The Camlin Practical Record Note Book is a high qu ality notebook designed for biology students and professionals. It contains 104 pages of acid free ruled paper that is ideal for writing down observations experiments and notes. The books wirebound spine allows it to lay flat making it easy to work on. The cover is made of hardbound durable material that protects the pages inside and it is printed with the subject name BIOLOGY on it. The book is perfect for keeping track of laboratory experiments field notes and class notes. With its high quality paper and sturdy construction the Camlin Practical Record Note Book is a reliable and convenient choice for any biology student or professional.

Eleven themes, critical to our understanding of the living world are explored in engaging lectures. Some topics explore evolutionary innovations, others the resilience of life. Throughout the course, we introduce the science that underpins current understanding of biology.

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A walk through the evolutionary tree of life, examining the amazing diversity of major groups of organisms from plants through fungi to invertebrates. Learn about how each group of organisms arose, their characteristics, and how they achieved success.

You will be assessed by a combination of short online pre-lab tests to help you prepare for practicals, laboratory reports, on which you will get detailed feedback to help you develop your skills, and an exam.

This course will take you on a journey through the physical workings of the Earth, the interactions between species and their environments and then on to the effects humans are having on the planet, potential solutions and thoughts on the future.

The course will help you consolidate and develop skills in experimental design, sampling, analysis, presentation, and interpretation of data. You will be encouraged to seek to improve your academic writing and develop other transferable skills.

Each week, there is one 1-hour introductory lecture. In two 2-hour sessions when will work through a series of computer-based data tasks, using relevant and realistic biological and environmental themes.

Lectures will guide you through the various body systems and their interactions that maintain homeostasis in animals. Associated practicals allow you to explore particular systems in further detail and to develop relevant lab skills.

This is a residential field course designed to provide you with training in field identification and sampling techniques based in Kelvinside Academy John Duff Lodge, Corgarff, Strathdon. Group based project work provides skills in team working, data collection, analysis and presentation.

Residential field course designed to introduce you to the main groups of parasitic invertebrates and protozoa in our indigenous wildlife and provide you with training in field identification and sampling techniques.

We aim to pack as much experience into this course as we can in 6 days, so we work long and quite intensive days to allow you to develop deep understanding of parasitology, but there is always time at the end of the day to unwind with peers and staff in the excellent social facilities and to enjoy the unique environment of the Isle of Cumbrae.

A course in which several researchers explore both core and emerging issues in the plant sciences, focusing in particular on the inter-dependence of plants, people and environment. Students are encouraged to develop a range of important generic and applied skills, through lectures, practicals and seminars. Two practicals and one seminar contribute 50% of the course mark. An exam contributes 50% of the overall course grade and consists a choice of multiple-choice questions and short, structured questions.

This course introduces the biology of the open oceans, shelf seas, coastal waters, estuaries and shores. The focus is mainly on the diversity of lifeforms in different marine environments and the adaptations of these organisms to their living conditions, taking account of the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment. The course also aims to develop skills in marine biological research methods, data analysis, reading scientific articles, critical thinking, and scientific writing. The knowledge and skills developed through these activities provide a strong foundation for further study of the functioning of marine ecosystems and the impacts of humans on them.

By working through a series of exercises, you will learn how 1) to conduct data exploration and determine an appropriate approach to data analysis, and 2) to analyse and interpret results from a range of parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses. After three weeks of a compulsory unit on statistics, you will choose one of four options meant to introduce you to advanced topics. The compulsory statistics unit is assessed through online tests; the options are assessed separately.

The course is designed to extend the learning from BI2018 Biological Enhanced Skills Training by reinforcing basic principles and introducing statistical modelling. Throughout the course we aim to instill a robust approach to statistical analysis.

Fundamental concepts of animal behaviour are introduced through a series of lectures and practicals, essential knowledge for those interested in better understanding animal behaviour as well as potentially undertaking an animal behaviour Honours project.

You will be trained in broad environmental thinking required to understand the complex nature of contemporary environmental problems. The main purpose of the course is to work towards a sufficiently deep understanding of society's relationship with the environment to appraise and start to address so-called wicked (i.e. impossible to fully comprehend, insoluble and chaotic) problems.

The course will follow a textbook to allow immersion in the author's ways of thinking. During the first three weeks, key aspects of human-environment relationships will be developed through lectures and subsequent discussion. During the last two weeks, students will be engaged in the co-production of knowledge by preparing and presenting worked out case studies themselves as starting point for debate on focal 'objects of concern (e.g. the return of the wolf, uranium in society, e-waste).

Upon completion of the course, students will showcase their creations at an event, static display in or other arenas. Summative assessment will be based on one group project and one individual project.

You will produce a grant proposal on a research topic relevant to the field visit site; a tutorial during preparation of the proposalwill provide feedback ot help you improve your research plan and an evaluation of your peers' proposal will reinforce your understanding of good research project planning.

The exercise of defining a researchable question, outlining

the methodology, and writing an argument as to

why the research should be funded provides excellent training for students

interested in pursuing a career in science.

An introductory workshop reminds you of good practice in writing an extended essay and a meeting with your essay supervisor provides you with feedback on your essay plan. You also have the opportunity to submit a draft essay for comments from your essay supervisor.

Through regular engagement with the SBS Research Seminar Programme you will increase your appreciation of the diversity of research methologies, thinking, presentation and discussion styles present in the biological and environmental sciences.

Divided into contaminated land, waste, air, freshwater and marine pollution, each week the subject, legislative and regulatory context, site investigation and appraisal, and management are introduced.

Each theme also has an associated practical element to provide hands on experience in techniques in environmental pollution, providing you with a grounding in the assessment and management of environmental pollutants.

Eleventhemes are explored in engaging lectures, exploring the mechanisms of lifeprocesses and introducing you to the science that underpins currentunderstanding of biology.Structuredpractical sessions and class activities help you to develop your study andlaboratory skills, and provide you with a strong foundation for a successfultransition into university study. Regularassignments, a mix of online tests, practical reports and reading assignments,structure your activities and help you progress through the course material.Weekly guestlectures about current research helps you to see how basic biological conceptsare being applied to real world problems. 

1st Attempt: 1 two-hour MCQ exam (60%) and in-course assessment (40%).Resit:Similar to first attempt, with continuous assessment marks and/or exam mark carried forward and an opportunity to complete either a resit exam (a MCQ exam in similar format to the main exam) or a practical exam (a one hour short answer exam based on the practical sessions), depending on what was failed in the first attempt.

Description: Join us for our premiere Python Bootcamp Week, offering a comprehensive dive into Python programming. Mirroring the approach of its R counterpart, the bootcamp unfolds through a sequence of dedicated sessions that encompass the full data analysis workflow. This includes importing and cleaning data, moving on to complex data manipulation, and employing advanced visualization techniques with the pandas and seaborn libraries. Each day's workshop builds on the last, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and practical application of Python for data analysis. 152ee80cbc

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