Cancellation Policy
Proper Cancellation
A proper cancellation is when a student cancelled their Sim Lab appointment, via WCONLINE, at least twelve (12) hours prior to their scheduled appointment.
No Show: Late Cancellation versus Missed Appointment
A late cancellation is when a student cancelled their appointment, via WCONLINE, within 12 hours prior to their scheduled appointment. This is also called a “No Show”.
A missed appointment is a situation where the student failed to attend their Sim Lab appointment at the scheduled start time. This situation is also called a “No Show”.
If a student is late for their scheduled appointment, this is generally considered to be a missed appointment. However, at the discretion of the Sim Lab Session Facilitator, an exception may be granted for the student to proceed with their scheduled appointment provided that the student can reasonably complete the requirements of their session using the remaining time of their appointment.
First “No Show” Incident of the Semester
Upon noting the student’s late cancellation or missed appointment (collectively referred to as a “No Show” incident), the student’s Sim Lab appointment booking account (i.e., WCONLINE) will be deactivated, and all their existing Sim Lab appointments will be cancelled. The student will then be notified via e-mail of the following:
The notification addressed to the student
The location of the missed appointment
The date and time of the missed appointment
To contact their applicable Instructor for further instructions. This includes requesting for their Sim Lab appointment booking privileges to be restored.
Upon receipt of the e-mail notification, the student is responsible for contacting their relevant Instructor with an explanation of the reason for the missed appointment. The Instructor will review the circumstances of the late cancellation or missed appointment with the student.
If the Instructor authorizes the Sim Lab to restore the student’s Sim Lab appointment booking privileges, the Instructor will provide the direct authorization via e-mail to the Sim Lab. The Instructor will also notify the student of the suspension of privileges and related consequences upon their second or subsequent “No Show”.
The Sim Lab is not responsible for restoring the cancelled appointment(s) resulting from the student’s Sim Lab appointment booking account deactivation.
If the student, due to extenuating circumstance(s), is neither able to cancel their Sim Lab appointment at least twelve (12) hours prior to their scheduled appointment nor available to attend their Sim Lab appointment at the scheduled appointment start time, the Sim Lab Facilitator may, at their discretion, grant a one-time exception and re-schedule the appointment to another time slot on the same date pending Sim Lab availability such that the student can reasonably complete the requirements of their session. If this re-scheduling is not possible or the student failed to attend the appointment at the newly re-scheduled start time, this is still a first “No Show” incident. The applicable course instructor will be notified about the granted exception and the associated details (i.e., student information, extenuating circumstances, late cancellation/missed appointment date and time, and newly re-scheduled appointment time if applicable).
Second or Subsequent “No Show” Incident of the Semester
Upon noting the student’s second or subsequent “No Show” incident, the student’s Sim Lab appointment booking account (i.e., WCONLINE) will be deactivated, and all their existing Sim Lab appointments will be cancelled.
The student will then be notified via e-mail of the following:
The notification addressed to the student
The location of the missed appointment
The date and time of the missed appointment
In addition, the Sim Lab will immediately notify the applicable Instructor and Program Coordinator of the following:
The student’s full name and Humber student number
The time and dates of their “No Show” incidents
Notice of suspension of the student’s booking privileges (for the remainder of the semester), including the cancellation of their existing Sim Lab appointments.
The Instructor will contact the student about their suspended Sim Lab appointment booking privileges and the cancellation of their existing Sim lab appointments. The Instructor will also advise the student the option to meet with their Program Coordinator to discuss the circumstances.
Appeal to the Program Coordinator
A student may choose to meet with the Program Coordinator, at any point, to discuss the circumstances of their “No Show” incident(s).
If the Program Coordinator, in consultation with the applicable Instructor, authorized the student’s Sim Lab appointment booking privileges to be restored, the Program Coordinator will notify the Instructor and provide the direct authorization via e-mail to the Sim Lab. The Sim Lab is not responsible for restoring the cancelled appointment(s) resulting from the student’s Sim Lab appointment booking account deactivation.
If the Program Coordinator, in consultation with the Instructor, decided not to reinstate the student’s Sim Lab appointment booking privileges, the Program Coordinator should notify the student of the right to appeal the decision to the Associate Dean. This decision should be e-mailed to the student with a copy forwarded to the Associate Dean with an explanation of the suspension of privileges.
E-mail/Text Reminders
Students who schedule their Sim Lab appointment through the WCONLINE scheduling system will receive a reminder notification via e-mail at 8:00 PM EST, two days in advance of their scheduled appointment. Alternatively, students can opt into text message reminders instead of e-mail when registering for their Sim Lab appointment booking account using WCONLINE (but cannot opt into both e-mail and text).
Appointment reminders sent via e-mail or text are a courtesy measure provided by the Sim Lab. It is the student’s responsibility to document the date and time of their scheduled appointment. It is also the student’s responsibility to attend their appointment at the scheduled start time or cancel their appointment using WCONLINE at least twelve (12) hours prior to the scheduled appointment, to prevent their Sim Lab appointment booking account from being deactivated due to “No Show” incident.