Weekly Blog

Week 1:

Our Team was not yet fully formed so we had no meeting this week.

Week 2:

Our team began to form and the engineering team had it's first meeting to discuss the overall project structure.

Week 3:

The Business and Technology students were added to the team and we had our first full team meeting to discuss the work breakdown structure.

Week 4:

The team had a meeting with our industry adviser, Ian Coolidge, to discuss his interest in the project and to get his opinions on our design plan.

Week 5:

We had a meeting with both the business and the engineering teams to discuss how we will end up integrating our efforts.

Week 6:

The business team began reaching out to potential customers and stakeholders to gain a better understanding of what the engineering team should aim to build.

Week 7:

The whole team met with a potential new advisor and industry sponsor to discuss the

Weeks 8-9:

We spent these two weeks preparing documentation and writing a white paper to send to our potential adviser in an attempt to secure extra funding!

Week 10:

The Software team finalized the whiteboard layout of how the driver will be written. The hardware team created the initial prototype of our circuit on a breadboard. Since we do not yet have our final funding numbers we created this using an LED instead of lasers.

Week 11:

The software team finalized the set-up of the virtual machines that they will be writing and testing the driver in. The hardware team continued research on laser selection.

Week 12:

This week we got word that we had secured additional funding from an outside company!

Week 13-14:

These weeks were spent working on the project!

Week 15:

This week we were able to meet in person with our sponsor and our academic advisers to discuss project specifics



Our team had a kickoff meeting to start our second semester. We Re-evaluated our goals and updated each team members deliverables for the semester


This week we met with our industry advisor and sponsor to gather necessary information and resources.


Our software team located and downloaded the template network driver that we will work off of


Our software team began dissecting a linux network driver and identifying the ways we will modify it.


Our team met individually and with our sponsor to finalize our hardware selection. Our software team finalized their architecture plans.


The team continued to make progress on software.


We began testing an electrical connection between the two sides of or hardware rig.


Meeting with sponsor was cancelled due to uncertainty surrounding COVID-19


Spring Break - No Update

WEEK 10:

The team met this week to discuss our plan moving forward.

WEEK 11:

Our team spent this week working on and refining our Elevator pitch as well as our executive summary.

WEEK 12:

We met this week to discuss the realities of our project goals due to COVID-19. We determined that while we would do all we can for the software it might not be possible to accomplish all of our goals without being able to physically connect our computers. Our hardware team determined that it would not be possible to make a viable prototype. In lieu of everything that we will be unable to complete we will be creating a google open source project. Our team will upload everything we have to GitHub and then create very detailed tickets for everything that we were unable to do.

WEEK 13:

Both our engineering and business teams have begun work on documenting our google open source project. We have also been working on finalizing our Expo poster and will update our technical report page as we make progress.