About FSQT 2020

About FSQT 2020

Detailed studies of the various constituents of matter have always played a significant role in fundamental science. For example, theoretical and experimental studies of atoms and their spectra contributed strongly to the development of quantum mechanics. The understanding of atoms and molecules and their interactions have remained important components in the exploration of fundamental phenomena and enable studies of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics. Essential in this endeavour is the interplay between experimental and theoretical research.

A traditional view of atomic structure takes into account only the electromagnetic interaction between bound electrons and the nucleus, and also amongst the electrons, or in other words via exchange of virtual photons. By combining state-of-art relativistic many-body quantum theory with ultrahigh precision spectroscopy, other more subtle phenomena can be unravelled, which are often not readily observable in direct spectra. These effects are associated with low-energy signatures of the weak force, the electric dipole moments of electrons and quarks, and parity non-conservation. Strongly related to this domain are fundamental explorations of the interaction between light and matter. These interactions, besides providing us with atomic and molecular spectra, also reveal the quantum nature of the electromagnetic field itself, as well of its interaction mechanisms with charges and matter in general. The thorough understanding of light-matter interaction, or quantum optics, has also led to an impressive range of technological applications, a prime example of which is the laser. The laser has, in turn, played a crucial role in the continued investigations of atomic and molecular spectra, and in the precise manipulation of atomic samples. One, of many, important applications of the latter is the advent of atomic clocks and the precise measurement of time as the basis of essentially all precision measurements. Interfaces between light and well-controlled atomic samples also open up possibilities to engineer quantum networks, and the potential to build scalable quantum computers and quantum simulators. Quantum computers enable novel algorithms that tackle problems inaccessible to classical computers, while the building blocks of quantum information are essential, for example, in secure communication. Quantum simulators, using atomic arrays, open new avenues to reproduce subtle relativistic quantum effects in heavy atomic and molecular systems, where classical computations fall short. The last example exemplifies the interconnectivity of the research themes of this webinar. There is a pronounced element of cross-fertilisation between studies of atomic and molecular structure, light-matter interaction and quantum information.

In this webinar, all the above fields will be covered, with an emphasis on the links between them. Theoretical and experimental work will be presented and besides internationally established scientists giving presentations, early career researcher will also be given prominent room to present their work.