you still find yourself needing to down the zoltan shield so you can get weapons offline and I think in almost all cases I would trade for a weapons upgrade

Pegasus - the fact that this is split into 2 missles for 2 damage each makes it quite a bit better as a defense drone no longer conterd your entire weapon and that's a big deal but it is still a missle weapon but one of the better ones

Fire Bomb - crew kills are good and it's nice to have when ships can't hurt you...this does bypass shields but relies on bombs...which is better is situational but for the sake of ordering them I have to go with fire bomb as it bypasses shields/drones and does system damage if the fire stays around long enough and it keeps crew occupied trying to put it out while they burn...fire is definately more satisfying and while for the satists

Hermes - 3 energy and 3 damage its inefficient and pretty slow to boot...that mixed with defense drones making it useless and it requiring missles makes a lot of downsides and will often be sold or a transition piece for boarding

Ftl Recharge Booster - any item that can have any use whatsoever I struggle to put in the E tier and ftl recharge booster is 99% of the time useless but it can get you out of suns/asteroid/ion without taking damage and can help in a situation where your diving

The FTL Drones Tier List below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 3 submitted tier lists. The best FTL Drones rankings are on the top of the list and the worst rankings are on the bottom.

There are not enough rankings to create a community average for the Maxx's SuperMechs Drone Tier List Tier List yet. Look at the user lists below to see their opinions on the best Maxx's SuperMechs Drone Tier List. Create your own Maxx's SuperMechs Drone Tier List ranking to contribute to these Community Rankings.

I determined the NPC faction resists to base my calculations on from the highest tier standard Battleship (eg Core Lord Admiral or Pith Usurper) as their resists are amongst the highest for standard non Elite NPCs and all the lesser NPCs follow the same ratio albeit with lower overall resists. Elite ships generally follow the same ratios, just with much higher resists.

It would seem that the talk of Caldari drones been the over all best was right then for the most part with Amarr coming a close second. The only real change is vs EM weak enemys or when using Geckos for PVE.

I do run my drone boats with an omni-directional tracking link scripted with a tracking speed script and have perfect drone skills. Even with perfect tracking, you can still get glancing and grazing hits, it is just RNG, however you should get more better quality hits with good tracking than low quality hits. If you are getting more glancing and grazing hits on battleships than higher quality hits, I suspect it is a skill issue. be457b7860

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