Fitness & sports excellerated, LLc

Sports Officials Training

Improve agility, get sharper on the field and be Game-Ready!

Play Long. Stay Strong.

By participating in the Officials’ Fitness Training, you will increase your knowledge in:

Hands on experience to improve your movement mechanics.  

Game Ready App

FSE has launched an app for your portable training needs.

 Apple Users click here 

Android Users click here

Coach Sean has done clinics for:NFLBig 10PAC 12Mid American ConferenceMissouri Valley Conference Tait-Consul-Griffith Football Officials ClinicWes Booker Football Officials ClinicUMFOCSNOAOHSAA NNFOABig Game Officials 

"Sean has changed the paradigmon how officials' physically trainand prevent injuries common tothe trade.  When you are aroundSean you get better and smarterabout how to GET BETTER andimprove your performance."R K.UMFO Clinic Director 
Coach, thank you for being withus during the game. I lookforward to you training us in thefuture, I learned a great deal andif you have anything that canmake me better I'm all ears.Thanks again coach!"M.G. / Missouri Valley FootballConference Official
"I just wanted to say thank you forcrew.  I really appreciate yourexpertise and feedback on how Ican improve my runningmechanics to help preventinjuries."L.G. / MAC Official
"I wanted to thank you again foryour observation, tutorage, andproviding great feedback andcorrective advice. I will implementthe workout and recommendedtraining that you have suggested.Again, it was great having you asa part of our crew last week.  Thanks for all of your help."R.D / MAC Official